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  1. Northern_Brewer

    Hoppy Golden Strong Ale

    I can't remember the details off the top of my head, but onion/garlic is sulphur chemistry so oxygen will tend to suppress them.
  2. Northern_Brewer

    Hoppy Golden Strong Ale

    Nah, it's just a sign that they've been harvested too late. Which can be for a number of reasons - labour issues, or as happened with much of the UK crop last year, a heatwave in early September that compressed the harvest, so farms were trying to harvest 2 weeks of crop in a week. But Summit...
  3. Northern_Brewer

    Hop Plant Help

    So Rome/Barcelona kind of level, it's still well above the 35N limit so I imagine they should behave relatively "normally" in my terms, although I bow to anyone with more experience at those latitudes.
  4. Northern_Brewer

    Hop Plant Help

    You don't say where you are, which is kinda critical for gardening questions, but in general - yes that's too late. Certainly varieties with a lot of European ancestry are very strongly driven by day length - broadly they grow upwards from the spring equinox until the summer solstice, then once...
  5. Northern_Brewer

    British Golden Ale Miraculix Best - Classic English Ale

    Just anything other than jamming it full of high pressure CO2. Even the taprooms of big name US craft brewers don't seem to have sussed that yet, where they don't have the excuse of someone else screwing up the cellarmanship. I presume they have the ability to control gas pressure on a per-line...
  6. Northern_Brewer

    British Golden Ale Miraculix Best - Classic English Ale

    That's perhaps one for the main "English" thread here rather than this one, but it's actually had a modest revival among the cool kids in the UK in recent years. But if it's to be saved in the US, USians *really* need to learn how to serve it. Putting mild on keg and turning up the CO2 to...
  7. Northern_Brewer

    Yeast question for a Quad - Don't understand BeerSmith....

    Supposedly the story is that after the Wehrmacht paid a visit to Rochefort they had to start from scratch after WWII with the help of some of the other Trappist breweries, they tried some of their yeast but they didn't really work. So a consultant working for them some 15-20 years after the war...
  8. Northern_Brewer

    Best News Headlines

    Apologies for the DailyMail link : Florida man's colon EXPLODES after coughing and sneezing at the same time in a diner - causing his intestines to fall out of his body Talking of Floridian colons, Larry Colon is the name of the dog owner here : Florida man avoids jail after French bulldog...
  9. Northern_Brewer

    Yeast question for a Quad - Don't understand BeerSmith....

    It has British origins but is probably similar to WLP540, which may or may not have origins at Rochefort. But actual Rochefort dregs give a far more complex result, presumably because they're using a multistrain whereas the yeast labs generally just sell single strains.
  10. Northern_Brewer

    Yeast question for a Quad - Don't understand BeerSmith....

    Personally I'd go for Fermentis BE-256. Abbaye is a S. cerevisiae x kudriavzevii hybrid like WLP500 Monastery and 1214 Belgian Abbey (“Chimay”?). The spec sheet says at least 5 billion/g - it varies by strain but typically dry yeast within the best before is up at somewhere around 20 billion/g.
  11. Northern_Brewer

    American IPA The New West Coast IPA

    Don't forget US pints are smaller, they're not far off an Aussie schooner.
  12. Northern_Brewer

    Letting Bull shoots grow

    Remember most of the classic European hopgrowing areas are at the same sort of latitude as Vancouver or Seattle, so their idea of a cool spring may be rather different to yours. To take some examples, in an average March temperatures in Žatec (Saaz) range from 34°F to a high of 50°F, in...
  13. Northern_Brewer

    Ways To Lower S-04 Acidity?

    Assuming that in a lifetime of drinking cask beer, most of it has been in spec per Murphy's ("The acceptable range of pH for cask conditioned beers is 3·7 – 4·1 units") then I'd disagree. However, having seen how even illustrious US commercial brewers abuse their English styles with...
  14. Northern_Brewer

    Letting Bull shoots grow

    Remember that hops are temperate plants - the classic hopgrowing regions are around 45-50°N and the conventional wisdom is that they grow down to 35°N. Wikipedia says that Cullman is at 34°10′N (about the same as LA or Atlanta), so automatically you're on the margins of the classic hop-growing...
  15. Northern_Brewer

    Name That Skyline - Picture Game

    But let's start with the continent; given the pollution (or is it just mist) - Asia?
  16. Northern_Brewer

    English Ales - What's your favorite recipe?

    It's also a reminder that the average quality of cask in London is quite possibly the worst of any major city in England, although there are some notable exceptions. Go north young man...
  17. Northern_Brewer

    Name That Skyline - Picture Game

    You shouldn't be a prisoner of your preconceptions...
  18. Northern_Brewer

    I need to brew an Ordinary Bitter, recipe review

    As I say, something seems to happen around 4.2% where the alcohol takes over the role of supplying body, so while it never hurts to do everything one can to maximise body, I was mainly thinking of <4%. But the task at hand is to impress the brew club with an 8A, so we need all the tricks. So...
  19. Northern_Brewer

    Hop Plant Help

    A hop plant is never going to freak out over some rain, they're thirsty things. Whereas the first thing I see is some holes in the topmost full leaves. So it looks like something is eating them, but it's not something we get here, so it's over to the US contingent... But I'd look carefully on...
  20. Northern_Brewer

    English Ales - What's your favorite recipe?

    Apropos of nothing, I was just looking at Yeastman and our old friend WLP037 is on release again, along with WLP022 Essex which feels like the first time in a long time. However, WLP038 Manchester appears to have become a non-yeast, it's no longer even on the White Labs website, so last year's...