Let's talk ipods...

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Jan 15, 2005
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Does anyone have the new ipod touch?

I just pulled the trigger on one--was just wondering if anyone else had one yet.

My current ipod is a 2nd gen 2GB nano, so I was ready for an upgrade. I contemplated the new nano that plays video--but I was absolutely fascinated by the touch screen aspect (YES, I'm easily amused). I'm hoping I like it. The storage issue bothers me a little bit, but when I thought about it, my entire music catalog on my computer hard drive in itunes is only like 8 gigs, so I could essentially put a few movies on the new touch and still have room for most of my music.

My purposes for an ipod are simple--I use it for running and for short jaunts to and from work, and for occasional travel. The ability for it to hold my entire library of music is not needed--and it had to be portable (need to be able to RUN with it) so the big 60 GB hard drive based ipods don't suit my needs.

Just wondering if anyone else had it (or the iphone), and how you like the features.
I bought an iphone about a month ago. As for the music/video/wi-fi capabilities....I love it. Still a little torn on the AT&T-phone-messaging capabilities. My music library is over 80G now and I purchased the 8G iphone. Who the hell really needs to carry around 80G of music anyway?? Good luck with your new toy. Mine still amuses my all the time!!
I just bought the 4 gig nano on Sunday. I just use it when running & mowing the grass.
anthrobe said:
I bought an iphone about a month ago. As for the music/video/wi-fi capabilities....I love it. Still a little torn on the AT&T-phone-messaging capabilities. My music library is over 80G now and I purchased the 8G iphone. Who the hell really needs to carry around 80G of music anyway?? Good luck with your new toy. Mine still amuses my all the time!!

Cool..that is what I wanted to hear. I can't wait to flip through coverflow with my finger....or resize pics. Mind blowing **** right there.

I'm not new to the portable wi'fi thing because I've had a PSP for a few years, so I know how cool it is to be in an airport or something and just surf the interweb via my portable game player. It was mind blowing **** at teh time when I first started using it.
Boston said:
I just bought the 4 gig nano on Sunday. I just use it when running & mowing the grass.

My boss has the new nano and he really likes it...its just that the screen seems too damn small for my tastes. The bigger screen (and more storage) turned me onto the touch. We'll see.
I'm in the market for a new ipod and still not sure about which model I want. Think I'd be happy just having a nano but on the other hand the ipod touch is looking very appealing as well for video capabilities while traveling. May just wait till the second generation ipod touch comes out with 32gb and even more bells and whistles.
I have been mulling over the ITouch for a couple of weeks. The WiFi aspect is what is attracting me to the device but I'm not sure I want to be tied to I Tunes. I will probably wait and see what new devices come out in the future.
I wouldn't mind having one, but my wife has a 30Gb iPod (I don't know which one it is, has a color screen and plays music and movies) and my Walkman phones are pretty decent in terms of playing music, podcasts, and FM radio. I alternate between them and the iPod while mowing the lawn or working. The iPod is definitely addictive.
Baron von BeeGee said:
The iPod is definitely addictive.

I agree. I don't go anywhere without mine.

I have an FM transmitter for it so I can take it pretty much anywhere and listen to it. Car, garage, etc. It doesn't have the digital sound quality but again, I'm not a butthole about that stuff.
Dude said:
I agree. I don't go anywhere without mine.

I have an FM transmitter for it so I can take it pretty much anywhere and listen to it. Car, garage, etc. It doesn't have the digital sound quality but again, I'm not a butthole about that stuff.
Me either. My Sirius sounds a lot better in my wife's Saturn with the mini-jack input, but I listen to it 99.9% of the time in the Subaru using the FM modulator and it doesn't bother me at all.
Finally got my Ipod touch last week--perfect timing before our trip to the Packer game.

Okay....DAY-UMM this thing is sweet. The technology just has me astounded. The cover flow feature is awesome, the photo album is cool as hell (being able to zoom in/out with your fingers is amazing). Having wi-fi on it is a nice touch.

I have a movie, a couple of shows, and a couple of gigs of music on it and it still isn't filled up.

