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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. L

    Ingredient Help

    I just moved to germany and am looking for a location to by ingredients as i am getting the itch to brew. Can anyone help?:mug:
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    I am moving to germany and am worried about getting all my beer making supplies (Grains/Hops/CO2/Beer Gas). I currently have about 2lb of hops but unfortunately i am not sure i will be able to brining it over there with me.Any suggestions. Cheers
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    Bottleing my First Cider

    I was luck enough to get some apple from a neighbor and i am getting ready to put it into secondary this weekend. the thing is i am planning on bottle conditioning the cider and need to get some suggestion as the sweet mead yeast i used has lost its umph. what should i do? Thank
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    Root Beer Roots

    Where can i find the roots for root beer. I would love to make my own but i am haveing trouble aquireing the roots. Cheer
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    Abby Ale

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    Peanut Stout

    I am going to be making a peanut stout for the birth of my first kid. I am planning on using a stout recipe i designed that did well in a competition recently and just adding some peanut butter to it. the thing that worries me the most is that the oils from the peanut butter will screw up the...
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    Beer Gun

    I recently purchased the beer gun for bottleing my beer from the keg for competition. The problem is that when ever i bottle the beer for some reason i lose alot but not all the carbonation and when i pour the beer i has little to no head. the beer in the keg has great head and head retention an...
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    I am confused on the benefits of rest and at what temps and how long to do rests. Can anyone explains simply how it works?:drunk:
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    Step Mashing

    I am still trying to figure out step mashing so i am going to try it on my next batch of beer. I am making a Belgian Double and am not sure at what time and temp to rest at. Please help.
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    Oak Chips

    How long would you leave oak chips in a brew?
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    Recipe Critique

    I am working on designing a few beer for the up coming year so that I can make sure I get all the materials. I am also trying to brew close to style so I can enter the beers in completion. This is a Bourbon Mild Ale I am working on and this is my first round of rough calculations. I any one...
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    Design Approach

    I am just getting into designing my own recipes. I feel the way i am approaching my designs is with way to much guess and check. How do you approach designing your :) .
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    Yeast Trouble

    I am haveing troubles with my most recent batch it has been in primary for 9 days and i went to transferit over last night. I was only at 37 percent attenuation and the croison had already fallen. i am working on a oatmeal stout and it has been fermenting at 60-63F the entire time. i am not sure...
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    Abby Ale

    I am looking for some good abby ale recipes. As well as some advice on brewing/designing one.
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    I am using a all grain system, with 2 5 gallon cooler. i have been mashing a 154 degrees for 1 hour drawing off 6.5 gallons and putting 5.5 into my carboy after boil. My efficiency is only about 60%. how do i improve my efficiency? Should I change to step mashing? Please help I would like to be...
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    I just made my first cider and i am wondering what to watch for to know if it is done fermenting?
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    Cider Press Solutions

    I am looking for suggestions of commercial or DIY Cider Pressing solutions. What I am looking for most of all is a simple DIY press design that I could fit on the counter top and is light and easy to store. but i am open to any suggestions. On my first batch I ran the apples through my food...
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    Cider Press

    I am looking for a design for a simple small Cider and fruit press Can anyone help?
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    Hopping Methods

    I am looking for unusual hopping methods I can experiment with? What is the weirdest way you have added hops to you beer?
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    external refrigeration unit

    I am looking for a small unit i can use too cool a custom build tower for my keg. I am looking for something that will keep it at a constant temp for months ( if the bee actually makes it that long).