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  1. CWalters

    Is it me or the beer kits?

    Thanks for all the input. @ OHIOBRIT - I'm going to increase the primary and secondary times for two weeks each respectively. I have a IPA sitting in the primary now. @ HOOTER - I like your idea of adding to a kit, that leads me into my question. I already have a Raspberry Ale Kit and would...
  2. CWalters

    Is it me or the beer kits?

    I need some creative criticism on my brewing technique, my beers seem to lack flavor and I'm unsure if it's me or the beer kits, so here's how I recently brewed a Porter. Any and all feedback is welcome. Steep grains @ 155-165, 30 minutes in a ratio of 1lb of grains to 1 gallon water.....Bring...
  3. CWalters

    Cleaned Equipment but forgot to Sanitize

    MckBrew, thanks for the piece of mind, at least I know someone else cares about my beer.
  4. CWalters

    Cleaned Equipment but forgot to Sanitize

    Okay, So I have two batches in question. I just racked one into a Corny and another into a Secondary. After doing so, I realized that I used 1-Step instead of Starsan to "Sanitize" the equipment. Should the batches be fine or am I SOL? Thanks!
  5. CWalters

    Does steeping too hot cause more unfermentables?

    What's the suggested O.G. for the kit? To me your O.G. seems a little low for an Oktoberfest. Are you brewing a Lager or Ale? I'm guessing a Lager. I'm about two weeks into my first Oktoberfest Lager. Tuesday (S.G. 1.026) I racked it to a secondary and today I took another S.G. to see where it...
  6. CWalters

    Lager - Pitched 60 hrs ago - no fermentation

    I allowed a 36 hour diacetyl rest, then racked to a secondary where it's now been for four days @ 40 degrees, the S.G. has dropped from 1.026 to 1.020, I'll recheck it in 5-7 days to see if it Lowers more. The kits F.G. should be around 1.012-14, so It's getting close.
  7. CWalters

    Lager fermentation Primary

    The FG should be around 1.15, per kit product sheet.
  8. CWalters

    Lager fermentation Primary

    Great wealth of information, thanks. I took SG reading today, this time I let the beer warm up to 60 degrees, and it was at 1.026. The krausen head is gone, so I'm going to begin the diacetyl rest, and then rack to the secondary. We'll see what happens.
  9. CWalters

    Lager fermentation Primary

    The SG reading is currently 1.030 @ 50 degree. The starting gravity should have been around 1.064, per kit product sheet. Should it be fine to rack to the secondary?
  10. CWalters

    Lager fermentation Primary

    This is my first Lager and I've been having some problems with it. First, the WYeast that was original pitched never took off, which I think was due to my lack of experience. After waiting 4 or 5 days I sprinkled some dry Lager yeast over the top of the wort, and within 24 hours a Krausen layer...
  11. CWalters

    Lager - Pitched 60 hrs ago - no fermentation

    I woke up this forming to find that the Lager now has good signs of fermentation (Krausening). Sprinkling the yeast did the trick. So should I place the carboy in the chest freezer now, keeping the temp around 55 degree?
  12. CWalters

    Lager - Pitched 60 hrs ago - no fermentation

    Unfortunately I didn't get a good hydro reading. I'd take one now, but I can see the yeast sitting on the top of the wort and I don't want to disturb the process. The first yeast was the White Labs Octoberfest Wyeast Activator. Then I sprinkled a Lager yeast over the top today. I've been a bit...
  13. CWalters

    Lager - Pitched 60 hrs ago - no fermentation

    It's been almost five days and still no activity. I read in a thread somewhere to sprinkle some dry yeast on top of the wort, so I did so today. I hope this works, any thoughts?
  14. CWalters

    Lager - Pitched 60 hrs ago - no fermentation

    I purchased the kit through MidWest. I'm new to all this so forgive my ignorance. I'm using a 6.5 glass carboy, so I can tell that there's no activity. The temp is now at 68.
  15. CWalters

    Lager - Pitched 60 hrs ago - no fermentation

    This is my first Lager, I know they take a bit longer to begin fermentation. It's been over 60 hrs, should I be worried. Temp is 68 degree, yeast smack pack/activator.
  16. CWalters

    My Homebrewpub (WIP)

    I grew up and Marion, I left for college in 97, now my wife and I are up in Avon Lake. My family is still there, I make it back every once in awhile. I bet we know some of the same people. What school did you go to? Anyways... nice set up.
  17. CWalters

    I just filled up my first keg!

    Is it possible to over carb your beer with co2? I have my first batch in a corny and I've been messing around trying to get the carbonation correct. Right now I'm storing it and serving it at room temp, about 68 degrees. I tried the shake method I was getting to much foam, so I bleed the tank...
  18. CWalters

    Brew Schools?

    To go pro, I have a friend opening a winery and hes thinking about adding a small brewery to it.
  19. CWalters

    Brew Schools?

    Thanks for the info everyone.... I'd really like to hear a opinion on some of the schools by graduates of the programs. Was it worth it? Is is a good program? Etc. Davis and Siebel seem good from their websites. The Fermentation Science seems really indepth, I think it's a 4 year degree...
  20. CWalters

    Brew Schools?

    Can someone recommend a great school to get a brew master degree from? and ones to avoid?