Don't Do That.

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I don't remember seeing horse chestnut trees in the US (at least not often) so I'm guessing the game doesn't exist here.


If you mean these, we absolutely had them in our yard growing up. We would just throw them at stuff really hard so they would blow up. Never heard conkers though.
I always made sure I had ST-DEFx4 at that point, so I wouldn't be too bad off - Confuse, Berserk, Silence, & Poison would be junctioned, so one party-member could heal the rest without dying.

...I swear I am not stupid...

Make a milk stout, then remember that you are lactose intolerant the next morning.

Don't do that.
Brown recluse is supposed to be lethally poisonous to humans?! It was the biggest female I've ever seen!

They're usually not lethal. The biggest problem is tissue necrosis. I worked with a woman who lost her toe because she waited too long for treatment. They still freak me out. I'm glad we don't have them here.

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They're usually not lethal. The biggest problem is tissue necrosis. I worked with a woman who lost her toe because she waited too long for treatment. They still freak me out. I'm glad we don't have them here.

the usual reason why they become lethal is because people let the bite go for too long and they get nasty infections. otherwise, like you said, they let them go too long and have to have a body part removed. we had them in WY. everyone I worked with there claims they have killed hundreds of them. people in WY, there is a huge difference between a brown recluse and every other spider in your house. especially common grey house spiders.
Decide to go ahead and put the other half pound of your centinial hops in the 5g brew, since you don't have a vacuum sealer.
Then feed the near complete fermentation 7.5 pounds of corn sugar over the course of a week until, unbeknownst to you, the yeast dies off and you go ahead and bottle a 13% supersweet bipa that will never carb and take the enamel off your teeth.

Don't do that.
or, use a stronger yeast
Try to dry hop pellet hops in a nylon bag with no weight in it in a full better bottle.
Drop hop needs a blow off.
we had them in WY. everyone I worked with there claims they have killed hundreds of them. people in WY, there is a huge difference between a brown recluse and every other spider in your house. especially common grey house spiders.

Yes, there is a reason they are called "recluse." You don't kill them on your walls. They bite you in your sleeping bag. A few days later, lance that annoying boil that started on your camping trip. Don't do that.
Yes, there is a reason they are called "recluse." You don't kill them on your walls. They bite you in your sleeping bag. A few days later, lance that annoying boil that started on your camping trip. Don't do that.

That's the first time I saw that large female in the dark corner by my computer hutch. She usually hides in the base of one of my Adam's Needle cacti by the front lamp post? That was a first. I know what they look like. I have to be careful around the gardens with those pesky things hiding around the plants & rocks.
Stick your spent grains in the (cold, but still gas) oven for two days for the wife to find. Don't do that.

(Smell was deliciously funky to me, but not for her.)
Feed your dog some beef drippings with dinner and assume she won't leave two rather large piles of vomit for you to find on the carpet in the morning.

Don't do that.

If you mean these, we absolutely had them in our yard growing up. We would just throw them at stuff really hard so they would blow up. Never heard conkers though.

We called those 'Buckeyes'. The nut was supposed to resemble a deer's eye. I don't see it. I grew up in Ohio and that's where the Ohio State Buckeyes got their name. It's the state tree.

Those suckers hurt when you take one directly to the head. We used to have rules with our enemies on the next block. We'd try to aim for the legs, but every now and again one would get a little off target.
We called those 'Buckeyes'. The nut was supposed to resemble a deer's eye. I don't see it. I grew up in Ohio and that's where the Ohio State Buckeyes got their name. It's the state tree.

Those suckers hurt when you take one directly to the head. We used to have rules with our enemies on the next block. We'd try to aim for the legs, but every now and again one would get a little off target.

Looks like a similar plant but slightly different species than what I grew up with.

And yes. Those nut/seed things are painful whether thrown or swung.
I'm making pesto with an immersion blender
I notice there's big lumps stuck in around the blade
Oh, I can just clean it out really quick with my finger...without unplugging it.

Don't do that.
the usual reason why they become lethal is because people let the bite go for too long and they get nasty infections. otherwise, like you said, they let them go too long and have to have a body part removed. we had them in WY. everyone I worked with there claims they have killed hundreds of them. people in WY, there is a huge difference between a brown recluse and every other spider in your house. especially common grey house spiders.

Here in Southern California, we do have TONS of brown widows, though.

On the positive side, they've been edging out the black widow population, and while a brown widow bite will ruin your day, it's less dangerous than the black widow bit.

On the negative side, the brown widows seem to be VERY plentiful. More plentiful than black widows where. I can seriously go through the yard on any summer day and find at least 10 of them to kill, underneath lawn furniture, kids' climbing toys, etc.

If you see a brown widow, you'll know by the web and egg sac. The webs are unorganized (not like an orb-weaving spider) and the egg sacs are small, off-white, and look extremely spiky...
