Wife threatening for Glass Carboy!

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Active Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Central Oregon
So my wife is threatening that if she's going to drink my beer, she had better see it brewing in a glass carboy, not some plastic bucket.

I purchased a food quality bucket and I spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning and sanitizing it, and I'm absolutely certain that she's nuts to be concerned about plastic, but I'd like some backup.

What is the general consensus, though? Is there any reason why I should get a glass carboy over my plastic bucket? I have a whopping ONE batch under my belt (which I'm very pleased with, BTW... finishing off #1 tonight!) so now is a good time to make a change, IF I'm going to.

BigK is there actually a big difference between glass and plastic other than it would keep light away easier?
So my wife is threatening that if she's going to drink my beer, she had better see it brewing in a glass carboy, not some plastic bucket.

I purchased a food quality bucket and I spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning and sanitizing it, and I'm absolutely certain that she's nuts to be concerned about plastic, but I'd like some backup.

What is the general consensus, though? Is there any reason why I should get a glass carboy over my plastic bucket? I have a whopping ONE batch under my belt (which I'm very pleased with, BTW... finishing off #1 tonight!) so now is a good time to make a change, IF I'm going to.


First off don't fight your wife man if she's encouraging you to SPEND money on equipment!! Sooner or later she'll change her mind on that one!! But as to whether you can ferment in a bucket? I've done it my whole career and I've brewed well over 100 batches of beer... I secondary in glass but that's definitely not necessary! So to answer your question, Plastic is fine! But let your wife talk you into buying whatever she wants! You can always find a good use for it!!
Using the SWMBO excuse to ask if your plastic is ok...classic. This is a bit of a loaded question. Your bucket is perfectly fine. However, your gonna want another carboy anyways. But also...you may want to stick with the bucket so she wont drink any of your beer.
If your wife wants to watch, get her a carboy and let her. Most folks would be happy that their spouse wants them to buy more primaries. :D No reason you can't keep both the glass carboy and the bucket full at all times.
There is no good reason other than being able to watch it. I started backwards and brewed for 3 years using only glass carboys before I ever bought a bucket. Now I use which ever is handy.
Tell her that glass isn't any better than plastic and that what you really need is a stainless steel conical. :D
There's a debate going on in another thread about the use of glass. Lots of people are moving to plastic (Ale Pail or Better Bottle) for several reasons. Weight and breakablity are two of the biggest. I haven't personally broken a carboy, but plenty of folks have. Food grade plastic is perfectly acceptable for brewing. I have both, but only use my glass for secondary or long term bulk aging.

A bucket will work just as good as a carboy, but it is nice when you check on your beer to be able to see what it is doing without disturbing it.

Anyway, tell her you will get the carboy, but to make the beer taste better you also need a keggerator, kegs, etc.
There's a ton of info out there from both the petroleum/plastics industry telling you it's fine and the crazies telling you you'll go impotent or whatever from plastics. IIRC, plastics labeled as "food-grade" are either PETE (#1) or HDPE (#2). (But I think plastic wrap is PVC (#3).) PETE and HDPE should be fine for fermenting beer. The only thing of potential concern would be the somewhat low pH of the beer slowly leaching out biphenols or whatever, but most of the research says it's fine.

The only real concern with HDPE is oxygen permeability (PETE is fine), but most on here have said they've left beer in buckets for extended periods with no ill effects from oxidation.

Now, cooking in PETE/HDPE is also supposed to be OK and I've been assured by Igloo via email that hot liquids in their HDPE coolers is of no health concern. But, I guess I have a silly superstition about cooking in a petroleum product... which is why I use a stainless mash tun. But I do use Better Bottles (PETE) for all of my fermentation.
Over a loooooong time i here plastic will have some tatses stick to it but a good scrub can get all of that off. Instead of glass i would get a Better Botte...it won't break and you can still watch
Just between you and me, Cascadie, plastic is perfectly fine and glass is fine as well. But what to tell her is, there is indeed a MARKED difference in quality, so you will NEED another primary made of glass. Probably two.

