My Dad!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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Okay, I live with my dad courtesy of my ex wife taking most of my money. Been there for a year, finally got a payment reduction and will be moving out next week :tank:

Now, I brewed a SN PA clone about a month ago, let it sit in the primary for three weeks and just bottled it last Tuesday. Thursday I'm home for lunch and my dear ol' dad proceeds to tell me that he tried one of my new beers. I asked confused "what new beer? Certainly not of the ones I just bottled!?!" He says, "yeah"
Me: I just bottled it two days ago
Him: It tasted pretty good
Me: It couldn't have tasted good, it isn't done yet! I can't believe you would crack open one of my beers without me
Him: Well I needed a beer, it tasted like those Sierra Nevada's you bring home.
Me: There's a few things in life you just don't do. One of them is try another man's freshly bottled beer without the brewer himself. Especially since it's a beer that I haven't brewed before!

Then he proceeded to change the subject, which I was fine with, no sense in staying upset. I'm glad he likes to try my beer......but DAMNIT, you don't get to be the first one to try it, especially when your effort wasn't involved in the birth of the brew.
I know how you feel. Same thing when you cook some big fancy meal and you have people picking off food as it comes out of the oven. Its super annoying for some reason I can't really place a finger on. You do kind of look like a jerk though when you get upset about it. As long as he liked it (hell, he even pick out the clone), just grin and bear it.
I guess it's more the principal of the thing. Like I said, I'm glad he liked it, but for crying outloud, be courteous about it.
Role reversal, my father is living with my wife and I and constantly does the very same to me. (Sneaking beers i'm aging, pulls from the keg in the middle of the night) Its disrespectful IMHO, so I can relate.
Be glad your Dad is cool enough to appreciate a good hombrew. My father won't touch anything that doesn't say "MILLER" and "LIGHT".
Role reversal, my father is living with my wife and I and constantly does the very same to me. (Sneaking beers i'm aging, pulls from the keg in the middle of the night) Its disrespectful IMHO, so I can relate.
completely different situation. You're father should be locked in a closet when you're not home :D
SWMBO likes to give my beer to friends and family. I came home one day and they had drank about 1/2 a batch I hadn't tried yet. I hadn't tried it because it wasn't ready. They didn't seem to care though.

I have since enlightened them to the virtues not drinking green beer.
I'll agree that in principle, IT'S JUST BASICALLY WRONG for him to de-virginize the batch.

On the other hand, how would you have felt if he had purchased a suitcase of Bud Lite, because all there was in the house was your homebrew?
He's your Dad. He's letting you live with him. He likes your beer.

Parents can be so unreasonable.
beat me to it..

To the OP-

I can't believe he drank one of my beers when I wasn't home, All he ever did was let me live with him when I was in a bind.!! This was ONE beer out of a measly 50!

To the OP-
If you weren't living with him he could afford a case of killer beer, and wouldn't have to drink your homebrew.

:off: I'd kick my kid out for getting upset over me drinking his $.50 worth of beer.

If you weren't living with him he could afford a case of killer beer, and wouldn't have to drink your homebrew.

:off: I'd kick my kid out for getting upset over me drinking his $.50 worth of beer.


Just to Clarify, it's not me living with my dad or complaining. I was using sarcasm to tell the OP to quit whining.
Parents came for a visit this fall. I had taken a few to a wedding this summer where my mom tried it and liked it. Dad was scared.

So first dinner durring their stay, I say " So do you want one of mine or one of your "Hinies" that have been in the fridge since the last time you were here.. what... 18 months ago?"

He looks at me and cringes.... hmm old hinie or a HB...

Must have taken 10-15 sec for him to reply as Mom gave him the evil eye.

"Um.. well... I guess we should try yours... "

So I go over and pull off a few from the tap and hand them out at the table.

skip to the end of the visit...

Dad says, you know I was realy afraid to try your beer, but, it's realy good! But I can't have many as they go to my head.

