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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2009
Reaction score
Richmond VA
So I posted a while back that I was looking for ideas for a brewery logo to go along with the name "Damn Yankee Brewing Co." since I'm living in Richmond and married to a Richmond native, but I was born and raised in upstate New York.

This is what I've come up with so far. My drawing ability sucks and I'm shocked it looks as good as it does. Something about the bayonet jammed in the ground with a hop bine growing around just appealed to me.


It should say "Damn Yankee Brewing Co." around the perimeter in the frame, but I haven't quite figured out the curved text thing yet. I think it's kinda cool but it definitely needs more... something...

So, any thoughts, suggestions, criticism or blatant name calling are appreciated.

In case anyone wanted to know, leaves are a lot harder to draw than you might think at first...
Is the goal to make the locals angry?

I'm from Colorado and the other half of my company is in Falmouth.

I can send them into outer orbits of rage by merely quoting Lincoln. If you're looking for outrage you could always allude to Abe. Even just a top hap would probably do it. :)
So far no outrage when I've mentioned the name. I'm not quite far enough south for that.
first, do something to the bayonet to make it look like a bayonet and not a wine thief (constructive criticism, not trying to be a jerk). Second, move the graphic to the right just a bit to center it and even out the white space.

if you are going to have text go around the outside, it generally goes on the top and bottom (ie: "Damn Yankee" on top, "Brewing Co." on bottom). With the way the curve is, it will be hard to decipher the lettering. Consider broadening the curve a bit.

wine thief... that's funny. Unfortunately this image represents the pinnacle of my artist ability :(.

But I agree with everything you said. Not sure I see the wine thief though...
You might add some sort of background behind the bayonet/hop bine, it would help to give some depth. Maybe add some other civil war artifacts? Just a thought. Regards, GF.
I think you've got a cool idea and a good start. I'm just going to throw a couple of brainstorms out, just to kick around ideas.

You might add a Union (Blue) Kepi to the graphic to align the design to "Damn Yankee", as bayonets of the type shown were not unique to the Union or Confederate Armies (unless, of course, that ambiguity is intentional). My initial impulse would to make the kepi hang off of the mounting tube of the bayonet, but this would likely obscure the part of the bayonet that gives it its characteristic (and thus recognizable) shape. Therefore, you could put the kepi laying on the ground to the lower right of the bayonet, balancing the graphic a bit.

You could fill out the upper left of the graphic with a number of things, depending on how overtly "Yankee" you want to get with the design. You could put a Union eagle in that space, or a Civil War era American Flag. You could use a flag from a Union regiment with historical significance to your family, geography, or just one you admire, or you could just put "U.S.A." in 1860s era print font in the upper left corner.

It "Damn Yankee Brewing Co." are to occupy the upper and lower curves of the label, then you could fill the right and left spaces of the label ring with Civil war muskets, or tiny Napoleon "Six pounder" cannons. Perhaps a pyramid stack of cannonballs on the sides, or just five pointed stars as filler.

-Just kicking around a couple of ideas...
I like the Kepi idea, I don't think I could draw something that "round" and have it look convincing. It would probably come out looking like a blue turd. I've always be jealous of people who can draw well.

On another note, does anyone have any suggestions for creating curved text? I've played with using text along paths in Gimp with poor results. If I have to I'll individually rotate and position each letter... but I don't want to have to do that.
I'll have to try PowerPoint. Or the OpenOffice equivalent as the case may be...