I'm all about supporting the LHBS...

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Kwanesum Chinook Illahee
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
Portland, OR
But when your prices far exceed those of the online shops (I'm talking double the price. Even with shipping online is more affordable), you second guess your customer (went in looking to get some tubing for a blow off tube. Dude wanted to sell me 11' of it and looked at me funny when I said I only wanted 4' AND the "kegging" dept when I ask for 3 5/8" shank being told they only come in even lengths and they've never heard of such a thing, or a shank that comes with the nipple welded on) I have to really start questioning where I get my equipment. They've been great with ingredients, but the equipment side is severly lacking....

Sorry, just had to vent...
Yeah, I'm not feeling quite the same love for the LHBS as I once did. Just remember, Northern Brewer is SOMEONE's LHBS, and all y'all are basically my local homebrew club, so why should my shop be any different?

For me, I like the owner... I like his son... but there's another guy there who's just clueless, regardless of the topic.

ME: "Are these kegs reconditioned?"
HIM: "Well, they're used..."
ME (IN THEORY): "I know they're ****ing used! Asking if they're reconditioned implies that I KNOW they're used, it's asking if you're cleaned them up and replaced the goddamn o-rings on these USED kegs!"
I wish I had a lhbs to complain about. The closest one to me is 74 miles one way. The prices are about the same as on line with shipping.
KB - are you going to Steinbarts, or somewhere else? I go to the one out in Hillsboro(Main Street) b/c it's very close to work.

I'm going over to the eastside tonight and was thinking about checking out Steinbarts; never been there.

The dude in Hillsboro is pretty good, but he really pushes the extract. I guess he makes a better margin on it or something. He was very anti-AG, and would give me very little help with it. On the flip side, they have had pretty much every variety of hop available, and only recently upped the prices.

That being said, I still order stuff from AHS all the time, and I pretty much get my advice from the HBT.
Yeah, Steinbarts. It's less than 5mins walking from my office and actually where I learned to brew many many moons ago. I went in there a few weeks ago getting a racking cane and some tubing to make the BMBF and was asked what i was using the tubing for. Explained, and again a look of "WTF are you thinking, you can't do that".

Oh well...I'll still be using them for ingredients (they have rhizomes in by the way) but equipment will have to be elsewhere.
the_bird said:
Yeah, I'm not feeling quite the same love for the LHBS as I once did. Just remember, Northern Brewer is SOMEONE's LHBS, and all y'all are basically my local homebrew club, so why should my shop be any different?

If it doesn't make a difference to you whether or not they are there, then aside from altruism, there is really no point for you to support them. But if you need them for various reasons, emergency, convenience, advice, hangout spot, etc, then in order to preserve that you would support them, even when their prices aren't the best. Of course there is also the fact that your LHBS can get others into homebrewing as well, so I guess supporting the LHBS also supports the development of homebrewing in your community, which is something that is probably supported by all of us. But there are certainly other ways to do this.

So really, the "support your LHBS" mantra is for those who actually need an LHBS, which, is to say, is not everyone.
The one I usually go to is small, but the prices are decent. They don't have a huge selection, but they can do special orders.

But their website is enough to make you go blind. :eek:
My LHBS sells wyeast cheaper than AHS before shipping. I plan to price out grains/extract syrup online and then see how they compare costwise in that arena as well.
ChrisKennedy said:
If it doesn't make a difference to you whether or not they are there, then aside from altruism, there is really no point for you to support them. But if you need them for various reasons, emergency, convenience, advice, hangout spot, etc, then in order to preserve that you would support them, even when their prices aren't the best. Of course there is also the fact that your LHBS can get others into homebrewing as well, so I guess supporting the LHBS also supports the development of homebrewing in your community, which is something that is probably supported by all of us. But there are certainly other ways to do this.

So really, the "support your LHBS" mantra is for those who actually need an LHBS, which, is to say, is not everyone.

I know... I should say, too, that the "local" part of LHBS isn't really the case, it's an hour+ drive (each way) for me. So, if I don't have the yeast I need on brew day, brew day's cancelled regardless.
I've only gone to my LHBS (American Brewmaster in Raleigh) once, and that was almost a year ago. They were pretty helpful and didn't make me feel like a total noob, which I was. The only problem is they are on the opposite side of town from me and I would rather spend a few bucks on shipping than spend and hour in the car driving back and forth.

But, I am almost clean out of American 2-row and British Pale Malt, so I'm going to go there and buy a bunch of grain, a few other things I need, and talk to them about kegging. Now that I have a year of brewing under my belt I'll be in a better position to assess how helpful they really are and see how good the shop really is. If I come away feeling good about the place, I'll start taking the time to go out there and get my stuff. Otherwise, I'll continue to order from AHS and MoreBeer.

