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  1. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    A glass of that stinky blonde. I got a really lucky pound of Sorachi Ace, too bad I was a weeny and left it languishing in the freezer for four years.
  2. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    Just be sure you're good with humidity. As a guy that grew up in the Desert West, the Mid-Atlantic humidity, even after twenty years, still kicks my ass. It's especially rotten when you're so damned old that exercise isn't an option. I've really learned to loath August while becoming an expert...
  3. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    The APA keg finally gave up the ghost, but not before demanding one last squirt of CO2--then promptly wasting it as it kicked at less than half a pint in the subsequent pour. It was spiteful, hateful, and ill-natured to the last--all good qualities in an APA. Pouring a glass of Panther Piss out...
  4. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    Is "elevate" a contemporary term or technique used specifically for contemporary IPAs? Didn't occur to me until reading your post that there sure are a lot of contemporary IPAs with elevate or elevated in their names. Can't help but think I missed a memo.
  5. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    My fermenters are all full and I really, really, really need a keg to kick. But we all know how that goes, right? I've singled out the APA that has been sucking yeast and gurgling for about two weeks, but will it do the decent thing and kick? No, of course not! I'm quite certain that it's still...
  6. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    Any thoughts on that beer? When I went home to Oregon last year, for the first time in nearly twenty years, I was frothing at the mouth to tour the Pfriem brewery. Then I had a six pack, then another six pack, then another six pack of their lager and decided, as much as I love going out to Hood...
  7. Bramling Cross

    Hoppy Golden Strong Ale

    Writing from the USA, it most certainly is. I have no data to back this up, but I've seen it enough times that I think there's something to it: Myself and a few others are enjoying a pint while our other friend finds it undrinkable because of the onion/garlic/cat piss thing. I'm not arrogant...
  8. Bramling Cross

    Jasper yeast Franconian Lager

    Kind of you! So am I, but well, The Law of Keg Necessity... Mind coming over for a pint, maybe ten?
  9. Bramling Cross

    What came in the mail for you today?

    On further reflection, I lied about this. I was not "scrupulous about maintaining the instrument." Rather, when I drove from DC to Oregon last Fall, I took the Apera with me because an old buddy of mine that recently took the AG plunge needed some water chemistry help. I tossed the Apera in its...
  10. Bramling Cross

    Hoppy Golden Strong Ale

    I agree that a long, escalating mash is good. But I'm not sure about the 60min steps, the bulk of the conversion happens quickly at each step. Aggregated over the length of a standard Hochkurz mash, you're going to get just about all the conversion you could ask for. Moreover, don't 60min steps...
  11. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    And a glass of that APA that I'm rushing to get rid of because it's getting a bit warm out here.* *Meanwhile, in Alabama, Rish enjoys a Belgian Quad and thinks to himself, "Wow, it's already June. I guess I should check the AC filters and make certain it'll fire up in August in case it gets a...
  12. Bramling Cross

    Jasper yeast Franconian Lager

    Final fermentation curve, prior to kegging. As you can see it's fully crashed and just waiting for a keg to blow. I was hoping that I could quickly get it into a keg, but the Law of Keg Necessity* is in full force on this beer. *The law states: "Any keg you would like to fill will last for at...
  13. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    A glass of that overly dry hopped blonde that I made.
  14. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    Today has been a great day! A couple weeks ago I sent MaxStout some dry Kolsch sachets that I nabbed during the pandemic. I came home to a big USPS mailer full of coasters and stickers from the magnificent MaxStout. It's no joke, it's a no BS horde of stickers. Sticker dragons would happily...
  15. Bramling Cross

    What are you drinking now?

    I am such a weenie! As a guy from the West Coast, I go into panic mode as a bit of mild Mid-Atlantic humidity starts to converge with just barely 90F temps. "Alarm!!!!!! It's getting hot and muggy! Drain all the winter and spring kegs immediately! Secure the hops and make ready the adjuncts...
  16. Bramling Cross

    What came in the mail for you today?

    The motherlode came in the mail today! A while back I sent MaxStout some expired Kolsch yeast that purchased during the pandemic. Today, I found a big ol' envelope full of coasters and brewing stickers. Those of you familiar with the "What Are You Drinking Now?" thread might guess what happened...
  17. Bramling Cross

    Long time no see (Return to homebrewing)

    Pleased to hear it! Your last remark, "...and slowly build from there." That is the core of homebrewing. It's all about gaining the courage to actually do it and slowly building from there. I also enjoyed our chat and I wish you the best. Edit: Also, talk to Lizard about your water. You're...
  18. Bramling Cross

    Long time no see (Return to homebrewing)

    Bingo! See? You're already half-way there! A good homebrewer never, ever gets rid of a perfectly good fridge! You got this, my man! :bigmug:
  19. Bramling Cross

    Long time no see (Return to homebrewing)

    Wish I could offer more help, but I can't. Others will. You don't need to build a fancy kegerator. You just need a fridge, a CO2 tank, a regulator, and some cobra/picnic taps. A bog standard single-door-with-the-freezer-on-top fridge will hold two 6-gal and two 5-gal kegs with a 5lb CO2 tank...
  20. Bramling Cross

    Long time no see (Return to homebrewing)

    Also, buy a case of 100ml beakers. These things are incredibly useful. They're great for capturing pH measurements, weighing brewing salts, and hops. They also help you to organize your boil additions. While your mash is doing its thing, break out your scale and beakers and weigh your hops and...