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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. D

    copper pipe serving?

    In case anyone is thinking of this, don't! I just made a chiller line with copper pipe, big mistake. Worked fine on demo nice cold beer, second pint green drank already now feeling sick! Ph is real
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    Birch sap hop water

    I recently tapped a few trees for the first time, something I've wanted to do for a while as I'm into foraging and it always seemed like a cool thing to do. My intention was to boil it down to syrup but I realised I was getting a hell of a lot of liquid from the 8 trees i tapped plus the first...
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    PWM..Show us How

    Hey, I've recently come to the conclusion that the power controllers I've been using like the above are no good (and scarily dangerous), and I'd like to do something like you suggested although not being in the us (UK) I'm not totally sure what I want in terms of controller and relay. I gather...
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    Uk hop buy

    Hey I am doing a group buy on the UK version of this sub of some hops. I will repackage into 250g vac sealed bags of pellets all 2020 or 21. Cost price basically plus postage I'll probably round up to a fiver to cover packaging but I will post the invoice so you can work out what the costs are...
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    What are you drinking now?

    That's a nice looking beer, it deserves a better looking glass.. (sorry I'm a confirmed glass snob) How do you find the 07270? My supplier has a bulk load of it going cheap from a couple years ago, but I was a bit dubious of the onion garlic descriptors... Figure a small amount in a dank West...
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    What are you drinking now?

    Thanks to good old Corony virus, the local ish gastro pub closed down and were thoughtful enough to shout me a keg of delicious local brewery fyne ales easy trail for free! Unlike me to be not getting high on my own supply but can't beat free beer. Also just heard the government are flipping...
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    HAZY IPA coming out dark

    Yea, oxy. Neipa has pretty much zero tolerance of oxygen. Like I rarely even do a second dry hop after fermentation as even a few molecules of air can mess it up. I do a closed transfer to liquid purged kegs exclusively for neipa. You might get away with it if you transfer before fermentation...
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    Discussion on malty German beers

    Used to be a sour mash i think or possibly just some sourgut , now just lactic
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    British Lager Yeast?

    Tbh they are mostly crap and i guarantee you none are a British lager strain. Thornbridge and brewdog are fine. Better is the easy livin pils by tempest. Really it's just a dumb article about nothing. But then you wouldn't expect a newspaper to know much about brewing i suppose
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    Bottom fermentation

    It lives.
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    Bottom fermentation

    Tbh if the yeast was ok it should have been going gangbusters within a few hrs. I suspect maybe a problem with your yeast washing proscess, or harvesting. Looks like a good amount of something in the bottom, but it needs to be yeast. Infections don't really affect the fermentation noticeably...
  12. D

    Bottom fermentation

    Oop there we go. Does that say 64f? That should be ok. I can confirm it looks like there is nothing happening/happened. So assuming the wort is ok which not knowing your proscess is hard to say .-does it taste sweet? - leads me to assume bad yeast from whatever your proscess in harvesting or...
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    Bottom fermentation

    Uh. That's a lot of unusable information and very little useable information im afraid. So firstly are you making a lager at lager temps with 029? If so this is the problem, it needs to be over 17c. Bubble activity means nothing unless you have a well sealed ferment vessel, but if it understand...
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    Thinking About Getting A Coffee Urn To Use As A Hot Liquor Tank

    That one listed is pretty quick. Cold to boiling in maybe half an hr or so. Aim for 2500 watts.
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    Fullers recipes for ESB/Pride/Chiswick, Imperials, NEIPA - from the horse's mouth

    Although i do take umbrage with you claiming Northern.. being a Scottish Finn, to me youre a southern nancy
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    NEIPA dont’s

    That might be true. I've struggled to get a flavour is like from keg hops, perhaps it's been too cold. The point of the bio addition is kind of that it blends and changes the flavour into a more juicy thing i equate with neipa in my mind... I'm in Scotland mind you so I've never tried the so...
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    NEIPA dont’s

    I'm starting to lean that way too. Small first wort addition, small 20 min medium sized 5min and a reasonable whirl. Massive bio.
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    Fullers recipes for ESB/Pride/Chiswick, Imperials, NEIPA - from the horse's mouth

    I always read your posts when i see there is a reply to some thread I've been on add they rarely disappoint You got a book or a blog going on? Plenty of good geekery in my humble opinion.
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    Constant Battle - Ethyl Acetate - Looking for suggestions.

    Personally it doesn't sound like a problem with pitch rates or fermentation temperature as you're doing everything right on that front for no acetate. Id guess maybe either bleach/water contamination or unfortunately some terminator style evil infection. A lot of people don't believe in the...
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    What are your thought on Mandarina Bavaria hops?

    Yes it's good. Much cheaper than amarillo etc here in uk, so it's been a good value hop. Not as aggressive as similar us style hops but very nice. Very orangey but of honey and light herbal notes