IPA recipe help

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2008
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Asheville, NC
I'm trying to develop a recipe for an IPA along the lines of Avery's IPA or the Green Flash West Coast IPA. Here's what I've got so far for a partial mash..

6 lbs Pale 2-Row
1 lb Munich 10L
12 - 16 oz Crystal 60L

6.6 lbs Gold (light) LME

0.5 oz Columbus pellets (60 min)
0.5 oz Simcoe pellets (60 min)
0.5 oz Columbus pellets (45 min)
0.5 oz Simcoe pellets (45 min)
0.5 oz Cascade pellets (30 min)
0.5 oz Centennial pellets (30 min)
0.5 oz Cascade pellets (15 min)
0.5 oz Centennial pellets (10 min)

Wyeast 1028 (London Ale)

mash the grains around 155 F for 60-90 mins (2.5-3 gals of water?), sparge in 175 F water (1-2 gals?)(as demonstrated here https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f39/easy-partial-mash-brewing-pics-75231/) then go ahead w/ hop schedule above.

does this seem OK? I know I want to use columbus and simcoe for bittering, and cascade and centennial for flavor and aroma, so does this hop schedule look ok? and how about the grain bill? anyone mind throwing this in beer smith? or giving me some similar website..? sorry for all the querstions..
Based on a 75% brew house efficiency here's wher beersmith has you;

OG 1.090
FG 1.020
9.1 ABV

SRM 8.8
IBU 107

I am assuming this is a 5 gallon batch and a 60 min boil?

Here's what I would do;
6# light gold syrup
5# us 2 row
.5# crystal 60
.5# munich

.25 simcoe 60 min.
.25 columbus 60 min.
.25 simcoe 45 min.
.25 columbus 45 min.
.50 cenn 30 min.
.50 cascade 30 min.
.75 cascade 15 min.
.75 cenn 10 min.

WLP#001 cal ale yeast (2viles in 2500ml starter)

Mash @ 150 for 75-90 min. (lower mash temp will allow it to attenuate lower)

consider dry hopping with a mix of 1 oz. each columbus, simcoe, cenn, cascade for 7 to 10 days.

beersmith calcs;
1.076 OG
1.017 FG
color 7.7
IBU 74

With Avery and GreenFlash, they are lighter in color and body and they are also dryer on the finish. Starting with a lower OG and then fermenting it down lower will give you a dryer finish. Mashing at a lower temp will help with that. I love the hop combination that you have chosen. 70 to 80 IBU's in a lighter, dryer beer is really all you need, dry hopping can really enhance the beer without over bittering. I like the balance of 7% alcohol with a color of 7 and 70 IBU's, but that just me.

Just my .02

cool, thanks for the feedback. I'll take your advice on the mash temps. as far as the yeast goes, i haven't decided what i'm gonna use. i was thinking 1056 at first (Wyeast am. ale), but was reading elsewhere about someone using 1028 (london ale) with good results. it'll probably be one of those two unless someone has any suggestions?

also do the mash volumes look ok (for 5 gals in the fermentor)? Still kinda new to PM's and i'm not quite sure about the volume to use for sparge and everything.
.25 simcoe 60 min.
.25 columbus 60 min.
.25 simcoe 45 min.
.25 columbus 45 min.
.50 cenn 30 min.
.50 cascade 30 min.
.75 cascade 15 min.
.75 cenn 10 min.

I would probably mess with the hop schedule a little bit to give it much bigger flavor because of the big malt profile.

1 columbus 60 min.
1 simcoe 20 min.
1 cenn 10 min.
1 cascade 5 min.
.25 cascade flame out.
.25 cenn flame out

hey i'm all about big hop flavor (being a self-proclaimed hophead) so i'll take that into consideration. i agree on upping the columbus and simcoe as well; although i think i'm gonna go:

.75 columbus (60 min)
.75 simcoe (60 min)
.25 columbus (30 min)
.25 simcoe (30 min)
.75 cenntenial (10 min)
.75 cascade (5 min)
.25 cenntenial flame out
.25 cascade flame out

These amounts are kinda tentative, but i just used them mainly so i can get away with buying an oz. of each hop. and i'll probably dry hop w/ a mixture of the 4 (1 oz each, want me that BIG aroma) as eastside suggested. can't wait to brew this! i'll post a finalized recipe when i get everything ironed out.
Hey there again fellow Boone brewer! Funny I'm just about to get ready to start drinking my IPA. Glad others are getting into Simcoe, love Simcoe in Pales and IPAs. Mine's got Simcoe, Cascade, and Amarillo. I wanted to use Centennial but the Greensboro store didn't have any. Definitely interested in your clearly Imperial IPA, sounds fantastic.

Definitely support using more of the Columbus for bittering rather than for flavor and aroma. BTW have you ever done the brewery bus tour of Asheville?
I tried cloning Green Flash West Coast IPA and never got the pinyness I was looking for. That was back in my partial mash days and I haven't tried it since. I will tell you this though, 7.7 SRM is pretty much dead exact compared to the west coast IPA. And use lots of hops, especially late...it's 90 IBU.
Holy SH*T! This stuff turned out amazing! This beer is honestly everything I look for in an IPA. The hops meshed together so well, and the final product is by far the best beer I've made this far. It's probably even the best IPA I've ever had!

It's very much akin to Green Flash West Coast IPA and Avery's IPA (which is what I was shooting for) so if you like those beers then this recipe is for you. Some tasting notes: Upfront, it starts off with a smooth, yet dry mouthfeel followed by a citrussy blast of hop taste. Hop taste is not overbearing at all and very pleasing, with no overpowering bitterness. I'm tasting orange and grapefruit dominantly but it's very balanced with the malts. Great smack of hop flavor to the back of the tongue upon swallowing. The aftertaste lingers for a loong time and is very delicious: the pinyness comes through more now with citrus notes (orange and grapefruit dominate with some other undertones that I can't place yet) meshed in as well for a great combo. The malts, while subdued, are noticably present, and the caramel stands out the most. The aroma is great! Very floral with noticeable orange notes. The relatively high alchol content (7.2ish abv) is very well masked by the malts and hops. Overall a very, very sexy IPA. If there's interest, I'll post the recipe in the recipe archive with notes on mash temps, other specific procedures and whatnot.:mug:
Sounds like a great brew! I think I'm going to try the Columbus/Simcoe combo on my next IPA.

fyi - a recent "Can You Brew It" episode on the Jamil show on the brewing network was on cloning Green Flash West Coast IPA and they pretty much nailed it. The brewer at Green Flash was pretty forthcoming with the recipe, which helped.

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