The Walking dead

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I am thinking, yes. TV Wade is comic-book Dwight. We won't see Negan until probably near the actual season finale next year.

So, I heard from another source that the name of the guy that stole Darryl's motorcycle is named Dwight. IDK if this is true, but if so, opens up some very interesting possibilities, re: how the comics go down.

did the couple take Daryl's walkie-talkie along with his bike & crossbow? Maybe it's them calling for help

No, just his crossbow.

I think.

No certainty there is fuel in it and why get rid of your only legit ride. High clearance, big ass tires, and can plow through stuff. They would be silly to get rid of it.

It defiantly has many uses in their world. I meant it as a way to save Glenn. Earlier someone mentioned it could be Glenn on the radio asking for help and the group in the truck was going to save him.
So, I heard from another source that the name of the guy that stole Darryl's motorcycle is named Dwight. IDK if this is true, but if so, opens up some very interesting possibilities, re: how the comics go down.

No, just his crossbow.

I think.


Norman Reedus, in an interview, confirmed the motorcycle thief was "Dwight". Also said the voice on the radio is not Glenn. Various rumor mongers I have read and spoken to think it's "Jesus". I don't read the I'm not sure who those people are, but apparently they're important.
That's very interesting. Dwight in the comics is Negan's right-hand man, and has a scarred face from being burnt. Of course, the comic and the TV show do differ in many areas, so anything could take place.
Maybe the fire thing is a reference to the burns? Or maybe he gets scarred up later? Not sure.
OK, so, Jessie is good with a pair of scissors (giving haircuts, I mean :D ) - so why the hell haven't they cut Carl's ridiculous hair yet???
I'm stuck at work, any answers about Glenn?

*EDIT* Crap sake, it's not even Sunday. This is a sign that it's been a long weekend at work.

Back to your nap guys. Sorry

A better question, do ya'll think we'll find out about Glenn tomorrow? lol
I don't think we'll see anything, or at least anything of significance, until the mid season finale in the next week, though I could be wrong. I guess we'll see later today.
I didn't realize till I seen TWD post of Facebook that there was only 2 episodes left. This season has flown by.
That's good. Since I'm at work........I'm checking out of this forum till tomorrow. No Spoilers......Well except for Glenn. I'll be back. lol
My son bailed out last season. I might go after this season. How can the writing get so bad so fast? The only thing I look forward to are the in-flight shorts now.
An interesting episode to say the least, and we finally found out what happened to Glenn!

Okay, That Was a Pretty Lame Way to Survive
A lot of people guessed that was how Glenn survived, but it was a pretty lame way for him to survive. Beyond that, it's not clear why the zombies just wandered off, did Enid possibly distract them? Either way, Glenn is alive and he's with Enid as they bond and try to get back to Alexandria. Glenn and Enid send up some green balloons to let everyone know they are alive and out there.

Arming Ron is a Bad Idea
Rick and Carl are teaching Ron to shoot without giving him bullets, but Ron snuck into the storage and got some bullets. Ron pulls a gun while walking behind Carl, this is not going to end well.

Spencer Does Dumb Stuff, Giving Rick a Revelation
Spencer decides to try to rappel from the wall to neighboring building, but nearly gets himself killed when the hook bends. Tara risks her life, holding on to the walls and shooting her pistol (ninja?!) to save him while Rick and the others pull him back up, unharmed. Rick later tells Deanna that he could have jumped over the walls and gotten a vehicle to lure off the horde, but did not, he tells her its because Spencer is her son...but she points out that isn't the real reason, it's because Rick considers the Alexandrians his people.

The Walls Come Tumblin' Down
The church that was hit by the truck falls over, destroying the walls, something that was hinted at all episode. Next episode looks like a desperate scramble for safety, Darryl, Abraham and Sasha are surely coming to the rescue but I fully expect that we'll see some casualties. It looks like an exciting finale, I'm pumped up for it.
Erm, sorry, I guess. I had hoped my first line would be enough to chase off people worried about spoilers...I guess next time I'll put up a big spoilers warning.
No, tis is my fault, I knew the answer was within. I looked at it for a minute asking if I really wanted to click it. lol Oh hell, why not. lol
So did they just totally do away with zombies eating people? They ate Nick's guts, but looks to be about it. Then that guy with the fence, they just bit this shoulder? Lol.

What a ****ty episode in regards to Glenn, also dialogue between him and Enid. THE WORLD IS TRYING TO DIE. I'm a teenager and this is deep.
I think I may be losing interest.

I am ok with the Glenn situation, but I think I am getting tired of the "Villain of the Season" formula. I know that is how the comic books are, but it is turning into wash, rinse, repeat.

I am also tired of them thinking they have to kill off main characters to shock or surprise us. Again, I know that was a main theme in the comics, but I am ready for a little stability and some victories for the characters. Maybe that is not what this show is about, but that is where I am in relation to it.
So did they just totally do away with zombies eating people? They ate Nick's guts, but looks to be about it. Then that guy with the fence, they just bit this shoulder? Lol.