I do wish American Brewmaster had a better website. It would make figuring out what they have and don't have a lot easier.
I should back up another step and say that there IS a guy who's a de-facto LHBS for me, but he doesn't have a physical storefront yet. I send him an email, he gets stuff for me, gives me a discount for being a member of the local homebrew club, then drives the stuff to my house for free. HIM, I'll support ;)
my hop prices have rose at the LHBS but still not too bad. i only paid $4.50 for each 2 ounce bag today. and they never say anything when i grab a ****load...plus i get first dibs on stuff that comes in. i heart my LHBS so much.

their selection is kind of a problem right now. But they did have hallertau back in! so i'm happy for the moment. making my Cream Ale this weekend :)
I'm very fortunate to have an outstanding LHBS about 5 minutes from the house. It is always well stocked and they have a knowledgeable, friendly staff. They even have a decent selection of hops. Did I mention that they have a micro brew pub in the back?:mug:
I really like my two LHBS, but I really have to pinch pennies right now, and in large orders I save cash especially these days with driving. That said, I try to spread my money around many of the online stores.
Both true LHBS' i have are 80 miles one way. I want to support them both because they are very knowledgable and have helped with their knowledge. The only thing they really beat AHS on is bulk grain and their incremental prices for specialty grains. Everything else is either comparable with AHS or a couple dollars more than AHS. I want to support them but they are too far away and their prices aren't great. With AHS flat rate shipping how can I go wrong with them. I found a place that's a farm and garden place about 20 minutes away that has a small homebrew section. I want to try to support them so they get more homebrew business and hopefully bring in more clientele so as to make them want to continue with it. It's a family run place with the type of customer service that goes along with that so hopefully this will be a boon.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Your LHBS is not a charity. You do not need to "support" it. If you do not like the prices, service, brewing advice, whatever, then SHOP ELSEWHERE. You wouldn't put up with that in a restaurant, why at the LHBS?
Bernie Brewer said:
You wouldn't put up with that in a restaurant, why at the LHBS?

1) Because there are 4000 restaurants in the metro Atlanta area, and 3 brew stores.

2) If the one closest to me closes, the next one is 1 hr each way.

3) Because he's a great guy that will spend 30 minutes with me talking about my brews and not gripe when all I buy is a $5.00 magazine.
I have only been brewing for a little over 3 months. My LHBS has been VERY helpful in all aspects of teaching me about brewing and kegging etc.

There are SIX places within 40 minutes of my house, and 1 within 10 minutes. EVERY SINGLE one of the others is a LOT cheaper than the original place I went. This place is on the other side of town, so a 40 minutes out of my way if I stop in after work, while the closest place is actually on my way home.

All of the other shops sell lots of stuff, barware, cigarettes, bongs, gamin stuff etc, while this one shop is the only place in town that you can buy hop pellets/plugs, grains , crushers etc. All of the others carry extract kits, all the hardware, and a few grains and little packets of aroma hops. These other places area a LOT cheaper on the kits.

For example, I have a nice kit I like to make, Cooper's Pale Ale with 1.5kg Morgan's extra pale malt extract. I went to purchase two of these kits from the expensive place, but they were out of the malt extract, so I went to one of the other places. If I had purchased the two extracts, and two Malts at teh good shop, they would have cost me$67.80 I bought them from the place that is 10 minutes from my house for $43.80.

I still shop for hops and grains at teh good shop, but I just can't justify paying over 50% more for the same products elsewhere. I know he only makes his money of brewing, while the others have more sources of income, but 55% higher is just too much...

Here in Aus, you can actually buy the Cooper's extract kits in the grocery store!
I have a small but decent LHBS nearby, but their hours suck. M-F 10-4, Sat 9-4, closed Sun. For those of us that have normal M-F 8-5 jobs, it is almost impossible to get there.
both my lhbs have a brewpub with :ban:
one is 15mile the other is 30miles
one is dark horse brewing co
the other is bell's general store
i still make bell's first, better selection/prices 38$ for 55# of pilsener malt can't be beat.:rockin:
My LHBS is relatively new. The owner is running the register 90% of the time, the other is SWMBO. He has just about every beer you can think of to drink. All sold by the bottle so you can mix-match a sixer. The HB part of his shop is pretty good. He suprises me everytime I go there with new stuff.

The best thing is that he will buy stuff for me or stock new items if I ask since I'm a regular. His prices are pretty reasonable considering I'm cutting out the shipping.

