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  1. RolandD

    Keg temp

    Yeah, I thought I knew how much chocolate extract to add, but now I have two kegs full of overwhelming chocolate flavor that I going to try to blend down to something drinkable. It may take a while.
  2. RolandD

    Keg temp

    I have a three tap coffin keezer with nothing on tap at the moment. My best repeatable ciders are Tart Cherry Cider, Mixed Berry Cider, Blueberry Cider, and Apple Cider. I'm still working out the ratio of chocolate extract to add to make Cherry Chocolate Cider. I primary 6+ gallons and keg 5...
  3. RolandD

    Keg temp

    Me too.
  4. RolandD

    Does vinegar production cause the airlock to bubble?

    Acetobacter are in the air we breathe. It could have got in when you racked it or when you sampled. Another contributing factor was that you racked to a bottling bucket and let it sit for two weeks. This introduced oxygen which the acetobacter need to convert ethanol to acetic acid. Way too much...
  5. RolandD

    Carbonation cap leaking.

    I used a second washer in my metal one. I'm pretty sure that the big O-ring is meant to seal the cap to the bottle.
  6. RolandD

    Keezer cycling too often

    Sorry for taking so long to reply. I sealed the hole in the cap with silicon caulk.
  7. RolandD

    Keezer cycling too often

    My keezer is about the same size and age as yours. I have the temp probe sealed in a water bottle with the temperature set to 37 degrees with a variance of 2 degrees. I cycles once every six hours or so.
  8. RolandD


    Spray paints, Gatorade, Powerade are just few that are in short supply around here.
  9. RolandD

    Pressure my cans through carbonation?

    You're losing a lot of carbonation through the transfer process. You'll need to experiment with how much to over carbonate prior to transfer to hit the level of carbonation you're looking for once canned. Giving it a day or two to rest and really absorb the CO2 prior to canning will help. As...
  10. RolandD

    Liquor I didn’t even know I liked

    I had always been a bourbon or whiskey guy, but had never had Irish Whiskey until we visited Ireland and I fell in love with it. I got into making cider to break my $100 per month Irish Whiskey habit, but still love a Whiskey Ginger once in a while.
  11. RolandD

    Making Cider with 8 Different Yeasts - Which Should I Supersize to 5 Gallons?

    Apologies if that came off harsh. I was concerned you might have potential bottle bombs and get hurt. For some ciders, I use four cans of a complementary frozen juice concentrate for a five gallon keg. That puts it in the range that my wife and I enjoy.
  12. RolandD

    Co2 from winemaking can be fatal

    Carbon monoxide binds to the hemoglobin in our blood just like oxygen. As long as the body is exhaling the carbon dioxide from the lungs and inhaling carbon monoxide, the body never realizes it is being deprived of oxygen.
  13. RolandD

    Making Cider with 8 Different Yeasts - Which Should I Supersize to 5 Gallons?

    Apple Juice concentrate is NOT an non-fermentable sugar. You will need to stabilize with potassium metabisulfite and potassium sorbate, otherwise the yeast will restart fermentation. Lalvin D-47 has been my preferred cider yeast for the past year, but I'm very pleased with how Lavin K1-V1116...
  14. RolandD

    Co2 from winemaking can be fatal

    The convulsions you feel when you hold your breathe long enough is CO2 intoxication. Not a pleasant way to go, at all. Nontoxic levels make you feel like crap. I was a tour guide in a show cave for ten years, CO2 levels were our greatest concern and we would occasionally have to shut down if...
  15. RolandD

    shop juice

    After sweetening, but before carbonation, it tasted like communion wine.
  16. RolandD

    Roland's Bountiful Blueberry Cider

    I started this just over a month ago, kegged a week ago, and it's just now carbed up and tastes great. 6 gal Great Value Apple Juice 8 lbs Frozen Blueberries 3 Tbls Yeast Nutrient 1 Tbls Yeast Energizer 1 Tbls Wine Tannins 1 tsp Malic Acid 1 pkt Lalvin K1-V1116 OG of apple juice was 1.049 I...
  17. RolandD

    shop juice

    I made a batch in June that was 3.75 gal of Apple juice and 2.25 gal of Welch's Concord Grape. OG was 1.058, giving 7.75% ABV. I sweetened it with four cans of frozen grape juice concentrate. Tasted like a sparkling grape wine. I made it because that was all the apple juice Walmart had at the...
  18. RolandD

    chest freezer settings

    That looks great, nice job.
  19. RolandD

    Newbie Query - Did I ruin my beer by stirring it too much right after pitching?

    I could be wrong, but your wort needs to be oxygenated for the yeast to properly do their thing. It's only after alcohol production that you need to worry about oxidation.