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    Irish Red Ale Raging Red Irish Red Ale

    Does the honey in this recipe add any flavor or does it just boost ABV?
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    Transferring after primary fermentation

    Thanks for the replies. The lid does not have a gasket. It fits snug but obviously not air tight as I ferment in it without airlocks. There are ports in the lid where I could add an airlock but it doesn't seem needed. I could ferment in carboys but with a volume over 10 gallons it just seems...
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    Transferring after primary fermentation

    I currently have a milk stout that is finishing fermentation in a conical tank. It has a lid but it's not air tight. Are there any guidelines on the duration it can sit in this vessel? Should it be racked to carboys at some point or can I leave it to settle for a few weeks?
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    American Amber Ale Caramel Amber Ale

    Looking at the original recipe it notes a 30 day primary fermentation and then a secondary. I brewed this two weeks ago and it finished fermenting in a couple of days. Been sitting in the primary ever since. Does it need to continue to sit for awhile before kegging?
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    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I brewed this last weekend. Air lock activity in the fermentation vessel stopped a few days ago. How long should I let this sit before I keg? Used 04 yeast and dry hopped 2.5 days into fermentation.
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    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    No hurry but I had it in a large conical with about 7 gallons of head space. Went ahead and racked it into a keg. Did not put it in the chiller or hook it up to gas lines yet. Should I rack it into a carboy and let it age for a week or so?
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    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    I brewed this on Saturday. Fermentation is complete after 5 days. Any issues with going straight to a keg at this point? Seems quick.
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    Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout (2011 HBT Competition Category Winner)

    The Notty turned out well. It fermented very fast (just over 2 days) on a yeast cake from a previous brew. I let it sit in the primary for 28 days and racked this morning to secondary. Final gravity was 1.018. Tastes amazing. A little hot as others have mentioned but it's still young. I'm...
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    Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout (2011 HBT Competition Category Winner)

    So I fermented this on a Nottingham yeast cake. It went from 1.09 to 1.02 in two and half days. Surprised it finished so fast. Tastes amazing. It's going to be had to wait for it to age out.
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    Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout (2011 HBT Competition Category Winner)

    Brewed yesterday. Was afraid SO4 wouldn't get the job done so I went with Nottingham instead.
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    SO4 - High Gravity Beer

    I'm getting ready to brew a high gravity imperial stout and wondering if I would run into any alcohol tollerance issues with SO4. The recipe projects ABV to be just over 11%.
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    Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout (2011 HBT Competition Category Winner)

    Getting ready to brew this. Going to brew a porter first and then ferment the RIS on the yeast cake left over from the porter. The question I have is will SO4 work. Believe I read somewhere that SO4 has an alcohol tolerance of around 10%. Looks like this RIS could go beyond 10%.
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    Primary Question

    I have a 15 gallon conical fermentation vessel that I used for the first time this week. It has a lid that sits on the top but does not seal tight. Once fermentation is complete how urgent is it to rack to a secondary vessel that can be fitted with an air lock?
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    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    Regarding the recommendation to dry hop with 1oz, would that be for 5 gallons?
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    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    I brewed the 11 gallong batch size of this today. Scaled the 14 pounds of 2 row down to 13 pounds and ended up with 10.5 gallons of wort in the primary fermenter at a starting OG of 1.046. Will probably look to further scale back the grain the next time I brew this. Is one package of...
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    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    Seems like it's common to overshoot the OG with this recipe. I typically get over 80% efficiency. Brewing this tomorrow. Should I scale back the 2 row a little?
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    Overshot OG

    I was just wondering as a general rule. My efficiency has bumped up over 80% and I find a lot of recipies are based on 70% so my last few brews have overshot the gravity readings. I'm going to try to adjust the amount of base grain I use when I brew this weekend.
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    Overshot OG

    If you overshoot your original gravity reading is the best course of action to add water to the primary fermenter to get things back in line.
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    American Porter Edmund Fitzgerald Clone (AG)

    I'm going to brew this tomorrow. I have 05, 04, and Nottingham yeast on hand. Any recommendation on which one I should use?
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    Double IPA Pliny the Elder Clone

    Just brewed this and fermentation has completed. It tastes so amazing I almost don't want to add the dry hop additions. Very good as is right now.