R.I.P. @Bracconiere

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Hi Everybody,

I know I haven’t responded to the thread in a while and for that I apologize.

I do have some unfortunate news, after reaching out by mail I finally got a response today. Our dear friend @bracconiere has passed away.

A representative from his family called me this morning and gave me the news. He said a few people had reached out and he was just now getting back to people.

I want to respect his and his families privacy so that’s all I’ll say here. I am shocked and saddened as I’m sure most of you are, he was young (mid 40’s). The representative did let me know that his beer equipment was taken by the new owner of his home and a charitable donation was made in his name from the sale of personal belongings/house per his wishes.

So while I’m not really sure how to conclude but I will say this. I miss my friend and his crazy antics and I hope he’s resting easy drinking the good stuff with the people he loved who passed before him.
That's tragic news. RIP, mate.
This last year has been a bit of a dumpster fire, as is wont to happen in our lives sometimes, so I am just finishing this read and wanted to pour one out to a truly enlightening and entertaining fellow. @bracconiere, you are missed. Someday I am going to hit the feed store and use what I learned from him about malting to make a truly low-budget brew. RIP.
Sorry @Kent88 , I've been thinking out what I want to write.

Yep, I kinda let this go by the wayside, but not a week goes by that I don't think of our friend. Mainly when I get on here. I used to purposefully find his new posts as I knew I'd be in for something either hilarious, bizarre, or very informative.
Well... i've lurked here since the start of this thread. I guess it's time to comment. I LOVED 'Braccy' (as i called him)- how can't you love a guy when Homer's his avatar?!
I was missing him and almost posted something but was afraid of the answer. Thanks to Seatazz for getting it going.
I think one of the last threads i read with him was about an old (then 'broken') dryer he was going to fix to re-purpose into a diy malt roaster. I think what made him so charming was his humility and eagerness. I saw so many members help him and he was always so grateful.
I also could tell when he'd had a few too many and started posting here (and by no means am i casting a stone here- i too am very guilty of the same thing... as are we all, i'd reckon!).
Thoose were some of my favorite posts... it was always in good fun, but he had some ribs now and then. Certainly not everyone appreciated or enjoyed his humor.
Mostly, though... he would de-rail the thread for a few posts while we all tried to decipher his joke.

Helll yes i'll raise a pint on April 2nd! Great idea. (Tbh tho i've already raised a few before and will raise more after).
I might go down rabbit holes in the future and post my favorite Braccy hits here.

Here's to what i think is a great mascot for the Homebrewer spirit- loves beer, loves saving money and diy'ing it.

RIP my ole hbt buddy... hope the cider's always on draft up there!
As promised, i think this thread is good. Note- not related to brewing, and some nice gratatitous cheesecake shots from @MaxStout that i enjoyed.


Added a few more.
(I ended up down quite few rabbit holes!)


I thought this one was really cool: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/threads/bracconiere-home-made-malt.690801/

Ok, great example of how Braccy was frugal but NOT cheap. Loved how he donated to Jay's project.

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here is a start of an all grain recipe, slightly more details than my first one I posted before.

10gal batch
80% BHE
1059 SG
25IBU(.43IBU/SG guess, may seem closer to balanced if fermented dry)
3hour boil (quick naps during the boil optional)
mash 60min 150(guess), (add a 20min 162 or 164 to get a 10% efficiency boost optional, naps also optional)
Sparge with enough water to support long boil, leave no sugar behind

20lb 2row base malt
1.5oz hops 60min (guess, seen using 1.5oz of hops mentioned, centennial 10AA will be the right IBUs)
gluco-Amylase 10gm added with yeast (think this is right 1gm/gal)
baynus yeast (add an 'a' in the middle if you need to purchase or just use what you got)

ferment until done(check with fancy smanchy refractometer optional)
burst carbonate until 2 ounces??? of CO2 added

Never tried his homemade malt but guess from comments about it being malty maybe adding some munich or vienna.

If you want to keep with his frugal spirit, do what you can to reduce costs or just use what you got.

I seen he would add wheat flour and other things to boost gravity at times.

I don't think I would ever brew a 10gal personally but I am thinking about removing a gallon or two of wort from a WC IPA before the late hop addition and use that to ferment dry. Making use of something else seems appropriate if you cant do it frugally. When I do I brew it I will call it a Bracconiere Bock.
gluco-Amylase 10gm added with yeast (think this is right 1gm/gal)

I had messaged him about the gluco, here's what he said:

I think one of the last threads i read with him was about an old (then 'broken') dryer he was going to fix to re-purpose into a diy malt roaster.
Damm, I was going through my photo files the other day and deleated those I used to help him and understand what he was doing. It wasn't as broken as he thought at first, had to do a little more "fix'n" than needed. What a deal that project was. (LOL)
I took my time doing it,,,🥲
RIP Brac,,,
Cheers to to @bracconiere , I did not know you but enjoyed you much. :mug:
Joel B.
Well...let's not go overboard here. I enjoyed the Bracc as much as the next HBTer but some of his uber low budget concoctions sounded gawdawful and not something I'd emulate....ever :oops:

Make some Skeeter pee and dedicate it to him ;-)

Honestly this thread reminds me of the end of “forbidden kingdom” not a bad movie really. The main character says “I will never forget you” and Jackie Chan replies “I guess that’s what being immortal truly means.”
He came, he left a mark, he left. I think that's all any of us could hope for.

