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  1. Brooothru

    how about a meme generator thread...

    O.K., but which picture?
  2. Brooothru

    Don't Do That.

    Oooo! Kinky! But shouldn't this be in the Members Only section 🤔?
  3. Brooothru

    Pressure Gauge Errors

    Not Everest, per se, but there is a lot of manufacturing in Denver, and most of the coastal and nearby inland population centers in the U.S. are within 300' of the floor of Death Valley, as well as the Dead Sea. So is it really such a stretch to think that a pressure sensing device might be...
  4. Brooothru

    Pressure Gauge Errors

    It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one with pressure issues, re: the Spike spunding valve combo system. In my case I believe that the PRV is probably releasing at or near the proper (for this device) point of ~15 psi, but that the pressure gauge is in error by about 4.5 psi on the...
  5. Brooothru

    Pressure Gauge Errors

    No. Barometric pressures are corrected to average mean sea level (29.92” mercury /1013 mb). The lowest barometric pressure recorded atop Mt. Everest is 9.3”/315 mb, so a difference of about 20” Hg/800 mb. 800 mb is equivalent to 11.6 pounds force per square inch. 4.5#^2 (my observed psi...
  6. Brooothru

    Pressure Gauge Errors

    Thanks for the reply. I couldn’t find the instructions or quick start guide for the Spike spunding valve. Guess I should just go to their website since it’s probably posted there. Duh! Why didn’t I think of that? I really like the concept and design of the Spike unit. There are a few minor...
  7. Brooothru

    Love Golf?

    Yeah, lots of aiming. For instance, for the last 50 years I have "aimed" to get better at golf, sadly to no avail. But I take solace in the remarks of Mark Twain, who once commented that, "Golf is a good walk spoiled."
  8. Brooothru

    Pressure Gauge Errors

    So, I've got a perplexing problem with pressure gauge accuracy that's been bugging me for a while, and it's finally come to a head. I'm hoping someone can offer an explanation and possible solution. I've got a pressure fermentation currently in progress in a Unitank using WLP-808 "Mythical...
  9. Brooothru

    Love Golf?

    Works for me every time. Well, maybe 40%. Approaching the green, I'll 'look' at the pin and then aim for the bunker. The bunker is so much easier to hit!
  10. Brooothru

    Love Golf?

    Isn’t it a DQ if you miss your tee time?
  11. Brooothru

    What brewery are you visiting?

    Not a brewery, but a meadery. Tornadoes and severe storms along our planned route home necessitated a sharp turn heading due south. Ended up in Tupelo, MS, with a request from our daughter to get some Tupelo honey. What we got was a Master Class in ‘honey’, mainly that there is almost no...
  12. Brooothru

    What are you drinking now?

    College days! Friday afternoons, the poor college kids (me) would head down to Louise’s on Tennessee Avenue for ‘no lie’ 45 oz schooners of Falstaff and join the factory workers who’d dump 6 oz mini-cans of tomato juice into those $.25 beers. Called ‘em Red Beers. I don’t know if it says more...
  13. Brooothru

    What are you drinking now?

    Aurturo Fuentes. Nice…..
  14. Brooothru

    What are you drinking now?

    “Hamm’s…mmmm, Hamm’s!” “From the Land of Sky Blue Waters…” Brings back memories, listening to the Saturday baseball games on the radio with my Dad on the backyard patio. He’d have been 103 tomorrow. 🙂