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  1. C

    Using Extracts

  2. C

    Someone explain Myspace/Facebook to me, please

    this reminds me, I have to check my myspace...
  3. C

    Help with my honey

    i can never really tell the difference. i've used honey in hard cider instead of corn sugar, hoping that i would be able to taste the difference better without all the confusing flavors present in a beer, but it didn't seem to make much difference. i've read that the longer you boil the honey...
  4. C

    Help with my honey

    not really, to be quite honest. just don't let it stick on the bottom and burn, add it slowly and make sure it completely dissolved.
  5. C

    Using Extracts

    Thanks! I've tried real fruit, my issue is that they are 99% fermentables and the sweet flavor disappears. That reminds me, I did a beer once and I put 2 cans of pumpkin pie mix in the mash tun, it came out really good, try it some time.
  6. C

    Help with hydrometer

    potential alcohol can be used even if you have unfermentables, and even if you don't get to 1.000. Just take your initial reading, 1.040. Write down the potential alcohol (5.5%). When the beer is done you will have a gravity like 1.005 or something. Write down the potential alcohol there...
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    Save Sanitizer

    why not just throw it in your carboy when you sanitize that? put the hose and everything in there, and siphon some of it through just to be safe.
  8. C

    Cylindrical or Rectangular MLT?

    what do you use for a pump for your fly sparge? that's amazing eff. do you do 5 gallon batches?
  9. C

    I was given a keg... Info Needed

    i think my sanke's are aluminum with ss coating. i could be wrong.
  10. C

    room temp kegs?

    it's going to take a lot more pressure to carbonate it. you will have issues with outlet pressure and foaming if it is not refrigerated. the grolsch's you fill will probably taste flat once they are refrigerated. it's not a good system, you'll also end up going through a lot of co2, as you...
  11. C

    grains question

    download a program like promash, they will calculate the color of the finished beer fairly accurately.
  12. C

    grains question

    crystal 10 doesn't impart much flavor, maltiness if anything. it is good to darken the beer a little. as you go up through they become much darker, and begin to impart caramel like notes, and once you get to about 80 or 120 they become smoky. any time you use a dark grain you want to...
  13. C

    If This Doesn't Make You Angry...

    why exactly is pot an illegal substance again? i think our kids kids will be reading about how pot was illegal back in early 21st century, and realize how ignorant it was. like prohibition.
  14. C

    Help with low efficiency

    i never thought about the effects of mashing out and effeciency. i thought it was just to keep the sugar profile. your making the sugars more soluble in the wort? I never mash out properly maybe thats why my eff. sucks (~65%).
  15. C

    WTF is this monster?

    haha if it is real, aside from making a ton of beer, don't you think that thing would just take al lthe fun out of it.
  16. C

    Using Extracts

    thanks, that's a good idea. we have calibrated micropipetters in biochem lab, maybe I'll borrow one, haha. i've put blueberries in secondary, but all the sugars obviously fermented out and i was left with a purple beer that needed millions of seeds filtered out (won't do that again). It...
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    Help with low efficiency

    i know right? how much could they REALLY care about effeciency. it's not just a number. HB's care about effeciency because we feel guilty not extracting as much possible sugar from perfectly kilned grains before we compost the spents (i hope you composted them). and you went and put it...
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    Help with low efficiency

    smedling? 2 adjustable rollers? they rock.
  19. C

    Help with low efficiency

    awfully wasteful, i don't think it deserves my reply.
  20. C

    In Honor of George

    sorry to hear! dedicate a brew to him. something to remember him by. was he named after george fix by any chance?