Srsly, take a moment and think about that. What mark do you leave behind?
I’ve planted some pear and full size apple trees in places where I believe future owners of the property won’t be quick to chop them down. Maybe they’ll be there 100 years from now….
I just now ran across the recent updates to this thread but I *did* happen to brew one today...
Not the cheapest brew I've ever made, but I did use up a lot of older grains that I've been
needing to get rid of... An APA based on @Yooper 's House Ale recipe
My contribution to @bracconiere Day :bigmug:

Had I known in advance, I'd have maybe thrown some of the malt in the drier first... :ghostly:
In my admittedly fairly limited posting activity on HBT I never had a direct interaction with Bracc. And I'll admit to just flying over most of his posts, also because I'm no native english speaker, and a foreigner (to the US), so I found a lot of what he was writing quite hard to grasp... not only because of the writing style, but also the many obscure references to things unknown to me (as I understand by reading this thread, even native speakers and US citizens faced sometimes difficulties following his posts ;-)).

Anyway, yesterday I stumbled upon this thread and I just couldn't stop reading. It maybe gave me a better glimpse of who Bracc really was, and what a wholesome tribute by this amazing community! I found all this deeply moving. R.I.P Bracc.
(as I understand by reading this thread, even native speakers and US citizens faced sometimes difficulties following his posts ;-)).

That's a nice way of putting it. I wouldn't have to do much searching to find posts of Bracc's where I didn't understand anything he said.
Ok so this is a weird one. Bracc's last post was on 4/2/23, I'm a little fuzzy but I think that we found that he passed on 4/3/23. If not that exact date, forgive me; but the weird part of this is, my husband's best friend (and a dear friend to me as well) passed very unexpectedly on 4/3/24. I didn't make the connection until today. No, I never met Bracc in person, but we had a great friendship on here with mutual interests and lots of conversations.

Maybe not really a connection, but something to make me think about this fleeting thing that is life. I swear only yesterday I was 26, single and (considered) adult for the first time in my life. Now I'm 56, worried about random aches and pains, and friends I've had for years are slipping away. Another dear friend is fighting prostate cancer, his wife is dealing with MS, my own husband has had some melanoma scares. But still we go on.

I learned a long time ago, and it's maybe not the best way to be, but I try to live for the moment. The more we worry about the future and what it may hold for ourselves and our loved ones, the more we miss what is happening in the present. Cherish what you have today, for it may be gone tomorrow.
Ok so this is a weird one. Bracc's last post was on 4/2/23, I'm a little fuzzy but I think that we found that he passed on 4/3/23. If not that exact date, forgive me; but the weird part of this is, my husband's best friend (and a dear friend to me as well) passed very unexpectedly on 4/3/24. I didn't make the connection until today. No, I never met Bracc in person, but we had a great friendship on here with mutual interests and lots of conversations.

Maybe not really a connection, but something to make me think about this fleeting thing that is life. I swear only yesterday I was 26, single and (considered) adult for the first time in my life. Now I'm 56, worried about random aches and pains, and friends I've had for years are slipping away. Another dear friend is fighting prostate cancer, his wife is dealing with MS, my own husband has had some melanoma scares. But still we go on.

I learned a long time ago, and it's maybe not the best way to be, but I try to live for the moment. The more we worry about the future and what it may hold for ourselves and our loved ones, the more we miss what is happening in the present. Cherish what you have today, for it may be gone tomorrow.
I hear all of that loud and clear. Life can be crazy sometimes. My uncle got hit by a car 5 weeks ago doing his morning walk, and still hasn't woken up, my mom has been given 2 months to live after fighting colon cancer for the last 5 years, and just found out Friday, that a former employee/coworker of ours committed suicide. Enjoy every moment with your loved ones.
Living in the present moment is the better way to enjoy life somewhat free of anxiety and sorrow. We do need to plan for future days (don’t spend money like there’s no tomorrow, mother used to say). Truth is life can change in the blink of an eye, so yes cherish your time and your loved ones.
Who knows when your last day or hour will be? Drink the imperial stout you brewed last year and were saving for some special occasion, go to a concert, call off sick from work and go skiing or to the beach, learn some dance steps or how to play your favorite song on an instrument.
Ok so this is a weird one. Bracc's last post was on 4/2/23, I'm a little fuzzy but I think that we found that he passed on 4/3/23. If not that exact date, forgive me; but the weird part of this is, my husband's best friend (and a dear friend to me as well) passed very unexpectedly on 4/3/24.

Maybe not really a connection, but something to make me think about this fleeting thing that is life. I swear only yesterday I was 26, single and (considered) adult for the first time in my life. Now I'm 56, worried about random aches and pains, and friends I've had for years are slipping away. Another dear friend is fighting prostate cancer, his wife is dealing with MS, my own husband has had some melanoma scares. But still we go on.

Cherish what you have today, for it may be gone tomorrow.

Of my dad and my uncles, maybe one of them is having a chance to enjoy his retirement.

One died young-ish from an accident and possibly a doctor's incompetence. One seemed to be in good health and kept working well past typical retirement age to maintain a certain lifestyle, and not long after retirement he got some rough news from the doctor. One retired because of a condition that was making it difficult to get around and do things. And another is a butthead who loves to mock and shout at certain people so I don't talk to him anymore.

Pushing all your fun vacations, whatnot, etc. until retirement is looking like a really bad idea to me. Use your time off and have some new experiences.