He's pretty cool too he makes mini-MLT's and DIY parts and keeps a library of recipes and will make up a extract, PM or AG recipe if you ask. I can't ***** with his service.

Mail order will allways be cheaper if you discount shipping charges. I'm happy with my place though. But I hit him up regular-like....

If I want to make a Saison tomorrow morning he will have every thing I need to whip it out... :rockin:
Whenever I go to my LHBS, I feel like I am intruding on their Andy Groffith watching time or something. It usually takes a minute before I see anyone, then when someone finally does come out of the back room, they seem pissed that I made them get up. I have heard almost no words ever escape the guys mouth, and I think part of it may be him looking down on homebrewers (the store is the Winemaker Shop). The next closest has a bad selection and is closed Monday and Tuesday, my two days off. So I use AHS, no problems with them, and I live close enough for 1 day shipping.
RichBrewer said:
I'm very fortunate to have an outstanding LHBS about 5 minutes from the house. It is always well stocked and they have a knowledgeable, friendly staff. They even have a decent selection of hops. Did I mention that they have a micro brew pub in the back?:mug:
I assume you're referring to the Brew Hut, right?

I haven't been out there yet, its a bit out of the way for me, but I keep hearing good things.

I have two LHBS within a ten minute drive of my house and another 3 or 4 twenty minutes away. They are all pretty decent, I haven't had any major complaints so far.
pldoolittle said:
1) Because there are 4000 restaurants in the metro Atlanta area, and 3 brew stores.

2) If the one closest to me closes, the next one is 1 hr each way.

3) Because he's a great guy that will spend 30 minutes with me talking about my brews and not gripe when all I buy is a $5.00 magazine.

Regarding number three, then you obviously are not unhappy with your LHBS, and that's great!:ban:

Regarding number 2, I say so what? I don't care if there is a LHBS across the street from you, they don't deserve your hard-earned money if they treat you sh!tty. I'll order online or whatever before I put up with bad service.:rockin:

Personally, I am pretty lucky in that the closest one to me (45 mins one way) treats me well.
Bernie Brewer said:
Regarding number three, then you obviously are not unhappy with your LHBS, and that's great!:ban:

Not at all unhappy. It's 100% homebrew supply so I never feel like my business is a second thought or a PITA. I do pay more there than online (shipping excluded), and I don't care. The ability to walk in and browse has value to me. As a very small example of the benefits, consider this; I don't stock much at all. I walk in on Sat morning with a grain bill and walk out with a sack of crushed grain and fresh hops that will be in the kettle in as soon as I get home.

Bernie Brewer said:
Regarding number 2, I say so what? I don't care if there is a LHBS across the street from you, they don't deserve your hard-earned money if they treat you sh!tty. I'll order online or whatever before I put up with bad service.

I too am quick to take my business elsewhere. BUT, I will also admit that with little choice locally, I would put up with more out of my LHBS than I would otherwise. Certainly not being treated badly, but definitely "more" than I would otherwise.

Take my local hobby store as an example; There are two within 1/2 hour. One is good, the other only decent. I go to the one that treats me better. If the good one close, I'd still go to the decent one.
I was about to start a new thread when I noticed this one had the exact same title I was going to use...

My LHBS is a very reputable store owned by some very accomplished homebrewers who have written some fairly well known books. The owners are great, always friendly, and always happy to offer advice. But after 3 less than perfect, though not totally horrible, experiences in a row I'm starting to get pretty annoyed. Two of these experiences were with employees and the third is a price related issue.

First one, I was asking an employees about Wyeast 1762 and if he had any experience with it because my Belgian ale was fermenting very slowly. I said mine had been in the primary for about 3 weeks and the gravity was still slowly dropping. He said, "No, one week in primary." I replied, "After one week my gravity was still around 1.055, the gravity is still dropping and hasn't hit the target FG yet" He says "Well okay, but you should only do one week in primary..." Are you kidding me?

Next one, I was in there for a bunch of ingredients. I asked for 3 packets of dry yeast. A couple days later, on brew day, I notice all 3 packets are expired. I was pissed, luckily I had a different yeast lying around that wasn't too far off.

Third one, today I stopped there for a few things and noticed a stack of King Kooker burners that I've seen going for $45-$50. I asked how much they wanted for one since I want a second burner. The guy says $90. I said "Wow, that's expensive" He say's "Yeah, I know" I know they need to make a profit and they're probably making less on grain and hops right now but that was way over priced.

I really like this store and, like I said earlier, none of these events have been totally horrible. But, after three partly bad experiences in a row, I'm losing my patience.
That "one week in primary" bit makes me crazy, too. If you work in a craft supply store, you need to have more than an elementary understanding of the craft. Period. The end. Put your pencils down. Close your books. Go home.

