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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Do you have Austin Homebrew ship to your office so SWMBO doesn't find out?

I think I may have crossed the line into obsession. I bought my first Ale Pales in mid-October. Since then I have added a second glass Carboy, two more air locks (so I can have two brews going at the same time), build my own IC, brewed five batches (2 bottled, 1 secondary & 2 primary, two on the same day in fact) and have begun the quest to make a kegerator. In regards to the topic, I just ordered enough ingredients to make 2 more batches and used my work address as the shipping. I realize that this forum is a support group for homebrewers, but I think I might really need a literal support group.
Heck no. I just have it shipped to my house. I don't care if she finds out or not. Unlike some of the guys around here, I wear the pants in my family.

She can get happy in the same pants she gets pissed off in. When you've been married as long as I have you stop worrying about making her mad or not. If she gets mad about buying beer stuff so what ? If it wasn't that, she'd be mad about something else anyway.

You gotta get em trained, once they know what to expect they stop getting temporarily wildly angry and stay in a more stable state of permanent mild annoyance.
i was late to werk today because i found it is FAR too easy to drink when you've got a keg fridge. I must have had 7 glasses last night.


Nothing wrong with a little obsession IMO :)

you might be running into trouble if your girl catches you sneaking around with another "love", tho
No, of course not! I would never do that. I have it shipped to my home!

(But I'm usually at home during the day to grab it and get it to the basement really quick!) :D

At first, he always asked, "How much did THAT cost?" and "Do you really NEED that?". Now he just drinks the beer and doesn't say much. If he ever asked me how much I've spent over the past couple of years, though, I'd definitely not tell the truth!
Yeah once the brew gear collection reaches a certain size you can just throw the new stuff in there with it and it all looks the same to them anyway. She won't notice and extra carboy, and if she does - **** it who cares ?
You are all making me feel a little bit better. At least I have you guys if no one around me appreciates good beer. You are right. I shouldn't care if she knows. It's like her make-up, she doesn't need it but buys it anyway. Well, dammit... Beer is my Make-Up.

Metaphorically speaking of course. Or maybe genetically speaking...
Nope...she goes to the LHBS with me and we fight over who get to get the new gear THIS time!
I just brought this home the other day... SWMBO didn't say I word. I believe she is finally trained.

O Flan.... I just want to share a bit of personal information with you, I got a chubby right now because that the coolest thing I have ever heard/seen.

(edit) If that was the same poundage in hops I might have just passed out.
I am far from an expert on women, but I would be willing to bet that she would be more pissed if she found out you were sneaking it behind her back than she would be over the fact that you bought more stuff.
LostDakota said:
O Flan.... I just want to share a bit of personal information with you, I got a chubby right now because that the coolest thing I have ever heard/seen.

(edit) If that was the same poundage in hops I might have just passed out.

It gave me a chubbie when I picked it up, dude. No shame, no shame :mug:
cubbies said:
I am far from an expert on women, but I would be willing to bet that she would be more pissed if she found out you were sneaking it behind her back than she would be over the fact that you bought more stuff.

When it comes to women (and politics) the cover-up is often worse than the crime.
Mutilated1 said:
She can get happy in the same pants she gets pissed off in. When you've been married as long as I have you stop worrying about making her mad or not. If she gets mad about buying beer stuff so what ? If it wasn't that, she'd be mad about something else anyway.

Truth!! I'm 26, married for 8 going on 9 years in a month or two.. Ain't **** changed other than my pant size.

I order stuff to work though, for the sake of not missing work to sit around waiting for mail order to arrive.. :D
I could see having something delivered to work so that it doesn't sit unattened at your house for anyone to snatch up that feels like it. That's my biggest concern with UPS is that they just leave it on the doorstep.

Other than that, don't worry about her finding out. I'm sure she'd rather have you brewing at your place than hanging out at the strip clubs with your buds. Don't be afraid to casually mention that you are NOT doing that and it should change her perception of your hobby.
I have to agree, I think the being sneaky is worse than ordering the stuff.

I have my stuff shipped home since I found out UPS doesn't need a signature (I hate companies that require that!!!!!) and wouldn't dare hiding it from my wife. Hell, the wort chiller was on her card!

There's a sticky FAQ around here somewhere about sleeping in on brewday and the wife's beer is drinkable... I'm fast approaching that. She ran down the entire process to her mother. She messed up the kegging process though.

