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  1. Sillybilly

    Ohio Akron, Ohio area homebrewers

    I am in the Massillon area
  2. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    Brewed this on Saturday, went with: 10.5# 2-row 1.5# Flaked oats 12oz Special B 8oz Pale Chocolate 8oz 60L 6oz Roasted Barley OG was 1.056 as I wanted a little more volume to to fill both 5.5gal and 1gal fermentor. Pitched starter with various bugs then S-04 after 2 days. The 1-gal fermenter...
  3. Sillybilly

    GOOD on Netflix STREAMING?

    I can't remember how it started off to say if YOU will think it gets better, but I really enjoyed that series.
  4. Sillybilly

    What are you drinking now?

    Is that clamp one piece or are those special stands?
  5. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    Did you brew the recipe you mentioned above? How'd it come out? @Cool_Hand_Luke I will report back, I am preparing my grain bill now and probably brew this weekend, I was hoping to wait another week but starter is ready to go so why not? Do you think ToD was actually that much more sour or...
  6. Sillybilly

    Average age of home brewers......

    27 and brew about two 5-gallon batches a month
  7. Sillybilly

    Stupid Joke Thread!

    What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?
  8. Sillybilly

    Margarita Gose

    I say go for it, I know the idea of dry hopping was been tossed around for this but not sure anyone has done it! Curious about your results if you do
  9. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    Agreed about the roast in a sour stout. I am sure I can bump my roasted malts a bit, but I don't think I want to go to 12%, like you said, better to play it safe. I can always make adjustments down the road, possibly blending (first time for everything).
  10. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    What was the body/mouthfeel like on this? I didn't see a Madrugada recipe. I actually went to buy this one awhile back but grab Bam Noire thinking that was its name. Yeah, I heard JP's Pedio strain(s) is pretty gnarly. :rock:
  11. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    Looking forward to hearing about it!
  12. Sillybilly

    Margarita Gose

    I didn't dry hop the margarita gose but I did on a kettle sour with 50/50 pils/wheat. I believe it was 2oz of Motueka for 3 gals. It was pretty good, but next time I would probably use another 2oz of something else or maybe a flameout addition as well. Never used Ekuanot but could be a nice...
  13. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    That looks like it would be pretty tastey, do you have any tasting notes? nothing "formal" just an idea of what it tastes like. I know what you're saying, but I want to get deeper roast flavor in there. I figure at 2% that should give enough without being overwhelming... a "less of something...
  14. Sillybilly

    Sour Stout! Tried and true recipes

    As of now, my preliminary recipe is: 75% Pale 10% Flaked oats 5% Special B 4% Crystal 60 4% Chocolate (maybe pale) 2% Roasted Barley OG around 1.060
  15. Sillybilly

    What book is on your nightstand? Readers!

    On the third book of Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children. It is a decent series, but not really what I was excepting, I am looking forward to finishing it up. Before that was A God in the Shed.