He even went over to the neighbors, (I learned later) and chatted them up on my beer, saying he thinks it's a dangerous thing to have a tap of beer that good in the house... one might not want to leave....:drunk:

But I understand "breaking the cap" on a new brew...

I think my dad had to realy hold himself back from pulling the tap handle on a daily basis while he was visiting... I might not be so lucky next visit.:mug:
Some people just don't "get" sarcasm, even when it is painfully obvious sarcasm.

More painful having to explain a typo (editing error) to people waiting to pounce on yo' A55 for stupid things. ;)

I would have told him we were even for all the beers I stole form him before I was old enough to buy my own!
My father normally hates my stuff. He also doesn't do craft at all. He likes Sam Adam's Boston Lager and turns his nose to SNPA. We're east coasters.


I brew up this piss flavored lager....way too sweet, and strong for a lager. And to top it off, he drank it out of a 3 day old opened growler. Good god he thought some kaiser-kraut brewed it himself.

I'm forcing myself through the end of the batch.
Well atleast your Dad is still alive to want one of your beers. Why not try and educate the man and ask if he'd mine brewing with you next time. I wish my Dad was still alive to see my setup and drink a few. He loved beer and good conversation.

BTW he's letting you stay till you get back on your feet. Give him a break. Enjoy the old man. Someday you'll wish he was still there and would even take it all back.

Geesh, he only raised you for 18 freaking years (well, more I guess since your still mooching off him). Surely he has earned a beer. Let me take a guess, you are using his house and his utilities to brew said beer, arent ya?

Your father has earned the right to take one of your beers any damn time he wants. Furthermore, if you complained, I'd bend you over my knee, out on the front porch in front of god and everyone, pull down your britches and tan your stingy hide! :)
My dad tried homebrewing in the 60's it totally sucked. He loved a good bitter and he would be amazed at what we can brew these days.

I would dig him up just to give him one of my beers......... If he hadn't been cremated.

Give yer old man a break while you still have him. he sounds like a good guy. :)
I wish my father in law liked beer that didn't have the word light or lite in it. I have him a redhook, copperhook (commercial version) thinking it was a mild, very lightly hopped beer and he would like it.

Well he cringes when he drinks it and says,

FIL: it has "that" taste
Me: you mean "beer taste"
FIL: no just that taste
Me: you don't like your beer to have body, you are use to it being dried out.

Didn't get too much farther into the conversation....

Anyways, if your Dad likes your beer, share, share and share more.
Geesh, he only raised you for 18 freaking years (well, more I guess since your still mooching off him). Surely he has earned a beer. Let me take a guess, you are using his house and his utilities to brew said beer, arent ya?

Your father has earned the right to take one of your beers any damn time he wants. Furthermore, if you complained, I'd bend you over my knee, out on the front porch in front of god and everyone, pull down your britches and tan your stingy hide! :)

Mooch? No. I pay for my stuff while I'm there. Everything but rent. Guess since you don't know the situation I can't be too surprised by this comment. And no, I brewed at my buddies house and brought the batch home as he had to move last minute.

I don't mind sharing with him at all, and like I said, I'm glad he likes my brew. It is just simply the principle of de-virginizing this batch when it was bottled two days prior, after I had already explained to him that it takes one to two weeks for it to be ready once bottled.

You don't mount a man's Harley without asking, you don't mount a man's woman without asking, and you don't de-virginize green beer without asking.

This is a man who would only drink Bud Light until I showed him the ways of good beer, so I'm very flattered that he would like my brew. Just simply pointing out that it was inconsiderate to try it without the brewer.
Ironically, I had the exact opposite thing happen to me (almost).

My wife and I were away for a short vacation and my daughter, who was living at home at the time, had friends over. They all knew about my beer already anyway (and liked it), so they asked if there was any to be had. There was some that had been in a bottle all of maybe a day or two. This, she handed out to her friends. Maybe ten of my brand new, untouched beer gone! They said it was good, but I said it had to have been flat and was embarrassed that they would drink it and wonder what all the fuss was about.