Which indicates to me that we need to brew more and keg it to learn her right!
Neomich said:
That's my biggest concern with UPS is that they just leave it on the doorstep.

Ironic that I had just posted about that but on the flipside... I like UPS a HELL of a lot more now that I found out that's an "optional" thing and not required.

However, if you know a package is coming you can call and have them hold it for you. You can also request they do something like put it at the BACK door. Myself, I'm quite happy having it dropped at my doorstep so I don't have to stay home from work to sign for it.
I rarely tell her what i am buying. I usually have a stash of secret cash lying around. I call it the "buy what ever the F i want and i dont have to tell you about it" stash.

This calander year i have spent our of our joint checking account (i know, how in the hell did i ever let that happen right. i wish i never had) a total of maybe 200 bucks. Secret cash...................maybe around 500. but you have to remember i enter a local comp 4 times a year that always gives me enough grain so i can make a batch for myself each time.
Never even dawned on me to hide anything. Can't imagine why I would. If there was a problem, I'd rather just have the fight and then carry on. Hell, when she goes to the city without me I call in my order and she picks it up. On the other side of the coin I don't hassle her about her hobbies. I have no idea how much they cost and I don't really care.

Life is good.
New to the brewing (actualy returning after some bad experience a few years back) Using just a basic kit which sure got eyebrows raised by SWMBO. But if flew because it was a wedding gift... that said... get in cahoots with some buddies. Give each other 'gifts' frequently. "Oh no dear, I didn't buy it, it was a gift from X"

Living in a 2bd condo, i don't see the brewing equip. collection growing too much :(
perhaps in the summer, hope to buy a house around then...

I think the brewing will pretty much stay under the radar. I've got a far more distracting addiction. Bikes (the ones you pedal) I own about 10 of em and a few sets of race wheels aside the normal ones... Brewing is a pretty cheep hobby in comparison, half my bikes are worth more then I bought my truck for. 2 sets of wheels too for that matter.

but can't wait for the new pad to get a good brew space. A big shed will be in the works pretty quick!

another way to keep SWMBO rational about the equipment... a starbucks trip daily will run you 1300 a year, going out to lunch at work, 2k. Brown bag it, drink the drip coffee and justify the conical! (which of course has some resale value)
I ship to work because someone is here to receive it. My wife is VERY supportive of my habit. Besides, she pays the bills, so there is no hiding it. The other thing is that I love raising people's eye brows when a bunch of boxes from some brew supply outfit arrives at work.
LostDakota said:
O Flan.... I just want to share a bit of personal information with you, I got a chubby right now because that the coolest thing I have ever heard/seen.

(edit) If that was the same poundage in hops I might have just passed out.
Funny... but oddly true!
Bernie Brewer said:
Yeah, right.
She just tells you which ones to put on in the morning.


how did you know ? ha ha ha

Actually, I put the pants on myself first and she matches the jacket to the pants.
Fingers said:
Never even dawned on me to hide anything. Can't imagine why I would. If there was a problem, I'd rather just have the fight and then carry on. Hell, when she goes to the city without me I call in my order and she picks it up. On the other side of the coin I don't hassle her about her hobbies. I have no idea how much they cost and I don't really care.

Life is good.
I agree !!!
The way finances work in my house is that there's 'us' money that we both contribute to - that pays the mortgage, utilities, goes to vacations, etc. Then she gets her money to spend and I get my money to spend.

I don't say anything about all of the damn shoes that she buys and she doesn't say anything about all of the damn brewing stuff that I buy.

Of course I do get the occasional eye roll when the UPS guy shows up with 150 pounds spread over 3 boxes. :drunk:

SWMO has finally stopped getting exticed when there is a box on the front porch. 99 times out 100 it's something brewing related for me.
Jesse17 said:
LostDakota said:
It's like her make-up, she doesn't need it but buys it anyway. Well, dammit... Beer is my Make-Up.

Just tell her: "You don't need to buy make-up, that's why I drink."

That's just f'n funny....

davefleck: <sigh>If only my buddies liked real beer</sigh>
I gotta say, I've experimented a little. I was spending a bit here and there and she caught wind of my "plans" and she blew a small gasket.... then she started paying attention to the "time" I spend. Poof there goes a medium gasket. It was about that time I had an ebay purchase mailed to my brew partner - her brother. Well it didn't take long and she found I was sneaking behind her back and that's when the big gasket went POW!