What a ****ty episode in regards to Glenn, also dialogue between him and Enid. THE WORLD IS TRYING TO DIE. I'm a teenager and this is deep.

Maybe the zombies don't like the taste of the Alexandrians' cologne?

It seems like they're trying to make Carl seem more palatable by throwing in a bunch of even less likable teens.
Man, after spending so much time making Carl a better liked character in the show they really went all-in on making him seem like a little ***** again. I was really expecting/hoping to see him get a least winged by a bullet before the wall came down.
I'm excited for next week's episode. Looks like it's going to be a "sh*t hits the fan" type of show which we really haven't seen much of this season. I also believe Daryl, Abraham and Sasha will come in to save the day. They do have an RPG and a fuel truck at their disposal.
An interesting episode to say the least, and we finally found out what happened to Glenn!

Okay, That Was a Pretty Lame Way to Survive
A lot of people guessed that was how Glenn survived, but it was a pretty lame way for him to survive. Beyond that, it's not clear why the zombies just wandered off, did Enid possibly distract them? Either way, Glenn is alive and he's with Enid as they bond and try to get back to Alexandria. Glenn and Enid send up some green balloons to let everyone know they are alive and out there.

Arming Ron is a Bad Idea
Rick and Carl are teaching Ron to shoot without giving him bullets, but Ron snuck into the storage and got some bullets. Ron pulls a gun while walking behind Carl, this is not going to end well.

Spencer Does Dumb Stuff, Giving Rick a Revelation
Spencer decides to try to rappel from the wall to neighboring building, but nearly gets himself killed when the hook bends. Tara risks her life, holding on to the walls and shooting her pistol (ninja?!) to save him while Rick and the others pull him back up, unharmed. Rick later tells Deanna that he could have jumped over the walls and gotten a vehicle to lure off the horde, but did not, he tells her its because Spencer is her son...but she points out that isn't the real reason, it's because Rick considers the Alexandrians his people.

The Walls Come Tumblin' Down
The church that was hit by the truck falls over, destroying the walls, something that was hinted at all episode. Next episode looks like a desperate scramble for safety, Darryl, Abraham and Sasha are surely coming to the rescue but I fully expect that we'll see some casualties. It looks like an exciting finale, I'm pumped up for it.

If you read the comics, you know a few things that are about to/might happen.



If they do follow along the comics' storyline, you don't have to worry about Ron shooting Carl... but I am worried this is the last I might see Jessie. Alexandra Breckinridge is sooo cute!

This might be really brutal.
So did they just totally do away with zombies eating people? They ate Nick's guts, but looks to be about it. Then that guy with the fence, they just bit this shoulder? Lol.

What a ****ty episode in regards to Glenn, also dialogue between him and Enid. THE WORLD IS TRYING TO DIE. I'm a teenager and this is deep.

In their defense....that sounds exactly like something teenage me would have said, so in a certain sense that's good writing.
And now for something completely different! Okay, just kinda different. You guys have probably seen the ads for that Walking Dead mobile game, "No Man's Land", I decided to try it out and review it.

First, some quick technical info:
Played on: LG G4
Current Version:
Time Spent with the Game: Approximately 15 hours.
Available for: iOS and Android
Requires internet connection to play

What the Game Is
The game's ads don't make it abundantly clear, but the game is a "free to play" single player combination of turn-based combat and city builder game. There is a single player campaign with optional side missions to get materials and equipment, these materials can then be used at the base section of the game to upgrade characters, equipment and buildings.

How Does it Relate to the Show?
Aside from being set in the same world as the Walking Dead, quite frankly, it doesn't. The game starts with you controlling a group of three survivors captured in Terminus, when Terminus gets blown up by Carol, they manage to escape the train car they are in. In some initial cutscenes Darryl (aka Norman Reedus) shows up as a guide through the first chapter of the game, which is basically a tutorial, but doesn't show up again past that. You'll revisit some locations, such as Terminus and the prison, from the show, but mostly it's a separate storyline. As far as being emotionally similar to the show, the game definitely isn't like that, the characters you control are a lot like equipment in an RPG, they have a maximum and minimum level and stats detailing how powerful they are, once they are no longer powerful enough you'll "retire" them and never see them again. There is a storyline, but only the NPCs matter to that storyline while you observe in god-like fashion.

The actual game portion of the game is fairly simple, but engaging. The meat of the game is going on missions, turn-based scenarios to advance the story or get new resources and equipment. On every mission, you get to bring three survivors from your group, each of the survivors have different classes that determine what they can do, scouts use knives to quietly stab zombies in the head, while hunters use rifles that can shoot down zombies in a line. Every character has 2 "action points" that let them do something, attacking an enemy or interacting with an object ends their turn. Each mission has an objective, usually the objective is to simply open three boxes to get supplies, but most of the storyline missions have more interesting objectives or special obstacles to getting the supplies. The most interesting aspect of the missions relates to the use of guns. Just like in the show, shooting a gun alerts nearby zombies to your presence, attracting them, but even more interesting is the reinforcement counter. Every few turns, more zombies will show up, usually from the direction you entered the map in; using guns results in more and tougher zombies showing up, this can turn certain missions into a complete failure. Fortunately, if you screw up, your characters usually won't die, they'll simply be injured for a certain amount of time, the only exception being optional "deadly" missions for better gear. At the end of each mission you get to open 3 boxes, which will either contain resources or equipment. The gameplay isn't revolutionary or terribly complex, but it is fun if you like turn-based games.