Best thing I've ever bought.
I don't like the idea of having to use iTunes for everything that I want to do, and I'm kind of an anti-apple guy, so I have a Zune and I love it.
I just got a new Nano. It is nice. My wife has a Shufffle which she does not use. I like how simple the things are and 8 gigs is pretty big for my purposes!
ohiobrewtus said:
.... so I have a Zune and I love it.

I feel like I'm watching some kind of nature documentary, they're deep in the jungle, and they've just found some animal that they thought had been extinct for fifty years...

"MY GOD! It's a ZUNE owner! I didn't think they existed!"
the_bird said:
I feel like I'm watching some kind of nature documentary, they're deep in the jungle, and they've just found some animal that they thought had been extinct for fifty years...

"MY GOD! It's a ZUNE owner! I didn't think they existed!"

Ha! SWMBO had an ipod a few years back that she had problems loading, so I messed with it, got it working, but I've never been a fan. They all basically do the same things, so imho it's just a matter of preference.

I still love my 30Gb Zune :) I still have a 40Gb Dell DJ that I use as well.

Of course, I get all this stuff free from Dell because I spend so much money with them ever year at work. :rockin:
That's the way to do it!

I actually have a cheapo Creative MP3 player that I've used on a daily basis, beaten and abused that thing, for about three years. Very little storage, half a gig, I think, but when an electronic device can survive drops into the pup's water dish with no ill effects, can handle living in my pocket on walks every morning for years... well, I ain't gonna futz around with one of dem fancy things!
I use a 30 GB Video, but I hate iTunes and how the pod handles music indexing. I replaced the stock firmware with RockBox, an open-source audio player firmware. Nice thing about it is that you can just put MP3s, OGGs, WAVs, etc. on there in a regular directory format and access them on the pod just like a regular file browser. Half of my MP3s have screwed up ID3 tags, so I go by filename just like I do on my PC.

RockBox is not a finished project so a new build comes out every day.

Downside to RockBox on the iPod is less battery life and it can't play video. Upside is that it can play a lot of audio formats and I don't have to deal with iTunes suckage. You can "skin" RockBox as well and customize the look. I made a skin called "Blinkenlights", that you can get on this page.

One of the most amusing things you can do with RockBox is you can play the old PC game Doom on the iPod.
When I first saw the iPhone, I said to myself, when they come out with the phone-less version, I'm gonna be all over dat. Then the day came, and I had my wallet out.

Then I saw the maximum size: 16gb. I promptly put my wallet away.

My music library alone, not counting movies and tv shows, is a bit over 94gb currently. And to be honest, even with my old 60gb video iPod, I was getting tired of unchecking songs to make space every time I got new music. I had nearly 1/3 of my library unchecked, and having to manage this process is grueling. And my old 60gb video's firewire charging mechanism was broken...so it wouldn't charge on anything (including my two sets of ipod speakers) except a USB connection.

So the choice was pretty easy for me. 160gb Classic. I love it. I have my entire library checked again, and can add whatever movies I want. No, it doesn't have the cool touchscreen or all the little toys like wifi, but to be completely honest, the novelty of those features would probably wear off quickly. I've got all that stuff on my Macbook, which is small enough to take pretty much anywhere. No, I don't take it running or to the gym, I have a dedicated shuffle for that.

If the touch ever gets a 100gb+ HD, I'll take another look. Until then, I need a portable music vault...not a multitool with a small HD on it.
Evan, see, the size issue wasn't a big deal for me because I'm rarely gone long enough to need my entire library. Of course music wise, my library is no where near that size. I only have about 15 GB right now total. I went through all of my old CDs and only imported about half of them. Some of that music I'll just never listen to again.

Movies take up much more space, but again, I don't see a big deal with it. If I need something for a long trip, I put it on my laptop and I can move it over to my ipod if I need it.

