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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. C

    Hows this recipe look

    Worked this up in BrewSmith, hows it look 11lbs maris otter pale malt 1lb cara pils/dextrine .5lb caramelt/crystal malt 80L .5lb biscuit malt .25lb chocolate malt 1.5oz warrior 60min .5oz summit 15min .25oz mt hood 0min Wyeast 1084
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    Would this work in a mash tun?

    I was thinking the other day on new ways to make manifolds and false bottoms for mash tuns and this crossed my mind. Say I have a rectangular cooler and somehow make a frame that raises and inch or so off the bottom and has a window type screen in the frame. Then around the sides of the frame...
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    CT hop growing

    I want to start growing my own hops I live in CT and not sure where to begin. What would be the best variety to grow in my area and what time of year should I plant. All the sites I have found only have info on growing like south or out west more. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
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    Just curious?

    So I was thinking of starting to grow my own hops next season and was just curious if you can crossbreed them?
  5. C

    Beersmith Question

    I downloaded the trial version to try out. But in the calculate hop bitterness tab it only has 3 spaces for only 3 hop additions is there anyway to add more spaces? Also are there any other features that are on the full version that arent on the trial?
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    Noob needs direction

    I want to take it to the next level as I am moving to all grain and I decided why not get into culturing yeast strains. What is a exact list on what I need and any good books or sites on the subject?
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    Moving to all grain

    I am moving to all grain and I am looking for a good video or instruction on a VERY good mashtun made from a cooler..I did google it and youtube it and there are so many to choose from idk where to start which ones the best of them?
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    Taking that big step and investing in a COMPLETE brew magic system complete with their chiller, fermenter, and storage keg anyone have this system and their thoughts on it seeing as I am going to be spending a BIG chunk of change on it.
  9. C

    Secondary or not?

    Its time to transfer from primary to secondary which I have always done.............I have been reading lately about people who dont secondary will it effect my beer if I just leave it in the primary for the rest of the time before bottling?
  10. C

    Grain bag?

    I didnt have a muslin bag for brewing the other night so I used a roll of cheesecloth I had and just sanitized the cloth then rinsed it out with hot water and used it to steep my grains. This may be a dumb question but is there anything wrong with using cheesecloth? Is it going to effect my beer...
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    Never made hard cider..........HELP

    What is the basic process for making and bottling hard cider.......and what is the best yeast to use? Also for higher alcohol content should someone told me to add brown sugar during the boil? Any info is greatly appreciated
  12. C

    Pitched yeast to hot.......I think..HELP

    I brewed a apple spice ale tonight and think i pitched the yeast way to hot. I couldnt get the temp to go down I poured chilled water and some ice and let it sit but didnt want to let it sit uncovered I wanted to get the yeast in ASAP my guess the pitch temp was around 88-90 degrees. Should I be...
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    Florida Water?

    Moving down to Florida the end of the month Orlando to be exact my question is how is the water down there for brewing? My guess is not so good Florida brewers tell me different?
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    I am puzzled over my first homebrew I am getting a weird array of off flavors and I cant put my tongue on it on what it is. Will someone accept a bottle of my homebrew and give me some advice on these off flavors. Ill send out a free bottle or two....
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    What is the worlds rarest beer?

    Heres a question that im sure is going to stir up alot of feedback what is the rarest beer in the world? Rarest in the USA?
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    Florida Brewpubs?

    I am moving down to Orlando the first week of march is anyone familiar with any decent brewpubs down in that area where I can get a huge variety of different beers on tap or in bottles? I am going to miss living in New England and all the fine microbreweries up here and fine...
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    Need Of Base Recipe!!

    I want to make my own recipe my question is what is a good extract recipe as a base for an IPA that i can work off of as far as malt extracts and grains? I will experiment adding hops and other ingredients
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    Looking for hopslam recipe.....

    I am looking for an extract recipe for a clone of bells hopslam ale. Thanks JOE
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    Taste taste # 2 question

    After chilling a bottle for more than 24 hours I am pleased to say my problem with too much foam formation is solved only problem now is very malty aftertaste that eventually mellows out I am thinking because I squeezed th grain bag once it was done steeping would this have added a tannin flavor...
  20. C

    Just opened my first homebrew and have questions

    I just opened up my very first homebrew its been about 3 weeks since bottling and it poured very very foamy huge head on it seems like the second i poured into the glass head formed right away is this normal? And sediment in bottle started churning around once the bottle was opened weird...