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  1. grace1760

    Mini-mash beginner questions

    I'm interested in making the switch from all extract to partial mash. I've read Deathbrewer's sticky several times. My questions are: 1) The pic below shows my two brew pots. One is a 40-qt. SS kettle, and the other is an 8-qt. SS pot. Can I do this with the equipment I have? If I wanted to...
  2. grace1760

    New Homebrew Store in Chicago

    Just learned about this place, I know nothing about it yet, other than they will have ingredients and supplies, and will be running various classes designed for all levels of homebrewers. At the very least, it might be a good 2nd option to Brew-and-Grow. :mug:
  3. grace1760

    May the Beer Gods give me patience...

    ...and good beer. My first batch (kolsch) has been in bottles for 12 days, conditioning at about 65-66 degrees in the basement. I went down there tonight to check on my Agave Wit, which has been fermenting for 4 days (that seems to be chugging along nicely, although it would appear the...
  4. grace1760

    Please critique my process

    I just finished brewing my 3rd batch (all extract, with specialty grains). This was AHS Imperial Agave Wit. I think overall it went pretty well, but here are the things I'm concerned or confused about: 1) I have a 10-gallon stainless steel brew kettle (in anticipation of AG batches someday)...
  5. grace1760

    Fermentation setup question

    I have two options for the location of my two fermentation buckets: 1) pseudo-swamp cooler in my bedroom, where temps change regularly and there's no guarantee I can keep them from creeping into the high 70's or low 80's in the summer months (see this week as an example); or 2) 4 flights...
  6. grace1760

    Horizontal Fermometer

    Can the fermometer be applied to the side of the fermentation bucket horizontally and still be effective? I can't imagine why it wouldn't. I want to stick it low enough that it's below the top of the beer, but above the water in my swamp cooler.
  7. grace1760

    I WILL make good beer

    I took a gravity reading on my first brew (brewer's best Kolsch kit) last night after 19 days in primary -- 1.013, pretty much where it should be. I'll take another one tomorrow and if consistent I'm going to bottle. But when I tasted the sample, it had a bitter and somewhat sour flavor to it...
  8. grace1760

    Advice on kit/yeast

    I'm only two brews into this thing, and even though my LHBS has decent supply of Brewer's Best extract kits, I'm interested in ordering from AHS due to the fact that they have such a great selection. My question is whether I should just go with the dry yeast that comes with the kit (in this...
  9. grace1760

    Fermentables - Partial Mash vs. Extract

    I understand the difference between extract and partial-mash; what I don't understand is why the specialty grains that come with extract kits don't contribute any fermentable sugar to the wort, whereas the grains that come with partial mash kits do. :confused: Also, are "partial mash" and...
  10. grace1760

    Extract Addition Schedule

    I'm brewing a Brewer's Best IPA (right now! second solo brew). I'm doing a partial boil (5 gal boil...I'm sure I'll have to top off after I'm done) I have a couple of noob questions: 1. my specialty grains are steeping right now, at about 162 degrees. I notice that the muslin bag full of...
  11. grace1760

    Irish Moss - Extract

    In researching Irish Moss on HBT, I've read that it's not really necessary for extract brewing; is this true? Even if one is steeping specialty grains**? Also, what's the shelf life like for Irish Moss? **As an aside, can someone please explain the difference between extract brewing...
  12. grace1760

    Noob resource?

    Is there a thread that explains the vocab and the "why" of partial-mash brewing? I've read Deathbrewer's sticky on the beginner board...but... - what is sparge, mash, conversion (and how do you measure), strike? - is the advantage of PM brewing a better tasting beer? I'm sure something...
  13. grace1760

    First hydrometer reading

    So I'm thinking of taking a hydro reading on my first brew (kolsch-style) this evening. It's been 11 days since I pitched, and I had good airlock activity for the first 3 days or so. I know I can probably just let it sit for another week or two, but I'm anxious to get a look at it (hey, it's my...
  14. grace1760

    Full Boil (extract)

    Doing a full boil right now, trying a Kolsch kit (little did I realize until after I bought it that Kolsch seems to be a difficult style to re-create; it's cool, long as it tastes good). Taking forever to get 6 gallons to a full boil on the stove, but I'm just about there. My...
  15. grace1760

    Kolsch-style Kit for first brew

    Okay, technically my fourth brew, but it's been a few years. I'm excited to brew in a couple of days, but after reading some older threads on here I'm concerned and have lots of questions. The kit (Brewer's Best) came with a dry packet of Nottingham yeast, but popular opinion is that the...
  16. grace1760

    Assembling my Brew Equipment

    After 3 decent brews about 2 years ago, I want to get back into homebrewing. Unfortunately, I have to re-acquire all of the equipment. I'm still a total noob but spending the past week on these boards has really helped me remember the basics (thank you all :) ) I've decided that I'm going to...
  17. grace1760

    What is two-stage fermentation?

    So, after 2 successful home brews (extract kits; English Brown Ale and American Cream Ale), I'm looking to take on bigger beers. I was perusing the Northern Brewer catalog, and I notice that many of the "heavy ale" kits (Double IPA, Imperial Stout, etc.) indicate that these require 2-stage...
  18. grace1760

    Sanitizing Questions

    I posted this in the Sanitizing Forum, but I think it was to "newbie" for the folks on that board... I clean with something called Straight-A, which I get from my LHBS. I sanitize with an Iodophor-based solution...although to be honest, I'm not very exacting when it comes to creating it (I...
  19. grace1760

    Observations from a "D+" grade 1st attempt

    I'm not sure which is greater: my excitement to begin my first homebrew, or my disappointment at this middle stage of the process. I brewed a brown ale (extract kit) 11 days ago. The brewday seemed to go okay. I rehydrated the Munton's yeast that came with the kit (wasn't sure if it needed to...
  20. grace1760

    Secondary Carboy - Airlock?

    Hi all, my first ever batch is about 5 days into the primary fermentation stage (nut brown ale, extract brew kit). I have two questions: 1) First time using a hydrometer, it looked like OG was at 1.044...does that sound about right? What is a good FG to rack at? The instructions that came...