Slight thread hijack; where do you buy your homebrew supplies? My mom and stepdad live in Prineville and my stepdad buys his stuff in Bend, but he's a horrible shopper and doesn't do any price comparisons.
So my wife is threatening that if she's going to drink my beer, she had better see it brewing in a glass carboy, not some plastic bucket.

I purchased a food quality bucket and I spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning and sanitizing it, and I'm absolutely certain that she's nuts to be concerned about plastic, but I'd like some backup.

What is the general consensus, though? Is there any reason why I should get a glass carboy over my plastic bucket? I have a whopping ONE batch under my belt (which I'm very pleased with, BTW... finishing off #1 tonight!) so now is a good time to make a change, IF I'm going to.


So your SHMBO is telling you that she will participate in your hobby and is forcing you to buy more equipment for it? Am I the only one NOT seeing a problem? Unless your really tight on funds, buy the carboy and have her drink away!
First: Pick your battles wisely my friend. Is this one worth it?

Second: When it comes to making your choice, take into account what things are most important for you and the people you will share your brew with.

For me, personally, I am not a fan of plastics and try to limit my use of them whenever I can. This is particularly true for me relative to my food. Most plastics that you will find that are marketed for brewing are more than likely "food grade." However, being ever sceptical of the governing bodies that make "grade" decisions, I choose to err on the side of caution (hell, there was a time when DDT was "food grade"). That and glass is just sexier, but stainless....now that's sexy AND SHINY!

My advice: Tell her that to be absolutely safe, and you are only concerned for her safety and well being at this point ;), you should actually invest in a stainless steel conical fermentor. :rockin:
Man, I can give you a lot of reason why glass is better o worst than plastic... But in fact they're all matter of personal taste.
So I must go +1 with DrinksWellWithOthers:

Tell her that glass isn't any better than plastic and that what you really need is a stainless steel conical. :D

It could be a 1 in a lifetime chance that you're missing there.:rockin::rockin::rockin:
There is a point to this story so hear me out.

When I was 17 I got my first digital camera. Of course being a teenager there very first thing I have to do is take naked pictures of my girlfriend. So after weeks of debating how to talk her into it, I ask.

Turns out she thinks this is a great idea. So yeah for me. When 'photo day' rolls around she now has all of these silly ideas of the posing, backdrop, and even the lighting. I do not care for these ideas because I am just looking for some pics to look at late at night, by myself, with the door locked. About 5 pictures in we start fighting about some stupid thing or another and 'photo day' is over.

The moral here is "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT WHEN YOU ARE GETTING WHAT YOU WANT!" And I remember this years later every time I look at those 5 pics.

It is my understanding that glass is better. They will last just about forever as long as you don't drop them. With that said I use plastic unless I have something that needs to be in secondary for a long time like a nice barleywine.

Plastic is easier to carry, clean, pour into, and much less likely to shatter when you drop it.
I have been using both, i like glass better than plastic, but you have to be careful when moving it. One drop and you have glass, beer, and blood everywhere. not a good combo. If you go with glass invest in milk crates to set them in for easier moving.
I use both glass carboys and buckets, and cannot tell a difference. My girlfriend insisted early on that I only use glass. I told her that I would gladly do so if she did the carrying of full carboys up and down the basement stairs, and if she did all the cleaning of the carboys. I haven't heard a peep from her since.
I'm gonna take a different angle, here. Call me crazy, if you like.

It sounds like you don't have to share your hard-brewed beer with your wife. :D

I'm gonna take a different angle, here. Call me crazy, if you like.

It sounds like you don't have to share your hard-brewed beer with your wife. :D


This is very true, Especially when starting out. Until you get a pipeline, I've yet to, sharing sucks. My brother and sister-n0law keep asking when they can try my beer. I keep telling them I've not made something good I want to promote yet. Sort of true. Everything, besides 1 batch out of my 8, have been drinkable and drank or currently drinking. I won't feel comfortable sharing until I have 3 kegs on tap, 2 more conditioning and at least 2 cases of bottles.