Base building is where you'll generally spend the least amount of time, but it's important nonetheless. There are three basic resources, experience, supplies and gas and then two special ones, phones and gold. Gas is spent when you go on missions, it's essentially a stamina bar. Experience is what you use to upgrade your survivors and their equipment, phones let you recruit more survivors by "calling out" for them, while gold is the special "real money" resource. Supplies are needed to upgrade buildings, which lets you upgrade your characters and equipment more, store more gas to go on missions or get your wounded survivors healed faster on top of letting you get more supplies automatically. The base is built in a way similar to base builder games you may have played previously, every level of upgrade beyond the initial one takes more and more supplies and time to complete. The game does a good job of making things pretty easy to navigate around in the camp, the frequent things you might want to look at all have a button along the left side of the screen for easy access and the game lets you reorganize where your buildings are at will with the exception of mission car and the campfire (which is where you advance the main storyline).

What About the Free to Play Aspects?
Fortunately, No Man's Land isn't too much of a money grab, unless you're impatient. As long as you're keeping your mission car up to date, you'll usually have enough gas for at least 30 minutes of missions (once you add in needing to do stuff back at the camp). Gold, the pay to play resource, can be acquired in other ways, as mission rewards or by completing optional challenges and quests; and the only action that requires gold is opening up an additional slot for survivors. Gold can be used for just about everything if you want to though, it can cover a shortfall in resources or it can instantly complete an upgrade, so if you want to pay you can advance things extremely quickly. The game also presents you with another, non paying option to get extra resources, at the end of missions instead of paying 25 gold to open extra boxes, you can watch a 30 second ad (or just set the phone down and do something else for 30 seconds), you can also go to the "cinema" and watch ads to get extra resources outside of missions. Aside from the ad that pops up every time you login, I never felt like the game was being pushy about getting money from me.

The game does require an internet connection to play, primarily to prevent cheating, but unlike some always online games (looking at you, Diablo 3!) No Man's Land also uses that internet connection to do some good. Since you're always connected, every action is on the server, so if you have to stop in the middle of a mission, you can reconnect later and get right back into it, saving you time and frustration. If I'm not mistaken, the game also does some of the rendering on the server, it looks pretty good for a mobile game and it uses some ragdoll physics. This does mean that the game can't be played offline, which can be frustrating if you don't have the greatest mobile connection.

If you like turn-based strategy games and you don't tend to play mobile strategy games for hours, No Man's Land is a fun little mobile game. If you're looking for something you can play for hours on end you'll be disappointed. If you're looking for a video game based in the Walking Dead world with the same sort of emotional impact of the show, well you're probably better off playing Telltale Games' The Walking Dead game series.
Glenn lives. Meh.

The battle royale next week should make for a good action episode.

What's going on with Morgan's prisoner? Will they get intel from him?

"No Man's Land" sounds like a few of the zombie games available on Kongregate. "Rebuild" and "Rebuild 2" come to mind.
Rick made a mistake to give that lil goober a pistol. That is about to be a costly mistake.

Can anyone tell me was JSS stands for? I kept seeing what the young girl was writing, but I never could place where it came from.

I'm glad Glenn made the cut, but I was really hoping for more of a exciting rescue than that. Since when does the walkers turn their back on fresh meat?

I'm off next weekend and can watch it in real time. I started this off night with a hot pizza and 3-4 pulls of Kolsch on the keg. After this long weekend at work, it's nice to chill out to some walkers!

JSS= Just Survive Somehow

Hummm, I wonder what kinda looks I would get if I were to write that on the ambulance?

How long will be have to wait before the new episodes start back up? Maybe the Fear of The Walking Dead will pick up after next week.

Hummm, I wonder what kinda looks I would get if I were to write that on the ambulance?

How long will be have to wait before the new episodes start back up? Maybe the Fear of The Walking Dead will pick up after next week.


Glenn lives. Meh.

The battle royale next week should make for a good action episode.

What's going on with Morgan's prisoner? Will they get intel from him?

"No Man's Land" sounds like a few of the zombie games available on Kongregate. "Rebuild" and "Rebuild 2" come to mind.

No Man's Land is fairly different from Rebuild, I can't speak to Rebuild 2 but i did play 3, so assuming they're all relatively similar I'd say not quite. While in Rebuild combat and other things just happen when you assign people to it, No Man's Land is focused more on turn-based tactical combat, it's basically a shallower, free to play mobile version of X-Com, with zombies; your base building is just a way to power up your combat teams.

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