When my wife and I went away for a month last summer, I had a couple more cases of freshly bottled beer that I wanted to have waiting for my return, so I put a sheet of cardboard inside each case with big bold letters that said the beer would not be ready until SEP '09!!
It's just beer brother. You can always make more.
My father is an alcoholic who doesn't drink. He knows he can't control him self once he starts so he hasn't started drinking again in 11 years. I'd like to be share my brew with him but I understand.
We almost lost him 2 years ago cause he refused to go to the hospital after having some pressure in his chest. We finally convinced him to go the next morning. Turns out he had a massive heart attack and should have been dead. I wouldn't get upset with him and waste an opportunity to have a memorable conversation over a virgin beer. Some things aren't that important in the grand scope of things.

A thing about principals, there is no way to shoot yourself in the foot faster than getting hung up on a principal. Just think about it, every time you hear some one get bent out of shape about principals they look like a raving loon making mountains out of mole hills...

RWDAHB! oh wait, it's all green.... suck it up then! :D j/k
I had to mooch off my parents when I was in my early forties! I had been booted out of the US until I could get a fiancee visa to get back to my SWMBO. That took six months! Dad's place was the only available option other than buying a car to live in......Would I take the time to begrudge him a beer? Oh no.....Not cool. ;)
Mooch? No. I pay for my stuff while I'm there. Everything but rent. Guess since you don't know the situation I can't be too surprised by this comment. And no, I brewed at my buddies house and brought the batch home as he had to move last minute.

I don't mind sharing with him at all, and like I said, I'm glad he likes my brew. It is just simply the principle of de-virginizing this batch when it was bottled two days prior, after I had already explained to him that it takes one to two weeks for it to be ready once bottled.

You don't mount a man's Harley without asking, you don't mount a man's woman without asking, and you don't de-virginize green beer without asking.

This is a man who would only drink Bud Light until I showed him the ways of good beer, so I'm very flattered that he would like my brew. Just simply pointing out that it was inconsiderate to try it without the brewer.

That was a joke big guy. You are right; I don't know your situation. But I'm still pretty sure he should have spanked your little butt more often when you were younger ;)

(Its not ok to mount a man's wife without asking?...oooopss.......)
It's your dad fer chrissakes....Cut him some slack, he had to, I'm sure put up wth all manner of your whiney BS growing up AND he's taken your selfish and sorry a$$ in, when many a father would have had the locks and the phone number changed. :rolleyes:

If your dad wants to enjoy a bottle of your green beer then let him...It's the least you could do it's his manjuice that MADE you.:D

You sound like berniebrewer and his should count yourself lucky that he even wants something other than pi$$water BMCs.......


Seriously, I lost my dad before he ever could try any of my you are very lucky.
I think the fact that he liked your beer when it was 2 days old is pretty damn funny. My response would have been, "Well, ****...those aren't even ready yet. Wait two weeks and we'll open some more, then see how you like those!" Coming home to an empty case might have been a different story.
1) Your dad likes your homebrew! Congratulations! What was the problem?

2) I'm not sure why they're confusing me with Bernie Brewer, BUT...

3) This is what happens when you gripe about your parents around here.

4) Hey Revvy, where are the dirty remarks about his dad?
I wish my dad liked good beer. I only get to see him once or twice a year, but I'm working on him. :)
It's your dad fer chrissakes....Cut him some slack, he had to, I'm sure put up wth all manner of your whiney BS growing up AND he's taken your selfish and sorry a$$ in, when many a father would have had the locks and the phone number changed. :rolleyes:

If your dad wants to enjoy a bottle of your green beer then let him...It's the least you could do it's his manjuice that MADE you.:D

You sound like berniebrewer and his should count yourself lucky that he even wants something other than pi$$water BMCs.......


Seriously, I lost my dad before he ever could try any of my you are very lucky.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Those of us that have lost our dads kinda feel robbed to not be able to show off this hobby to them.

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