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  1. grahamfw

    Creature Comforts Tropicalia Clone

    What kind of dry hop schedule and amounts have you guys done?
  2. grahamfw

    Brewmasters Warehouse

    While I understand grieving is a process and takes time, that was over 1.5 years ago and does not excuse the continued mishaps of BMW. Customers by and large do not care about the personal struggles of the business owner. They want a competitively priced product delivered in a reasonable amount...
  3. grahamfw

    American Brown Ale American Winter Brown Ale

    I'm pretty sure S-04 is more alcohol tolerant than S-05, but I could be mistaken. Depending on the fermentation temp, 04 should be a bit more estery and in my opinion would go better with this beer.
  4. grahamfw

    Head retention question

    How much did you dry hop it? I wonder if it's possible to dry hop so much that the oils in the hops kill the head retention. Any other adjuncts that you added?
  5. grahamfw


    I'd say these are probably fine. Brew with them and let us know how it goes!
  6. grahamfw

    Summer IPA

    I came in here to beg you not to use those awesome hops for bittering, and it looks like someone already learned ya. :) That looks like a fine beer. I love Nelson hops. Need to try some Galaxy at some point. Haven't used those...
  7. grahamfw

    Subbing Magnum for Warrior

    The longer you boil the hops, the more bitterness you will get. If you adjust the amounts to account for that, you should get a similar beer. You DON'T add 1.25 oz of warrior at 60 mins - read the notes. You add about half at 60 then add the rest a little bit at a time until 35 mins (try to...
  8. grahamfw

    Whirlpool/aerate question

    30 mins is probably overkill for allowing it to settle on a partial boil. 20 should be just fine. Just take extra care to siphon from a single spot so it doesn't move around and disturb the trub cone in the middle. Carboy will allow you to see your beer and verify activity. You are correct...
  9. grahamfw

    Storm shelter for primary? (Hole-in-garage-floor kind)

    I also like the "fix it once" approach. A temperature controlled fridge can be set at any temperature below ambient, whereas the storm shelter temp will likely only give you one temp for the most part. Buy once, cry once.
  10. grahamfw

    Removing chloramine and inline sparging

    I think he is using just hot tap water. You'll need some sort of vessel to collect all of your sparge water, treat it, then you can pump that water to the mash for the sparge. No inline chloramine removal that I can think of.
  11. grahamfw

    How I improved my brews and brewdays

    Thanks for the feedback! I didn't know how much I needed a pump until I had one. Really helps with mashing in and chilling, for sure.
  12. grahamfw

    why am I missing my OG by so much??

    If you can, take a picture of your crush and post it to the forum. Most of these guys can spot a good crush from a mile away. Make sure you stir the mash very well when you fill up for the second batch sparge. Also, when you take the gravity reading, take it at the start of the boil and adjust...
  13. grahamfw

    Immersion or plate cooler?

    I've started using my old immersion chiller as a prechiller for my plate chiller. I'm a huge fan though admittedly I finally did a BOILING PBW back flush on my plate and was a little surprised at some of the stuff it got out. If you use a hop spider or really good whirlpool, you shouldn't have...
  14. grahamfw

    To hop bag or not?

    At 6 weeks, you may have had a lot of the initial hop flavor subside. If you want to get more fresh hop aroma, I'd dry hop it. I would imagine a Lagunitas IPA would have a dry hop regimen, yes? Also, post the recipe and we can see where maybe there should be more hops or if something else is at...