Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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Oct 12, 2012
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Ok, feel free to use this as a place to vent about your co-workers. No need to use names in case you work with fellow brewers. Let's hear the stuff they do that bugs you.

I have a co-worker that smokes heavily and is a close talker. Bleh.

Another one of my co-workers uses words like "moot" and "anomaly" in the wrong context CONSTANTLY.

Yet another co-worker I have insists on parking in the farthest possible parking space to avoid door dings in the employee lot, but whines like a little girl that the landscaping contractor gets grass on his truck when they mow next to his vehicle.

Anyone else have any co-worker peeves?
The owners son has no qualifications to be doing this job, yet people put up with him because of his dad.
Absolutely nobody can eat an apple LOUDER than our office manager. Celery is enough to make me leave the office completely. We all work in the same room/office.

Selfish and petty, I know, but I feel better haveing gotten that off my chest. Thanks.
Absolutely nobody can eat an apple LOUDER than our office manager. Celery is enough to make me leave the office completely. We all work in the same room/office.

Selfish and petty, I know, but I feel better haveing gotten that off my chest. Thanks.

I have an office with 4 desks in one room and I totally get this. The guy that uses moot and anomaly wrong also listens to god awful hair band music from the 70s at a volume that is more than adequate for a small office. Repeated hints of "You should get some headphones" have not been enough to help him figure this out...
I have several co workers who abuse FMLA, short term disability, and leaves of absences just because they don't want to work. It really gets under my skin that they can use the system like that. It shines a bad light on anybody that truly needs to use that time off for the right reasons.
Many of them either walk straight out of the bathroom after completing their business, or they simply run water over their hands for 3 seconds, then leave. This includes after dropping a deuce...

This is an office building, but still, everyone has to touch surfaces that these jack-holes have tainted with their nasty hands. My kids could get sick from something they pass-on...I'll never know.
There's a guy at work who doesn't understand the concept of "only give the info someone is looking for". Boss calls around in the AM to see what everyone has on their plate work-wise. Instead of just telling him which jobs and how long he has left, he starts explaining intricate processes and issues he's trying to solve, as though this helps boss get ready for the production-scheduling meeting...

If someone from another department asks him about where he's at on a job or an issue, he goes into great detail, despite the fact that none of these people have ever done our job (programming) or have any idea what he's talking about.

People want specific information. Don't give them things they don't need or wont understand. If they want to know more, they'll ask.
One more for now.

Another guy likes to talk about why data is bad and often mentions that the customer should just send in new data. He likes to dismiss problems rather than seek to find a solution. When there's an issue, it's best to at least offer up suggestions on how it could be fixed, complete with time estimates (which translate to scheduling, labor cost, billing back to customer, etc.). It's like if you go to the mechanic and he tells you your engine is all messed up, then just walks away.
I have an office with 4 desks in one room and I totally get this. The guy that uses moot and anomaly wrong also listens to god awful hair band music from the 70s at a volume that is more than adequate for a small office. Repeated hints of "You should get some headphones" have not been enough to help him figure this out...

I have a guy who listens to his music not "loud" but I can make out the words. He listens to one of those "Country Hits" stations, and they play some Carrie Underwood song "Blown Awayyyyyyyyyyy" song at least 7 times per day, and I hear it every time.

Same guy, our office is very quiet. Usually all you can hear is keyboards and mice clicking away. When he answers his phone he talks at like an 11. I'm like, "I'm pretty sure these phones (new in the last 2 years) work pretty well."

Ok, I just think it to myself. Seriously, it's like he's yelling into the phone. There's no background noise, and I talk to the same people at just above a whisper, they hear me fine.
One more.

Borrowing tools. Couple of the night shift guys that will not buy thier own tools.
I ride a bicycle most of the time and find tools on the ground all of the time. I give them to 'em.
We got one guy who just happens to know everything about everything.

You would think that would be an awesome employee to have around, right?

we got like 20 of them. I'm smelling what you're stepping in.

the ones that really get me are anyone who works in my area when I'm not there. I have my welder set where I want it. I have things organized how I want them. quit tacking things to my work horses & table if you won't grind the tack flat. don't use the flap discs just until the edge rounds & throw it away. sweep up when you're done. and for the love of all things barley & hop related, QUIT SPITTING YOUR FLOCCING SUNFLOWER SEED SHELLS ALL OVER MY FLOCCING FLOOR!!!!
People who have office doors and don't use them.


