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  1. B

    High Gravity Fermentation and Bottling

    I used wyeast 1214, Belgian abbey, made a 2 L starter and think I aerated the wort pretty well, don't have a stone or anything. Also I don't have sophisticated temp control yet so I'm hoping the yeast are fine with ~72 F. I guess I'll give it a taste after a few weeks and see where to go from...
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    High Gravity Fermentation and Bottling

    It probably exists but I haven't come across a discussion on quite what I'm looking for. Made my first foray into high gravity brews, made a Belgian strong/abbey ale with an OG of 1.082, and want to ensure it does well from here. Is there an optimal primary/secondary schedule for bigger beers...
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    Goseface Killah

    Just tasting the finished product and it is damn good. The only thing I did differently than outlined in the original post was add a couple tsp of lactic acid to the starter to get the pH down to 4-4.5. Added 3 oz Amarillo to the fermenter for a week after the yeast settled down and the result...
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    What style category would you put this beer in?

    I recently brewed a dry-hopped gose that I'd like to put into a competition but I'm not sure what category it would fit into. Definitely not "gose" itself, since the style guidelines read "NO HOP FLAVOR," and I'd like to maybe win, or at the very least avoid scathing comments on the judge's...
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    Goseface Killah

    Just got to the souring stage last night- the starter had great activity a real nice, not too funky, aroma to it. After straining out the grains, a buddy of mine actually tasted a few of them (which I never would have been bold enough to do) and liked it, so then we were all grabbing handfuls...
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    Goseface Killah

    I really like the sound of this recipe and I'm getting ready to try it out myself. Glad to hear results have been good. One thing I'm a bit unclear on-- you don't actually add a lacto culture? I'm assuming that's what the grains are for (At first I thought it was a typo that you say let the...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    I unscrewed the wire nuts, and everything was dry, but will I know by looking at the wires if any damage was done? For the most part they look ok, but at the tips where they are twisted together they are not as shiny as before and have taken on a dull gray color--just the tip, mind you. The...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    So I figured out my problem, only to create a much bigger one. I had the polarity of my switches reversed; a guy at Radioshack pointed that out and we got the switch lights to go off in the off position. I took the RIMS home for a test run with hot water, and it worked perfectly. I realize now...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    I disconnected the switch to the SSR and plugged the whole system in. The SV was set at 800 degrees F (default setting), so of course the PID wanted to switch on the SSR. Apparently the SSR light goes on when the PID tells it to, regardless of whether the side with the heating element draws...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    And i havent messed with the PID yet to set it for my purposes. I guess I will disconnect the SSR switch first to be sure I'm not running the heating element dry.
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    Questions on RIMS build

    These are the switches I used. Each switch has 3 terminals to which I connected crimp-on connectors, labeled 1, 2, and 3. Terminal 3 is a bronzish color (the other two are silver) and I used that...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    I finished with the wiring, and had an electrical engineer check the connections before I plugged it in. I thought that the lighted rocker switches I used would go off in the off position, but they both light up in either position. Flipping the one to the PID causes it to go on and off as...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    And that depends on the power source not the device right?
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    Questions on RIMS build

    So I'm finally sitting down to wire all this together, and I'm currently stuck on the heating element. No instructions as to polarity, no markings on the element itself. Do these devices usually have a polarity? Here is the one I'm using.
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    Do hop oils affect the optical properties of beer?

    Thanks, I feel a lot better about this beer now. Only, what if I did have a stuck fermentation? One of these online calculators would have me believe the beer is fine... I bought the refractometer thinking it would make sampling the beer much simpler, but this seems to complicate things. Guess...
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    Do hop oils affect the optical properties of beer?

    So I went to bottle a pale ale after 3 weeks fermentation (total) and 2 weeks dry hopping. The fermentation looked as normal as any other brew, but the final gravity reading I got from my refractometer read about 1.028 (OG: 1.054). The weird thing, though, is that the beer tastes as good as I...
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    Is there a consensus on how many pumps it takes to sufficiently sanitize each bottle? And I noticed that after a while the Iodophor solution I use starts to get cloudy and looks like particles are floating around in it. Can anyone tell me what's going on there?
  18. B

    Questions on RIMS build

    Ok yeah I was planning on keeping it neat. I think just a few more questions and I should be good. How did you connect your ground wire to the RIMS tube? Is soldering an option? The SSR is mostly cased in plastic but the bottom is metal; will that need a ground? Will I need to insulate the...
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    Questions on RIMS build

    First off thanks for all your help so far; I would be lost without somebody to explain all this stuff. And I was thinking of using pigtail connections to join my wires, but is there a better/neater/safer method you may have used?
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    Questions on RIMS build

    Before I attempt to power anything on, I will have a professional check it over. I think I might opt for the lighted switch if it will serve the same purpose and just drop the LED. I'll save lighting for another day, but I still want to understand. Would I just put the resistor and LED in...