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  1. P

    harvested yeast starter questions, need advice!

    Around January i made a hefe using 3068. I built up a starter and prior to pitching i decanted the starter wort and poured some of the yeast into a mason jar to save. It has been in my fridge since. On Saturday i made a 500ml starter to rouse this back to life, and i was going to step it up...
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    Hot side aeration while sparging

    Nice tip, I will be doing this from now on!
  3. P

    Hot side aeration while sparging

    Ok so is the solution not to stir the mash? I get what everyone is saying about HSA, I just don't see how it is avoidable, at least to a certain extent. Especially when batch sparging, although i can see minimizing HSA with fly sparging. Still though, once you mash in and stir isnt the...
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    Hot side aeration while sparging

    I dont understand this thread really. I must be missing something. When I mash in I stir like crazy for a few minutes, definitely mixing in tons of oxygen. I then drain the tun and pour in my sparge water, which adds air and oxygen, and I stir like crazy again, adding even more. Then when i...
  5. P

    True or False?

    Pretty much the entire reason I enjoy brewing so much is experimenting with different grains, different mashing techniques, designing my own recipes etc. I loved building my mash tun and all the other little bits of my all grain set up. I am a tinkerer and a planner and I love researching all...
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    Brewometer kickstarter thoughts - digital bluetooth hydrometer

    Alright well let me know. If they are able to reduce shipping cost i may still be interested! Thanks
  7. P

    Brewometer kickstarter thoughts - digital bluetooth hydrometer

    Count me in for one if you guys do a group buy. I am in Toronto. PM me if it goes forward!
  8. P

    WLP 545? origin? best temp? opinions?

    Yeah it is weird, no one seems to know what brewery it is from. For my own curiosity i'd love to find out... I might not bump up the temp past 70 on this one since i have no idea what it is going to do or taste like.
  9. P

    WLP 545? origin? best temp? opinions?

    Isn't Rochefort strain WLP 540? Is 545 like a mutant Rochefort then? I do love Rochefort yeast (I pretty much love all the Belgian yeasts)
  10. P

    WLP 545? origin? best temp? opinions?

    Hey guys, I got this yeast out of the free bin at LHBS. brought it back to life and made a nice big starter and last night brewed up a dubbel. white labs lists the following information: I have been googling but this doesnt seem to be a very popular yeast or something, as I'm not...
  11. P

    Lavender Wheat / Hefe recipe?

    Ok im thinkong just a base american wheat recipe and then adding the lavender at bottling (either by revvy's infusion method or simple tincture). So i have just looked through some recipes and im thinking of doing this one: Seems like a pretty...
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    Lavender Wheat / Hefe recipe?

    That woukd be great. I dont really do experiment brews either so i dont trust myself to come up with my own recipe for this
  13. P

    Lavender Wheat / Hefe recipe?

    care to share a recipe that turned out good?
  14. P

    Lavender Wheat / Hefe recipe?

    Yeah, like i said i dont really know what lavender tastes like so i wasnt sure if the 3068 would clash too much. Ok so I guess I should put together a pretty basic neutral wit recipe? or a basic neutral blonde?
  15. P

    Lavender Wheat / Hefe recipe?

    thanks for the responses so far guys. and Revvy WOW! I'll need to dive into that tonight after work. That really seems super interesting and a cool experiment. The tincture advice from beskone seems sound, and adding it at bottling that way would probably help to get the right balance... I'm...
  16. P

    Lavender Wheat / Hefe recipe?

    Hey guys, SWMBO wants me to incorporate lavender in a beer. I have a basic hefe recipe with 3068 that I like. I figured i could brew that up and just "dry hop" with some culinary lavender after primary completes? The recipe is really basic, I guess I'm just wondering if you guys think 3068...
  17. P

    How good is this boil?

    My stove is pretty weak (not nearly as weak as yours though) and i have brewed around 50 batches on it. I leave the lid on but cracked a bit to let steam escape. I have never had any dms off flavours. I also brew a lot of belgian style ales with grain bills mostly comprised of pilsener malt and...
  18. P

    Coffee Beers

    I recently had a coffee quad from kasteel called Barista and it was amazing. I have been looking for a recipe but it seems like no one has cloned it yet. If you are able to find it i highly recommend it.
  19. P

    What's your favorite glass?

    not a very good photo, my phone has a crappy camera. Got a set of these glasses from the Westvleteren cafeteria gift shop last summer. Going there is probably something i'm unlikely to ever do again so its nice to have the glasses as a keepsake and I use them all the time.
  20. P

    I want to try a new saison yeast

    My last saison used white labs 566 and im so glad i overbuilt my starter and saved some because its an amazing yeast! If you can get 566 i would really recommend it. 1.065 - 1.002 i fermented at 68F for 48 hours then raised it to 77F and let it go for three weeks