Semi-relevant beer urgent health question (drank paint chips from bottle opener)

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Feb 20, 2015
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You don't have to read if you don't want (even though I may be dying). I just want to see if anyone on the internet has ever experienced this before, and seeing as this is the most active beer forum I could find-

I have one of these kinds of cheap aluminum keychain bottle openers (mine is blue):

It was the very first time I ever used it. I rubbed it down with rubbing alcohol and dish soap, then opened a bottle of beer and heard a crunching sound. Didn't think much of it, and drank the beer (first from the bottle, then I poured the rest in a glass).

I looked at the bottle opener later and saw that the blue paint on the part that rubbed against the bottle was chipped, and there was a loose paint chip hanging off. I checked the lip of the bottle I drank out of, and sure enough, there was a little blue paint chip on there too.

Is accidentally drinking a small amount of chipped paint from one of these things dangerous? Logic says no, they wouldn't be able to make them with that cheap paint if it were toxic. But my stomach kind of hurts and my throat feels weird. Should I worry?
If the beer was a Bud, that could be the cause of your malady. A few paint chips, even if they contained lead, wouldn't have any immediate affect. You would not have ingested enough, if the chips contained lead, for any problems to show up even months from now. Plutonium would be a different story.
I'm no doctor but I definitely would not be concerned in you shoes. You may be having an allergic reaction to something but I'd bet my brew kit it doesn't have anything to do with a few paint chips.
If the beer was a Bud, that could be the cause of your malady. A few paint chips, even if they contained lead, wouldn't have any immediate affect. You would not have ingested enough, if the chips contained lead, for any problems to show up even months from now. Plutonium would be a different story.

Nah, it was a craft pale ale. But if it were Bud, I wouldn't be having this problem...because the caps on Bud bottles are twist off!

I used to use a stainless steel bottle opener, but those run a risk of cutting off tiny shards of glass, don't they? That could be dangerous too. The best would be an aluminum bottle opener with no paint job.
I think you may be over thinking this. Even if they did have lead, I doubt it would be enough to cause any real long term affects. I would venture to guess that the paint probably doesn't even have lead in it. That being said, I wouldn't start snacking on these things. I'm no doctor, but I say RDWHAHB.
You're definitely going to die, but probably not from this.

While you're waiting, though, find one of those paint can openers they give away at the hardware store. Second best bottle opener I ever owned.
Stress from worrying is more poisonous than alcohol. Relax, you'll be fine. Have a homebrew. Throw away the painted bottle openers.
Is this a joke?

You took a bottle opener and washed it with dish soap then rubbed it down with alcohol before use? A bottle opener? What?
He probably didn't grow up eating large lead based paint chips like all of us did. I agree burn, he's going to die.

I hate to tell you that the aluminum in the can opener is also toxic. Aluminum builds up in your system like mercury, everything you open a bottle a trace amount of aluminium gets deposited on the lip. Then you ingest it. That is why I only keg my beers and drink out of glass mugs.
♫♪♫ Take a Ride (ride ride ride ride) on Heavy Metal! ♫♪♫
♫♪♫ It's the only way that you can travel down that road ♫♪♫
♫♪♫ Satisfied, on Heavy Metal ♫♪♫
♫♪♫ Baby, won't you ride, ride it until it explodes ♫♪♫

Well, according to Don Felder, you're going to explode.

I died.

Is this a joke?

You took a bottle opener and washed it with dish soap then rubbed it down with alcohol before use? A bottle opener? What?

I cleaned it because even though I hadn't used it yet, it had been sitting under the seat of my car for months. I only mentioned cleaning it because I thought maybe someone knew some fact about how either rubbing alcohol or soap interacts with the paint and makes it chip off after just one use. But I'm thinking it was just really cheap paint on a really cheap bottle opener.

I hate to tell you that the aluminum in the can opener is also toxic. Aluminum builds up in your system like mercury, everything you open a bottle a trace amount of aluminium gets deposited on the lip. Then you ingest it. That is why I only keg my beers and drink out of glass mugs.

I think stainless steal has the same kind of toxicity, as does pretty much every metal. So technically, no bottle opener is safe. Congress should ban bottle openers and all beer bottles should be corked.
Have you ever seen how much bacteria is in cork? Combine them with the millions of yeast in each bottle there will be an epic battle between good and bad. One day the bacteria may win and soon all hell will break out.
Trust me, if you were anything like me as a kid you probably ate waaaay worse than a bit of paint and managed to survive! RDWAHAHB, or two, or three. However many it takes before you feel better cause hypochondria sucks and can make you sicker than the illness you think you may have.
nahh, i used to eat paint chips off the window sill as a kid all the time and it never, uhh, umm, what was the question again???
I am pretty sure that your bottle opener has an anodized surface on it. If that is the case your have nothing to worry about seeing that the coating is food safe. What are most post and pans? Anodized aluminum.
THE TOXINS! Almost as bad as chemtrails.


Never fear - you can sit in a sauna and sweat out the toxins because that's how human metabolism works.
You don't have to read if you don't want (even though I may be dying). I just want to see if anyone on the internet has ever experienced this before, and seeing as this is the most active beer forum I could find-

I have one of these kinds of cheap aluminum keychain bottle openers (mine is blue):

It was the very first time I ever used it. I rubbed it down with rubbing alcohol and dish soap, then opened a bottle of beer and heard a crunching sound. Didn't think much of it, and drank the beer (first from the bottle, then I poured the rest in a glass).

I looked at the bottle opener later and saw that the blue paint on the part that rubbed against the bottle was chipped, and there was a loose paint chip hanging off. I checked the lip of the bottle I drank out of, and sure enough, there was a little blue paint chip on there too.

Is accidentally drinking a small amount of chipped paint from one of these things dangerous? Logic says no, they wouldn't be able to make them with that cheap paint if it were toxic. But my stomach kind of hurts and my throat feels weird. Should I worry?

I'm not a doctor yet... But I will be in May... and my diagnosis is that you've got a bad case of being drunk and worrying too much.
The first thing I thought of was, do you realize what kind of nasty stuff you ingest on a daily basis? Well I do at least. Image how this guy treats cunnilingus. Relax man.
Never fear - you can sit in a sauna and sweat out the toxins because that's how human metabolism works.

Can't I achieve the same effects by abstaining from food and only drinking lemon juice with cayenne pepper for a week?
I believe the OP created a homebrewtalk account just to post this. Is this some sort of humor-like thing? I'm pretty confused.

If that is the most harmful thing they've ever accidentally injected, well then they haven't had an interesting life.
You won't die. But all your teeth are going to fall out from the exposure to methacrylic acid. We all know what meth does to teeth.

Manifest your destiny and get to a Orthodontic Surgeon as soon as possible to have all your teeth removed so you stay in control.