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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. D the Catastrophist


    Just saw an article on this, and I know a bunch of people use Xylitol as a non-fermentable sweetener in their wines before bottling:
  2. D the Catastrophist

    Sweet Potato Wine- Anyone Done It?

    I had made a sweet potato casserole and that got me thinking about potentially doing a sweet potato wine. Sure enough, Jack Keller had a recipe for that (page 290 of pdf). In the recipe he calls for peeling the potatoes, dicing and then boiling them before removing them- the potatoes never make...
  3. D the Catastrophist

    Staggered Addition of Sugar?

    I was looking at Jack Keller's Sweet Potato Wine recipe and I noticed that in the instructions you only added half the sugar(1 Lb) at the start, you then add the remaining pound of sugar 5-7 days later before pouring into secondary. Can anyone explain why you would do this and what the benefit...
  4. D the Catastrophist

    What the hell is wrong with the site?

    Getting really F×cking annoyed with this website. I will be in the middle of typing a post pr comment when the site will reload and delete all of it. I had a long post with multiple links on a research paper about Apple varieties and traits that impact making cider. Gone. Went to go get a url...
  5. D the Catastrophist

    Rose Hip Wine

    Have a field of Wild roses staring at me, so I think I may try my hand at rose hip wine. I probably will do a variation on the Jack Keller recipe: 3.5 lb rose hips. 3 lb sugar 1 gallon water. 1/4 c golden raisens 1 cambden tablet 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme 1 tsp acid blend 1 packet wine yeast...
  6. D the Catastrophist

    Mead from Comb-in Honey

    I was reading an article about recreating a medieval bouchet recipe, and one of the things they mentioned was that the source honey back then was (likely) less filtered, so would include parts of the honey comb. I was curious if anyone had tried making mead with the comb in honey, and if so...
  7. D the Catastrophist

    Mechanical Revenge

    Blah.. went to change the air filter on my ac/furnace unit and found a puddle.... turns out I had 2 leak points. First was were the tubing connected to the condensate pump. 2nd was the copper line feeding into the condenser coil, it was badly designed so had the coupler outside the unit vs...
  8. D the Catastrophist

    Bottling Day!

    23.5 bottles of Raspberry Wine. 4 bottles Raspberry Apple Wine. 4 bottles D'Anjou Pear Wine.
  9. D the Catastrophist

    Spotted Knapweed Wine?

    So, looking around the fields here at what is in bloom got me thinking-has anyone tried making a wine out of spotted knapweed? I know it is technically classified as an invasive plant, but it is also used to produce star thistle honey here in Michigan and many beekeepers actually oppose its...
  10. D the Catastrophist

    Combining different Yeast Strains

    Miraculix had mentioned in another thread that they were going to be trying an experiment using 50% of two different yeast strains to take advantage of the differing flavors that each yeast imparts. Well that thread was regarding beer yeasts, and all the articles I can find are regarding...
  11. D the Catastrophist

    Suffering through Poison Ivy... Ugh :(

    The ditches next to the road on my property are overgrown with western poison ivy. Since I bought the property last year I have been at war with it. The good part is I am not as sensitive to it as my dad(he has been hospitalized from exposure). The bad part is that even wearing gloves, long...
  12. D the Catastrophist

    Cheating Method for making a Bochet?

    I was looking for local honeys and stumbled upon Great Lakes Bee Company. One of the honey types you can get is a caramelized bakers honey. Has anyone tried using this in a mead? Does it turn out like a bochet or is it a bit milder? Either way it sounds fabulous. Great lakes bee co
  13. D the Catastrophist

    Holy Cloudy Cider Batman!

    This was my attempt at cider using store bought juice: 1 gallon Treetop brand pure pressed juice from honeycrisp.(this was the most cider like I could find with no preservatives and started with that nice brown color real ciders have). 2 Granny Smith apples, shredded and bagged. 1 cup strong...
  14. D the Catastrophist

    Why would you rack from Primary to Secondary before fermentation in complete?

    So, I'm asking this because one of the questions I see alot is 'Should I rack the primary to secondary after X number of days?' X being 5-7 comes up pretty frequently. Personally, I rack when fermentation is almost entirely done(SG of 1.00 or below based on hydrometer), then usually at ~30 days...