Also, I don't think the wi-fi and youtube and touchscreen stuff are novelties that will wear off. Not for me anyway. I recently had a 4 hour layover in the airport and that thing saved my ass. I played on youtube for a while, surfed, and listened to music and watched movies. Surfing HBT on a 3 inch screen in the airport is kickass. ;)

Anyway, with the Touch and my PSP--I could move into the airport permanently and be perfectly happy. ;)
I hear ya. I'm not discounting how nice it'd be to have that stuff...it definitely sounds kickass and I do wish I had one. But most times I'm in a position like yours---stuck in an airport---I have my tiny little macbook with me, which has the best wifi antenna I've ever seen. And I can watch DVD's too. Last time we had a nasty layover in Boston, that (along with a headphone splitter) saved our asses...got through an entire Lost disc. :rockin: Personally, my major uses for the iPod are in my speaker sets at home and the stereo at the wine shop. So having my entire library at my fingertips is great, even though I don't listen to most of it very often. But hey, if I'm ever sitting around and get a hankerin' to hear something I wouldn't normally listen to...like, oh I dunno...old michelle shocked...it's really nice to just be able to just have it all right there.

Dude said:
Evan, see, the size issue wasn't a big deal for me because I'm rarely gone long enough to need my entire library. Of course music wise, my library is no where near that size. I only have about 15 GB right now total. I went through all of my old CDs and only imported about half of them. Some of that music I'll just never listen to again.

Movies take up much more space, but again, I don't see a big deal with it. If I need something for a long trip, I put it on my laptop and I can move it over to my ipod if I need it.

Also, I don't think the wi-fi and youtube and touchscreen stuff are novelties that will wear off. Not for me anyway. I recently had a 4 hour layover in the airport and that thing saved my ass. I played on youtube for a while, surfed, and listened to music and watched movies. Surfing HBT on a 3 inch screen in the airport is kickass. ;)

Anyway, with the Touch and my PSP--I could move into the airport permanently and be perfectly happy. ;)
I just got a deal on ubid for a 2gig gen2 nano like Dude's old one.

I've never had an MP3 player so it's awesome to me! I thought I was going to fill it up and I still have a gig left :rockin:
For those who refuse to install iTunes (which I consider an invasive monstrosity of an app) on their PC, Winamp v5.2 and above works very nicely with iPods. It used to require a plugin (mlipod) but iPod support is now built in.

I couldn't resist anymore and bought a 16gb Ipod Touch. I don't think the thing has left my hand in two days! Apple did a nice job with this. It's still lacking the ability to edit the calendar from the Ipod but I hear that fix is coming soon. Love it!! :rockin: I can even surf HBT on it!
dblvsn said:
I couldn't resist anymore and bought a 16gb Ipod Touch. I don't think the thing has left my hand in two days! Apple did a nice job with this. It's still lacking the ability to edit the calendar from the Ipod but I hear that fix is coming soon. Love it!! :rockin: I can even surf HBT on it!

I hear ya. This thing is so freaking awesome.
I'll definitely wait til 2nd gen, so it has more space. I have a 30gig ipod video and it's doing the job right now.

My phone that only cost $150 does wifi, web browsing, phone calls, email, SMS AND MMS.
The ipod touch is the coolest toy I've ever purchased!!! I performed a "jailbreak" on it the other night and have all kinds of apps installed on it. Apple really crippled this device out of the box, but thanks to some very kind people have really opened the doors to endless fun. One of the big bummers about the ipod touch is they didn't include many of the apps that came on the iphone, google maps, mail, weather, stocks... well I've got 'em on the ipod touch now and let me just say AMAZING!! Some of the other 3rd party apps that people have developed are just mind blowing. I haven't been this excited about a new toy....ever!! :rockin: :rockin: :rockin: :rockin:
dblvsn said:
The ipod touch is the coolest toy I've ever purchased!!! I performed a "jailbreak" on it the other night and have all kinds of apps installed on it. Apple really crippled this device out of the box, but thanks to some very kind people have really opened the doors to endless fun. One of the big bummers about the ipod touch is they didn't include many of the apps that came on the iphone, google maps, mail, weather, stocks... well I've got 'em on the ipod touch now and let me just say AMAZING!! Some of the other 3rd party apps that people have developed are just mind blowing. I haven't been this excited about a new toy....ever!! :rockin: :rockin: :rockin: :rockin:

I jailbroke mine too--but honestly the only app I use is the calendar editor, and now Apple has released a software update with it. Doubt I'll upgrade, but if they keep improving this thing for us, I'll probably support apple. These jailbreak explots can be scary. That would be an expensive paperweight if somethign went wrong.

I do have to admit, the NES emulator looks cool, but I'm not smart enough to know how to download games for it. No biggie though.

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