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  1. B

    First brew.. No bubbles after 2 days?

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I've definitely learned a lot from you all.
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    Joe's Ancient Orange Mead

    I made this for the first time a couple days ago. As I was pushing my orange slices into the carboy I thought, "How am I suppose to get these out?". Well?
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    First brew.. No bubbles after 2 days?

    Unfortunately, I don't think I could get it that low. It stays super hot in my house during the summer. I put a window unit A/C in the room I'm keeping the brew in. I've just had it set at 75. I'll crank it lower and see what I can get it down to. If it does get closer to 65, would my yeast...
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    First brew.. No bubbles after 2 days?

    Temp is around 75F. OG was 1.040. I used one packet of the Munton standard yeast, rehydrated according to the instructions on the pack. And I couldn't RDWHAHB, as this is my first brew :P
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    First brew.. No bubbles after 2 days?

    Thanks for easing my worry, guys. My way of thinking was no bubbles = nothing's happening. Still a noob.
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    First brew.. No bubbles after 2 days?

    So I brewed my first batch on Thursday. Everything went really well. Took a little longer to cool down the wort than I expected but other than that, smooth sailing. By that night, my airlock was bubbling away. I'd say a bubble every 2-3 seconds. Friday, it seemed to have slowed down slightly...
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    Could I use a normal 5 gal. bucket as a secondary?

    I know that the primary fermenter bucket is normally a little more than 5 gallons to compensate for the krausen that builds up. So that means I would be safe using just a normal 5 gallon bucket as a secondary, as there shouldn't be any krausen in it, right? Just don't want to pay $15 for a...
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    Viking party in November. Need mead ideas!

    So a good friend of mine is hosting a viking themed party in November (very early planning, I know). He knows that I'm beginning to get into mead and asked if I would make a few batches for the party. That gives me about 3-4 months. I already have a 'Joe's Quick Grape' going and will be doing...
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    How many ounces/cups equal 1lb.?

    Great. Thanks guys.
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    How many ounces/cups equal 1lb.?

    So I have no way of actually weighing my honey. Does anyone know approx. how many cups would be the equivalent of one pound?
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    What do YOU drink your homebrew from???

    I seen those. Thinking about buying one myself. Such an incredible show.
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    Question about Joe's Quick Grape Mead..

    Thanks, Medsen. I don't feel like such a noob, after all. I hope it turns out alright. And a little more alcohol would definitely alright with me. :drunk:
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    Question about Joe's Quick Grape Mead..

    Yeah, it's still 1 gallon, just more juice than water with the way I screwed it up. I just hope it's not too bad. Guess only time will tell.
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    Question about Joe's Quick Grape Mead..

    It's still 5 gallons, so the dilution of the honey should be the same, right? And I figured the extra sugar from the juice would end up causing a higher ABV.
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    Question about Joe's Quick Grape Mead..

    Thanks for the response. Why would the ABV be lower? I would've figured it would be higher. More juice = more sugar = more alcohol? I'm still a huge noob, so go easy on me.
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    Question about Joe's Quick Grape Mead.. So a buddy and I just made this a couple days ago. Unfortunately, we didn't pay very close attention and used a 96oz bottle of juice instead of 64oz ::facepalm:: What can we expect to get out of this? Will it just be really...
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    Joe's Quick Grape Mead

    So a buddy and I just made this a couple days ago. Unfortunately, we didn't pay very close attention and used a 96oz bottle of juice instead of 64oz ::facepalm:: What can we expect to get out of this? Will it just be really grapey?
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    Guide to set internal chest freezer thermostat to >32F; Eliminate external control

    I actually used this method on a cheap kegerator I bought at Home Depot. I was having an issue with it not getting cold enough. Did a little research and found this same method on the MicroMatic forums. Just took the thermostat off, gave the screw a couple turns, and made a big difference.
  19. B

    Is there an advantage to using a carboy over a 5 gallon bucket?

    And now there's one more :) Again, thanks for the replies everyone. I'll be heading down to my LHBS tomorrow and doing a bit of shopping. Probably start my first batch next weekend. I'll let you know how my experience goes :mug:
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    Is there an advantage to using a carboy over a 5 gallon bucket?

    Thanks, Nateo. Great thread. Answered a lot of questions.