I can tell you all of my packages get delivered to the house now, and she knows about all my purchases before I enter the card number. Not only is she more agreeable now that I'm upfront, but I feel better about the whole thing as well.

If your SWMBO is still with you, chances are she wants to see you happy. If brewing makes you happy, she'll see that and want that for you, even if she hates the whole idea of home brewing.
Brewpastor said:
I ship to work because someone is here to receive it. My wife is VERY supportive of my habit. Besides, she pays the bills, so there is no hiding it. The other thing is that I love raising people's eye brows when a bunch of boxes from some brew supply outfit arrives at work.

I rarely have anything shipped to my house, I always ship it to work. I just don't want my stuff sitting outside all day since UselessPS is usually by around 10:30 or 11 in my neighborhood. And in all honesty, SWMBO doesn't really give a damn what I spend. I pay all the bills by default, and since she knows what a tightass I am I guess she figures if I'm buying stuff for beer, everything else must be paid for as well. (and it is)

BP, I too love the questions that a box from NB raises tho at work. ;)

Mutilated1 said:
Heck no. I just have it shipped to my house. I don't care if she finds out or not. Unlike some of the guys around here, I wear the pants in my family.

She can get happy in the same pants she gets pissed off in. When you've been married as long as I have you stop worrying about making her mad or not. If she gets mad about buying beer stuff so what ? If it wasn't that, she'd be mad about something else anyway.

You gotta get em trained, once they know what to expect they stop getting temporarily wildly angry and stay in a more stable state of permanent mild annoyance.

I LOVE this reply. Hah! Been married a while haven't you. Yep, doesn't matter they have to come home to the same place every night just like you. She ain't leaving you for some beer stuff so...........HAH! Makes me smile. yeah, she knows what you're doing. Just don't hide it from her. Happy wife, happy life.
( Can't get anything by a woman. )
Seabee John said:
If your SWMBO is still with you, chances are she wants to see you happy. If brewing makes you happy, she'll see that and want that for you, even if she hates the whole idea of home brewing.

Bingo! takes a while for guys to learn this.
When I would spend $1000.00 on an electric RC Helicopter some conversations went something like this........

Her: Why are you spending soooo much money on that stupid thing?
Me: Honey, I need an outlet, a hobby. Besides I am the one that makes the money.
Her: Well I just think you need to take that back right now.
Me getting a little upset now: I dont think so, I am the man in the house, I make the money, and therefore I wear the pants and make the decisions of this household.
Her, raising an eyebrow, and putting the hands on the hip: OH I agree, you make the money and you are the head of the house, and you do wear the pant in this family.
Me with a satisfied manly grin of victory: Thank you.
Her: And if you EVER want in my pants again, it goes back.
Me sheepsihly like a scolded dog: Yes Dear.

LOL, not quite this bad, but somedays, might as well be.
Sherpa FE said:
Her: And if you EVER want in my pants again, it goes back.
Me sheepsihly like a scolded dog: Yes Dear.

SHHHH!! There are SWMBO's out there that do read this forum from time to time.... we don't need to give them ideas....

Isn't that WHY we call them SWMBO's in the first place?
Seabee John said:
SHHHH!! There are SWMBO's out there that do read this forum from time to time.... we don't need to give them ideas....

Isn't that WHY we call them SWMBO's in the first place?

DOH!!! I forgot...

" waving hands wildly" Nothing to see here..move along, move along.
All my stuff goes comes to the house (or i buy it at the local shop). SWMBO doesn't really care (too much) because (as others have mentioned) I could be blowing way more money on other crap/hobbies. Homebrewing is a cheap hobby in comparision to most, and one gets beer out of it in the end.

I do get the occasional eye-roll when examining random items in a store for brewing tool potential (ooh look hon, that cooler would make a great mlt!), but she's very supportive, especially since she doesn't like beer and really doesn't like the smell of a brewery in her kitchen.

No matter what, she's screwed because she bought me the first kit and started me on this hobby/obsession so she only has herself to blame! Which I happily remind her whenever possible.
I'm lucky cause the wife knows how much I enjoy brewing. I don't hide anything. There are limits cause we are now barely fitting in our condo. Definitely need more space. I have my stuff shipped to work because I am a UPS man so I get it right in the morning and put the yeast and hops in my cooler.

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