I usually just get up and close the door for them.
Guy I work with watches youtube videos ALL day long. When I ask him for help (which is his job) I get, "uh, pretty busy today."
I got this one kid who constently whistles the same few bars of the same song over and over and over all day long
My boss is notoriously non-confrontational. Most of the time it's ok, because he doesn't try to micromanage or start trouble where there doesn't need to be any, but there have also been times where there have been serious interpersonal problems between employees, and he won't step in to do anything about it until people are ready to kill each other.

He's also really slow to return phone calls and emails, so usually by the time he asks me to respond or the person calls back and reaches my desk, they're livid at the lack of response and I'm the one that's left looking bad.
The guy in the cubicle behind me likes to slurp his tea all day long. He also belches, and hums really loud all day long. He clips his finger nails at least twice a week, it's so loud and I keep waiting for a nail to come flying over the wall and land on my desk. To top all that off after eats he swishes and gargles water in his mouth to clean his teeth then swallows it.
I work in a far flung remote mine and I'm there for a month at a time. Half the guys I work with are constantly badgering me to find god and come to church. I'm evil for reading science magazines and brewing beer. I swear to grist if I hear that im going to hell if I don't change my ways and find Jebus one more time I'm going to scream.
I have several co workers who abuse FMLA, short term disability, and leaves of absences just because they don't want to work. It really gets under my skin that they can use the system like that. It shines a bad light on anybody that truly needs to use that time off for the right reasons.

Yup, calls in sick more in a month than I have in my whole working life and nothing they can do about it, except make me do my job and hers.
we got like 20 of them. I'm smelling what you're stepping in.

the ones that really get me are anyone who works in my area when I'm not there. I have my welder set where I want it. I have things organized how I want them. quit tacking things to my work horses & table if you won't grind the tack flat. don't use the flap discs just until the edge rounds & throw it away. sweep up when you're done. and for the love of all things barley & hop related, QUIT SPITTING YOUR FLOCCING SUNFLOWER SEED SHELLS ALL OVER MY FLOCCING FLOOR!!!!
Oh that would Piss me off to no end. I cut meat and sometimes the night guys avoid the 20 "community" knives and take mine out if my wrapped up knife sheath, then to top it off, leave my knives and steel scattered around the wet sink to rust overnight (and you can bet your balls they have figured out how to get them dull everytime).

But if I were you billy, I think I would lose it
I have several co workers who abuse FMLA, short term disability, and leaves of absences just because they don't want to work. It really gets under my skin that they can use the system like that. It shines a bad light on anybody that truly needs to use that time off for the right reasons.

Thank you for making this remark. My place of employment is full of nothing but drama queens and gossip kings and nothing pisses me off more when these people lump ALL people who have to take FMLA as abusers.

I have asthma and I could easily take FMLA for it. I don't. One, because it's extra money for my hobbies when I work and, two, I don't want to be lumped in as 'another abuser'.

You should think about changing your username to "MustBeCool". :mug:
Oh that would Piss me off to no end. I cut meat and sometimes the night guys avoid the 20 "community" knives and take mine out if my wrapped up knife sheath, then to top it off, leave my knives and steel scattered around the wet sink to rust overnight (and you can bet your balls they have figured out how to get them dull everytime).

But if I were you billy, I think I would lose it

I left a note on my welder last Thursday: "Leave my ^%$#&^&* settings alone!" I will down right flocc with these a-holes if it persists. and there is nothing worse than a dull knife when you expect a sharp one. I can deal with my coworkers irritations, but there's no place for a dull knife.
How about the folks that repeatedly ***** about stuff that you can do absolutely nothing about....
Thank you for making this remark. My place of employment is full of nothing but drama queens and gossip kings and nothing pisses me off more when these people lump ALL people who have to take FMLA as abusers.

I have asthma and I could easily take FMLA for it. I don't. One, because it's extra money for my hobbies when I work and, two, I don't want to be lumped in as 'another abuser'.

You should think about changing your username to "MustBeCool". :mug:

Look here, I said in that post that it shines a bad light on people who NEED to take that time off for the right reasons. When the lazy bastards I work with run out of personal time they sign up for FMLA due to "stress and anxiety". If your job is so stressful to you but not the others that do the same job, QUIT! Nobody is forcing them to stay there and when they pull that bull**** it only puts the workload on people that aren't so lazy they can't show up to work.

We have another guy that has a cyst in his wrist that he got while in the military years before starting this job. It didn't hurt him or stop him from doing his job until they moved him to a job he didn't want to do. To spite the company he goes to medical and has THEM pay for the surgery to remove the cyst and pay him to do next to nothing for 3 months while it heals.

