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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. bigken462

    Current state of craft homebrewing hobby

    Good morning all, It's been way to long since I've visited and posted on this site. Once a point of time in my previous single life, I considered homebrewing to be something I was very passionate about. For several years I devoted every spare dollar, and square foot of space in the garage to a...
  2. bigken462

    Just dropping by to say hello

    Hey guys, dang it's been a few moons since I've been on here or been able to brew. I miss it more than anything. After getting married several years back, my free time and money (was there ever such thing as free time and money?) took a nose dive. My two step children have several chronic...
  3. bigken462

    Pump question. Non-brew related

    Hey guys, sorry for the non-brew related post, but I think this would get me the best results here. I need a 12 volt water pump to help me water a few garden spots that is to far away from the house to buy water hose for. Currently I fill a 100 gallon cattle tub up with water that is on the...
  4. bigken462

    Pond Pump: Possible use for carboy/keg cleaner

    Hello guys, I have available to me a Little Giant 6-CIM-R pump. This pump has once been used in a chicken house farming application feeding the fogging system. It has set outside for i'm guessing a number of years exposed to the weather, however when plugged in it still works flawlessly. I...
  5. bigken462

    How to compute ABV for added honey

    Hey guys, I brewed 12 gallons of Kolsch a month back and split it into two batches. One was to be an experimental batch for me using honey in the seconday. I had a 1.051 OG and it finished out to 1.012 before I transferred. I then added two lbs of honey. It took it a while, but...
  6. bigken462

    Honey Bees for mead

    I've never made Mead, but now that I have some acreage, I have been thinking about putting some hives out (never done that either lol) I'm a lil curious about the amount of honey a person would need and perhaps too, the amount of hives I would need to have established to harvest a few carboys...
  7. bigken462

    1/4" ID Barbed swivel nut and Oetiker clamps

    I can't for the life of me understand why these two little items cost so much. One main website I shop at most list the swivel nuts at 3.99 each and .99 cents for a single Oetiker clamp, and .99 cents for a flared nylon washer Surely there is a cheaper source for these items? I didn't plan...
  8. bigken462

    Carbing multiple beers at once

    This coming Friday I plan to keg these beers up that I have listed below. I will be storing these in my basement at around 60-65 degrees for a while longer while I save up to buy a bigger chest freezer and the beer side of the kegs. I have a 8 port distribution manifold with a single reg that...
  9. bigken462

    Chugger versus March

    I think my next upgrade to my brew house will be a pump. In my limited time at work tonight, I've tried to search for some links directly comparing the two. Seem to have plenty of links where people are having problems, but not too much luck otherwise where the two have been compared side by...
  10. bigken462

    New to this forum...Thinking about some cheese.

    Ok, i will admit not having much - if any previous interest in making cheese, but yesterday, I found out my landlords dad has a small dairy business that he sells fresh, non-pasteurized cows milk on a honor system each day. This person has a self-sustaining farm where he grows and mixes his own...
  11. bigken462

    When and how to add honey to a Kolsch

    So far my favorite brew has been a Reissdorf Kolsch clone. I've done this beer several times with great success and it's always gone before I know it. I will be brewing another batch of this next week, but think this time i'll do 10-11 gallons and play with it a bit. I've read many threads...
  12. bigken462

    Yeast that does well with basement temps 60-65ish

    G'morning guys. Having just moved into my house in January, I now have a full basement to store stuff in. It's unfinished, with no AC vents. In the past few months that I have lived there, the temps seem to stay at around 60-63 degrees or so. I'm not sure what to expect this summer yet...
  13. bigken462

    Keg marking to determine thread size

    I just purchased 3 Firestone pin lock kegs a cpl days ago. My OCD can't deal with mix-matched stuff, so I'm going to convert these to Ball lock. This seemed like a dang simple task at first, till I seen there was several sizes. How would I determine if I have a Firestone V Challenger, VI...
  14. bigken462

    Priming for small batch; How much sugar?

    I know deep down in my notes somewhere I have this written down, but can't find it anywhere. It's been a year or more since I've split a batch between the keg and bottling, but I want to use a 3 gallon keg that I have sitting around that never seems to get used. I would like to bottle the other...
  15. bigken462

    Link back to forum sponsers

    Is there a way to link back to our forum sponsors when we refer or recommend someone during the course of a reply or to give a shout out to reflect a positive customer experience so that the sponsor will see the web traffic of their name being used? Perhaps this could give them a opportunity to...
  16. bigken462

    I've overdosed my beers on Campden Tablets

    For the last 6 batches of beer, two of which I made back in November that I consider undrinkable - but I think for other reasons, and I fear 4 recent batches that's not yet finished I've been mistakenly overdosing them on Campden Tabs For some time now, I've often wondered why the directions on...
  17. bigken462

    AIH shipping times?

    I'm a lil pushed on time and chores this week. Typically I don't mind the 70 mile drive to my local shop, but not sure I can spare the time to get there tomorrow. I'll spend about as much in fuel as I would in shipping so I thought I would place a order in the morning to AIH to save me the...
  18. bigken462

    Just realized I goofed on the hop schedule

    So last Saturday, while in the middle of a 2nd boil, I made the spur of the minute decision to push forward and brew a 3rd batch of a kit I had planned on doing later this week. It was from NB - Luckiest Man Pale Ale. I already had the kit, but had not made the starter since I had not planned on...
  19. bigken462

    The Keg guy in Huntsville Alabama

    There used to be a person in the Huntsville / Madison area that sold used soda kegs on Craigs list. Now that I finally got the extra funds to purchase a few kegs, I can't find a single listing on there from him. For you Alabama peeps, have any of you a idea what happened to this guy? or...
  20. bigken462

    Bottle vs. Keg on aging.

    Every year in May, I plan a sizable crawfish boil and shoot to have enough brew for 40-50 peeps. Because of a move late last year I was not able to do hardly any brewing and now find myself really behind on what I would like to have aging in the beer closet. I will admit, in the past bottling...