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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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The "Ville"
Sorry, this is a little region specific.

I live in Kentucky. Fireworks laws here SUCK! (err I mean THEY PROTECT PEOPLE!! yeah)

So, I have been to Indiana and gotten some good stuff that is illegal here, I have opportunity to be in Tennessee tomorrow (a 20 mile detour).

Is it any better in Tennessee than Indiana? Is it worth an hour out of the way (total) to venture into Tennessee?

My neighborhood is insane for the 4th of july. Last year it was on a Tues or Weds, and people were lighting stuff til 2:30 in tha am. This year is on a Friday. I must take part!

If anyone knows, I appreciate it!
Tennessee fireworks rock!

If your area is in a drought, use the stuff that does not fly. We are dry as a bone here in Texas, so we'll be fireworks free on the fourth.
Nope, we go to Alabama to get ours. I don't know all the exact's my friends who usually make the trip and have all the knowledge. I just set things on fire and get out of the way.
I have always been told that Tennesse was better than Indiana, but I got some pretty damn good ones in Indiana. (I tested one to be sure, lol)

Fortunately we have had a decent amount of rain here. Hope you get some soon. Droughts stress me out(probably because I am growing Hops and peppers!)
When I was little (8-9yo) we drove from chicago to orlando to see the big mouse. We stopped to eat and get gas in tennessee, even at a young age I remembered thinking there is something wrong about selling massive ammounts of fireworks at a 16 pump gas station...
No kidding, going down I-65 towards Nashville, it is non-stop fireworks alley, they sell fireworks at restaraunts, flower shops, and yes, gas stations!
I have gotton fireworks from both states when I was driving over the road. I was happy with both. If you find a shelton fireworks store, look for one called "The grand Finale" you wont be dissapointed trust me.
Yeah, there's plenty of stores along the interstate, but I guess my friends were looking to get "more bang for their buck" or something along those lines.
I was once in a tennesee store as a child, and they had a huge spool of fire crackers, the ones that go pow pow pow and go off rapidly one after the other. It was spooled up and supposedly when unrolled would stretch 1/2 a mile down the road, I would love to see something like that in action.
I grew up in southern Indiana and there are some good fireworks there. They actually make you sign a waiver saying you are going to take them out of state to set them off (Dad always signed it anyway) I think it is amusing that one state will outlaw them, and the next will not allow you to set them off in the state, but allow you to sell them so they can be set off in the state that doesn't allow sale.

I for one think that this country is turning into a lot of pansies that don't know that everything can be dangerous, that instead people need to learn to respect what they are dealing with instead of being scared of it.
It is because of stupid drunk people that the government feels it needs to protect people from themselves.

I'm not saying it's right, but if little kids weren't maimed and killed by irresponsible adults with firecrackers, there wouldn't be stupid laws about it.
Good reason for strict fireworks laws (for manufacturers - I think restrictions on end users are incompatible with with concept of "freedom of choice"):

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Man this makes me miss living in South Carolina. I lived there for a couple years and the fireworks are awesome. They are illegal most places in southern CA, and where it is legal, they are the lamest little fountain fireworks and sparklers ever. Basically just noisy, smokey lights.
Ohio's got great fireworks laws ;)
You can't set them off in the state but you can buy them here. Everyone signs a waiver that they are traveling out of state and then takes them home for a party. Yea the law works real well. :confused:

My dad and brother usually get some decent one for the neighborhood party. They live out in a rural area on a farm so its not really a problem. I live in a city so setting them off near home would have a high chance of arrest.

You can always make the crappy stuff better. I like using the cheap gold sparklers on the wire stick. About 4 boxes and half a roll of cheap electrical tape. Takes a few tries to figure out how much take to put over the top since too much and it'll be a dud too little and it makes a shower of sparks and turns into a bit of a rocket.

heres another one with a close up of the "bomb" I just leave a sparkler sticking out rather than mess with buying real fuse.

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Sparkler Bombs are amazing how well they work.

I had a friend who used 12 boxes of sparklers and 5 rolls of electrical tape- Wow that was just as good a dynamite
I am pretty sure the metal wire sparklers aren't even legal here. I wonder if it works with the bamboo stick kind.

Everything is illegal by me, I have to go to a different city for the "Safe and Sane" fireworks, and the list of cities where they are legal is shrinking every year.

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