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  1. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Looks like BruControl has been reloaded as a fresh copy. All custom files are gone. How could this happen? Going to take a long time to put this back together.
  2. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Thanks, but that's the weird part. There is nothing there under configuration. Its like I am logging in as a different user, but the is only one account. I use this computer only for BruControl. Microsoft Defender is reporting that it found malware Backdoor:MSIL/Bladabindi!atm and has...
  3. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Help! Has anyone experienced anything like this? Had a long vacation and have not brewed since December. Showed my system to my cousins last week and everything looked fine on my workspaces. Today I powered up and logged in as usual, but when I started BruControl it opened a blank workspace and...
  4. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Thanks going out to oakbarn for finding my issue. A line of code got modified and I did not find it for whatever reason. If/when something like this happens again, I now know where to look. And now, back to brewing.
  5. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Ok, just starting testing the script again. It stopped at a new place saying [ERROR Line 21: Cannot assign a value to an immediate value]. Without entering a long winded script and log paste, let me say here that I added a fresh copy of my main program to my script list, named it Main 28FEB23...
  6. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Thanks for the quick reply Oakbarn and poptarts. Script error was invalid command or some such. I don't have the exact error since the program halted and I was frantically trying to debug and restart the script at the same time. The line of code was a print command to the log which is the same...
  7. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    So after years of fault free automation brewing with BruControl, I have a strange issue crop up in my last brew. After mashing in and clicking on my proceed button the program threw an error and halted the program. I have not modified the program in over a year, and the line that caused the...
  8. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Yes, but not for the 1-wire. I had to run a wire from the ESP32 pin 33 (GPIO21) to an unused pin on the board's 11x2 header to use the SDA signal for the LCD. Since this board uses GPIO21 to control its relay K5, I just removed the inline resistor next to the pin to break the connection to the...
  9. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Been working on a fermentation controller using a Lilygo 8 relay board I bought last year. The embedded ESP32 loaded fine and I have been able to test functionality of the 1-wire temperature probes, LCD screen, and relays to control Heat/Cool of two fermenters and power to their chiller. I split...
  10. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    So true. Definitely look into playing around with the RTD software filer algorithm. In my case the dropouts seem to come from the relay cycling of the 24VAC transformer I have in my control box for the burner (yes, I am gas fired). Several ways to fix this, but since I have the software filter...
  11. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Earlier posted was the this question about the relay current draw; Control signal input High level current [email protected] 0.4mA@5V 1.1mA@12V 2.2mA@24V [email protected] 1.0mA@5V 2.4mA@12V 5.0mA@24V So to answer my own question, the control output from the Mega2560 would be .001 amp, which is below the max...
  12. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Thought I'd post a quick pic of how I am using BruControl and ESP32 UniShield. I have only done three brews to date with all the equipment updates and being new to writing my scripts, but plan to expand and update as time permits. Currently I just control gas burners, flow meters, switches and...
  13. Abenaki

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Ran into a problem today with my ESP Unishield. I changed out power supplies when my original supply failed and following that my ESP32 would not connect to BruControl. After hours of troubleshooting, I narrowed it down to GPIO 12. When I disconnected my plastic flowmeter connected to this pin...