The expired yeast also is virtually inexcusable. If it were expired by a few days, well, okay. However, they should check yeast inventories at least once per week and remove anything expired (or, at least, put it in some "expired yeast" bin and let the brewer take his chances). In any case, take that stuff back.

I cannot get too wound up about the burner, though. I don't expect an LHBS to be in the business of selling burners and other equipment that is both low volume in an LHBS and available other places. Oh, sure, they'll carry the stuff, but only because some customers expect them to, but those same customers should expect to pay a premium. Low volume means high price, as low volume also means high cost to the LHBS. For example, my LHBS carries 5 lb. CO2 tanks at $110. That's far, far more than I pay at the welding supply store. However, the welding supply store is in the business of selling those tanks, and my LHBS is not.

TexLaw said:
The expired yeast also is virtually inexcusable. If it were expired by a few days, well, okay. However, they should check yeast inventories at least once per week and remove anything expired (or, at least, put it in some "expired yeast" bin and let the brewer take his chances). In any case, take that stuff back.

Yeah, this was the only thing that really could have caused a problem. Also, they were expired by over a month so I wonder how many other people got old yeast...
I don't have a local either, they range from 30-55 miles away and the closest is just a corner in a commercial winery shop. Shipping is generally cheaper than diesel, even at 26.8 mpg. So, it's mail-order or plan my brewing around other trips. Fortunately, one of the better ones is in Corvallis and I can hit it before HoV meetings.
MS has no LHBS so I've looked for stores when I'm on the road. The two places I've been to are Alabrew in Birmingham, AL and BrewDen in Tallahassee FL

Both places have accommodated my schedule. I shot them an email telling them I would be passing through and would have a buy list ready to ahead of time. Prices were a little bit higher, but they saved me on AG shipping. 2-4 All grain kits + hops + liquid yeast.

All in all, very friendly and helpful.
No local for me. Maybe soon. The closest is 90 mins away each way. Sux. But they have reasonable prices on most stuff except yeast. Dunno what yous guys are paying for yeast at your LHBS, but their WL Tubes are over $8 ea. (I pay $6.50 online typically) But the good price on Briess bulk base grain makes up for it ($48 for 50 lbs 2-row, $50 for pils). The owner is nice enough, but he creeps you out a little sometimes and follows you around trying to help you. I appreciate the effort, but it's kinda uncomfortable after awhile.
TexLaw said:
That "one week in primary" bit makes me crazy, too. If you work in a craft supply store, you need to have more than an elementary understanding of the craft.

+2. Not to mention they passed up an opportunity to potentially sell a hydrometer and a hydrometer test tube.

TexLaw said:
The expired yeast also is virtually inexcusable. If it were expired by a few days, well, okay.

Not even a few days. One of the reasons LHBS supplies are so high is the spoilage rate for old stock. If I'm going to pay premium, I want premium.

TexLaw said:
Low volume means high price, as low volume also means high cost to the LHBS. For example, my LHBS carries 5 lb. CO2 tanks at $110. That's far, far more than I pay at the welding supply store. However, the welding supply store is in the business of selling those tanks, and my LHBS is not.

+2 again. My LHBS swaps tanks for us. Would the weld supply be cheaper? Probably about $8/fill. But I am there getting stuff anyway and won't have to make another stop. That, and I'm sure he's not getting rich since he has to buy all the tanks to start with and make the trip to get them all filled.

I'm sure there are a lot of loss leaders in the LHBS business. I know the previous owner once commented that her annual gross was about $75k. Doug has done a much better business running it as a business and not a "public hobby", but I don't see him retiring to Maui next year...
I have a shop 10 minutes from work. It isn't a LHBS, more like a LHBWMGSILR (local Home Brew, Wine Making, Gun Shop, in a Living Room). Really nice lady runs it, although it is really a sureal place. No hours per se, just call and see if shes going to be around for you to stop by.

On my 1st visit, I didn't have cash (expected she'd take my card), and said I'd run to the mac and be back. she told me not to worry about it, and just to mail her a check when I get a chance?!?!?!? This is in 2008, and they are saying, just send me a check.

When I got home I compared prices. $130 from her , $170-175 online BEFORE shipping. On Monday I got 5 lbs of 1 step for $10 compared to $16.99 and 17.99 from NB and MWS.
I have an excellent LHBS. Generally cheaper than the online guys, decent selection, and great service. Wish everyone were as fortunate.
c.n.budz said:
Nope, I already have those...

Yes, but he didn't know that. Every customer who asked me about when to vacate the primary would get a hydrometer, and test tube, and a lesson on final gravity.