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  1. Boleslaus

    Issues dialing in my stirplate

    I bought a stir plate finally this year to help focus on the fermentation side of my process. From eBay I've got the Anzeser plate (, 50mm stir bars, and a 2000ml flask...
  2. Boleslaus

    Big cleaning day

    You ever go a little too long since your last full brewery scrub down and watch in disgust as the PBW does its job? I scrub down and rinse immediately after using each vessel on brew day and will pay extra attention if I see noticeable scum, but over time it still builds up. Did a full hot PBW...
  3. Boleslaus

    List matching wyeast/white labs strains to commercial breweries

    I'm sure I'm just not using the correct search terms but a forum search and google search turned up no results. What I'm after is a list of 2206 = x brewery; 1318 = y brewery. This may not exist for every strain, but I know I have seen throughout various threads and sites info about which yeast...
  4. Boleslaus

    I'm back!

    Not that I'm a famously contributing member or anything, but I jut wanted to say hello to everyone. I moved to Chicago and had to take a break from brewing. Now I can finally get back into it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to bring my kegerator with me :( Looks like I'm back to joining the...
  5. Boleslaus

    Double mild or failed brown porter?

    I made a beer about 5 weeks ago that I am kegging tonight. Originally I was shooting for a brown porter, but didn't want to put any chocolate malt in it, which kind of deprived it of that roasted malt/chocolatey quality. I did however put about 2 lbs. of caramel in (5 gal batch), 1 lb. each C40...
  6. Boleslaus

    Cat in Christmas Tree Thread

    This year is my first year with a cat and first year with my own tree. It took him a week, but the cat is now camped out in the tree. My phone just died, but I'll post a picture soon. He was manageable before, but now he's just getting on my nerves every 5 minutes. Anyone else suffering through...
  7. Boleslaus

    Why is my hefeweizen this color? (Pic)

    Like I said...its a strange tan color. I expected more of a pale golden orange. It is BM weizen recipe but brewed with a double decoction. It's my first weizen and my first real decoction. At first I thought it was just a TON of yeast in suspension, but this is after a week in the kegerator...
  8. Boleslaus

    Oaked Bourbon Stout Critique

    I'm looking for some feedback on this recipe. I've been brewing for a year now, but never made a stout :drunk: I've read Brewing Classic Styles and that's where I got most of my information about the malt bill, but I was looking for some opinions on how the different grains will work...
  9. Boleslaus

    Alternatives to painting keezer

    I should be finishing up my keezer build tomorrow night. I bought a 7.2 cu in. Frigidaire off CL, built a wheeled base and collar, and stained it American Chestnut. I would like to eventually paint it black (:rockin:), but don't have time now and would like to enjoy it for a while. Are there...
  10. Boleslaus

    help with BJCP classification

    I kegged my latest batch last week and gave it a first try over the weekend with some friends. It was well received and I liked it, so I think I'm going to submit it to my first competition. The problem I've run into is that I don't know what category to put it in. Here is the recipe: 4 lb...
  11. Boleslaus

    Partigyle Question

    I brewed my IPA today (PM) and since I just recently acquired some small buckets from the bakery, I decided to experiment a bit. After I mashed my grains for the IPA I sparged like normal. I then sparged again for this 1 gal partigyle recipe. I know I run the risk of extracting some tannins...
  12. Boleslaus

    Help with a name (I always said I wouldn't)

    I've finally caved in and I'm asking for help brainstorming for a brewery name. I used to call it Hockey House Brewing, but since I no longer live at the "hockey house", I have to change names, and I'm ready to. Here is a little background on what I'm shooting for, mostly from a daydream I...
  13. Boleslaus

    100% wheat

    I just acquired a few 2-4 gallon plastic buckets with lids from my local bakery after reading about that on here, so thanks to all those who mentioned that! Now that I have the ability to make small batches, I was thinking of doing some experiementing. I know that you can do 100% wheat...
  14. Boleslaus

    Gauging interest in smoked wheat group buy

    Ok guys, I've been reading up about some classic beer styles lately, and being of Polish decent, I have zeroed in on Grodziskie as the next beer I want to attempt. Its a low gravity beer made with 100% smoked wheat. Now smoked wheat is not something that you can come across easily, and while you...
  15. Boleslaus

    German Amber Ale

    The last few beers I've made have been somewhat hoppy, mostly pales and ipa's. I want to make a somewhat sweet amber ale and I also want to try out some german ingredients. I guess I have a few questions. Is a german amber ale just an altbier? And take a look at this recipe and tell me what...
  16. Boleslaus

    PM SMaSH?

    Is there a way to do a PM SMaSH. I can only mash between 4 and 5 lbs of grain. But as far as I know most extracts contain a mix of malts right? Any way around this. If I wanted to do a Munich SMaSH, would using munich LME be suitable enough to at least give me an idea of what a real SMaSH...
  17. Boleslaus

    What do Warrior hops smell/taste like?

    I've searched and found a few round-about answers, but nothing definitive. I know Warrior is most commonly used as a bittering hop so not that much out there. I am brewing an IPA with Warrior, Centennial, and Casacde. Warrior will be at 60 min, but I also plan on adding either a late addition...
  18. Boleslaus

    Buddy Pass Pale Ale

    This has become my house pale ale. It has a really nice hoppy nose (very fruity and slightly piney) but a balanced flavor. It goes down so easily my friends literally have trouble not drinking it like water. Very smooth. Recipe based on 65% efficiency Grain Bill 4.5 lbs. Light DME (53.2%)...
  19. Boleslaus

    Pale Wheat Ale style help

    I have a question regarding this style. Most definitions say that it is a beer made with typically around 50% wheat that is fermented with clean american yeast and moderately hopped. What about a beer that uses only around 35% wheat with the rest being primarily pilsner malt fermented with...
  20. Boleslaus

    PM Hoegaarden Help

    Hi guys, I've looked though the recipes that are out there and can't find exactly what I want. The AG recipes look really good, but the only PM recipe I could find uses <2lbs. of grains. I don't want to use that much extract. I am looking to do a 4lb. mash plus extract. How exactly would I go...