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  1. DevilsCups

    Top 5 must have hops

    Citra Riwaka CZ Saaz Columbus Fuggles
  2. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I know this is likely a poor idea, but I'll ask in case anyone has attempted this before..... As I posted before with my setup, I ferment in a keg with a floating dip tube etc. Has anyone tried putting a traditional liquid out dip tube on the gas-in side and used CO2 to agitate dry-hops when...
  3. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    It has made me realize that even though I'm mostly brewing lower gravity, considering the modern approach, I am severely underhopping.
  4. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    Now THIS is a complete clubbing over the head with hops. I love it lol.
  5. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    With this setup I'm using a hop-bong. I had a ferrule welded to the keg-lid. Works great. I'll swap out the top piece for a hop-bong for dry-hopping. I've considered putting another dip-tube onto the gas-in side of the keg post, for agitation, as I have the top post to pressurize when...
  6. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I certainly could! With my brewing situation / space, the least amount of vessels to clean and prep, the better haha. I guess I should ask - is anyone getting fantastic results in one vessel without agitation? I're really enjoyed switching to using this megamouth Torpedo keg fermenter setup...
  7. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I could, but I'd like to avoid dry-hopping in my serving keg if possible.
  8. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I'm doing these in a keg fermenter. Trying to figure out the best way to get full extraction without agitation, as it's just not practical for me, as it would kick up all the yeast/trub. Everything else about this fermenting setup is excellent.
  9. DevilsCups

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I used to brew commercially at a tiny farm brewery up until this past February, and at that time I was chatting with a close industry pal / brewery owner we collab with. He said word on the street is that Galaxy is "back". All the big-boys were cancelling contracts up until recently. Apparently...
  10. DevilsCups

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    I’m gonna throw a Hail Mary and guess potassium chloride.
  11. DevilsCups

    Warm Fermented Lager Thread

    What do you guys think - gelatin fining in keg or gelatin fining in pressure primary at crash temp?
  12. DevilsCups

    Shout out to Morebeer

    MoreBeer rules. They constantly put out cool content too, and you can tell they genuinely care about the community. I've dealt with Vito directly a few times, and he's gone above and beyond for me when he didn't have to. One thing I will say - you will receive fantastic support from them if...
  13. DevilsCups

    Warm Fermented Lager Thread

    I'll update in here, for posterity. Tomorrow is one week since pitch. The spunding valve is set to 25psi now @ 68-70ºF, and still off-gassing (whether or not it's ferm activity or just CO2 breaking out). We'll see what story the gravity tells starting tomorrow. I'll likely plan on crashing...
  14. DevilsCups

    Warm Fermented Lager Thread

    Hoping so! It's still going, bit by bit. Down to 1.012 today. Not the end of the world if it doesn't reach desired vols via spunding!
  15. DevilsCups

    Warm Fermented Lager Thread

    Sampled today. It's sitting at 1.016 from 1.053. Tastes lovely, but yeasty (of course). Closed up the spunding valve to 25psi, though I missed the boat for a decent natural carb by a few points.