I'm sorry but I'm just simply not a fan of doing somebody else's well paying job only because they're lazy.
You should think about changing your user name to "NotAFanOfReading"
One particular guy bothers me a bunch. He's a close-talker, always wanting to show me things on his I-Phone, usually pictures of his cats or something else stupid. He always wants me to read company e-mails on his computer screen I tell him at least once a week "you know I get those e-mails too". He can't sit still for more than 10 min's and listens to bad music. I put on ear buds and tell him he should do the same.
The fact that I have coworkers is enough to irritate me. Somebody likes to stink up the mens room at about the same time every morning, don't know who, but you could almost set your watch by the stink. He turns the light & fan (they're connected) off when he leaves & allows his stink to linger far longer. I'm really starting to hate that guy, whoever he is.

There seems to be an attitude of "ignore a problem long enough & it'll just go away" that is entrenched in MGT. I can't even begin to count how many times I've heard "That's the way it's always been, it's never going to change." They're right, with that attitude, it never will. <Sigh>

The HMFIC here likes to hand out praise for a job well done like it was candy on Halloween. Apparently all you have to do to get an "attaboy" is show up.

There's a LOT of people here that won't say "good morning" when they come in, and they won't say "goodbye" before they hang up the phone. I could go on & on & on...
But I won't. :D
Regards, GF.
The owner my of my company seems to care more about drag racing that life itself which is very annoying to all the other employees who are trying to rehash the latest episode of american idol. Not only that but he puts in at least 55-60 hrs a week. Then rebuilds old cars and brews beer in his downtime. He also has been known to fire people for gossiping and creating a hostile work environment.

I would quit but I own the damn place.:cool:
Hi everyone. I am that annoying guy you speak of. Here's my strategy:

So I fart a lot. Basically I try to fart at the desk of someone new every day. And I steal things from the fridge. People stole my stuff for years, but now I'm the ****** who takes your lunch/salad dressing/soft drink/etc.

Clog the toilet? Just leave it. Don't bother with that plunger right beside it.
Use all the TP? Don't leave a note, just leave it hoping the next guy doesn't notice.
I don't pee on the seat, but I like to splash a little water around so people think I do.

What else, what else.... nothing comes to mind. But you know when you play Trivial Persuit, and when you're setting up the game and there's all the pie pieces jammed in to the circle things the wrong way? Yeah, that's me too.
drainbamage said:
My boss is notoriously non-confrontational. Most of the time it's ok, because he doesn't try to micromanage or start trouble where there doesn't need to be any, but there have also been times where there have been serious interpersonal problems between employees, and he won't step in to do anything about it until people are ready to kill each other.

He's also really slow to return phone calls and emails, so usually by the time he asks me to respond or the person calls back and reaches my desk, they're livid at the lack of response and I'm the one that's left looking bad.

You work for my boss too?

There's nothing worse than a boss who is afraid to be the boss.
My boss is Carl from Slingblade who takes over all projects when they get interesting. Interesting in this case is public facing. He is the worst micromanager ever.
Look here, I said in that post that it shines a bad light on people who NEED to take that time off for the right reasons. When the lazy bastards I work with run out of personal time they sign up for FMLA due to "stress and anxiety". If your job is so stressful to you but not the others that do the same job, QUIT! Nobody is forcing them to stay there and when they pull that bull**** it only puts the workload on people that aren't so lazy they can't show up to work.

We have another guy that has a cyst in his wrist that he got while in the military years before starting this job. It didn't hurt him or stop him from doing his job until they moved him to a job he didn't want to do. To spite the company he goes to medical and has THEM pay for the surgery to remove the cyst and pay him to do next to nothing for 3 months while it heals.

I'm sorry but I'm just simply not a fan of doing somebody else's well paying job only because they're lazy.
You should think about changing your user name to "NotAFanOfReading"

Maybe you should re-read my post. I was paying you a compliment! I never said my job was stressful, so don't know where you get that. Just that it is filled with some drama queens, that's all. I only took my FMLA when I NEEDED it as you say. Trust me, after almost losing my older brother to a lung infection and losing my mother to cancer this year, my job has been nothing but a sanctuary to me. I can also pull my weight there and , unfortunately, others' as well.

Never thought I would get yelled at for agreeing with someone. Geez!
I seriously wish it was possible to quarantine the co-workers with children and the co-workers without children from early September to end of June. These are the people who get sick from their kids and typically bring it into the office instead of taking sick days.