But definitely go with the Better Bottle, Safer than glass and you get to watch. Plus if you drop it, You still have a perfectly useable better bottle. If you drop a glass one, Once you get home from the hospital you will have no carboy to ferment in or money left to replace it! On that note I have 2 glass ones. :drunk: They were cheaper than BBs at the time. My next fermenters will be BBs though until I reach conical level.
If she is worried about health concerns fermenting the beer in plastic, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think the HDPE that most Ale Pails are made of is the same plastic that you buy your milk in everyday... I want to say #2? Plastic is everywhere... no escaping it.
OK, I would have posted sooner but after following the link it took me 5 minutes to pry my hands from under my armpits!

Is this a frequent occurrence? I have a single 5 gallon glass carboy and I'd like to retain the use of all digits!
Sheesh, I know the feeling. As one who has cut myself badly many times, reading that link just gives me the shivers. I honestly had to stop halfway through. I have a carboy carrier and a milk crate for my carboys and I'm super careful, I did bounce one off the bathtub while rinsing once and I got lucky cause it didn't break, but I've been a little worried that I weakened it and now it could break anytime without warning. That one will never leave the milk crate.
It could be a 1 in a lifetime chance that you're missing there.:rockin::rockin::rockin:

Gotta agree with that one! You are lucky, friend, that your wife wants to be involved in any way. Glass is great if you are CAREFUL and take your time moving it.

Besides, once you hypnotize her with the "yeast blizzard", you can probably get all kinds of fun things out of her. More equipment upgrades...free golfing day with your buddies...naked pictures... "You are getting verrry sleeeeepy..." :)

OMG the story about the pics is priceless. Post them.

I can't bring myself to read the post about the broken bottle now having read the few following posts, since I have my own broken bottle story. My grandfather had a big Jim Beam promotional bottle in the garage (which would be worth a fortune today, I bet) and the top broke off when I picked it up, cutting half way through my thumb.

I am going to brew either the EdWort Apfelwein or a Gluten Free beer this weekend with my little sis, and I'm pretty much decided on a Better Bottle after reading all this and the Better Bottle web site. Thanks for all the great humor and suggestions!! :mug:

Someone asked about where I buy my supplies and I do buy them at the BrewShop on Division Street in Bend. Tom is a good guy, very laid back and helpful. He carries the Better Bottle too, and he's got a reasonable price on them.

And I am very lucky that my wife supports my hobbies, the funny thing is that she has since started a diet that restricts her from using any yeast! ROTFL

I had to post back to this with this update!

I got talking to my neighbor about 20 minutes ago, and eventually I told him I had started brewing my own beer, and he practically jumps out of his shoes and says "OH! Come and take all my beer making stuff!!". LOL! I've been ready to go out and get a BB carboy and he has a glass one next door to give me! He also gave me another plastic bucket, 2 airlocks, hoses, and about 4 cases of 22oz bottles!

I've been advertising on Craig's List for about 3 weeks looking for stuff and it falls in my lap! WOOOOT!

Nice score. Funny how that happens sometimes. I was telling my friends how I picked up a few carboys on CL and the next day I got 4 more from them that they had laying around their home or work for free.

I'd give everything a good soaking with some Oxyclean and I'd ditch the hoses. They're cheap enough to replace anyways.
I had to post back to this with this update!

I got talking to my neighbor about 20 minutes ago, and eventually I told him I had started brewing my own beer, and he practically jumps out of his shoes and says "OH! Come and take all my beer making stuff!!". LOL! I've been ready to go out and get a BB carboy and he has a glass one next door to give me! He also gave me another plastic bucket, 2 airlocks, hoses, and about 4 cases of 22oz bottles!

I've been advertising on Craig's List for about 3 weeks looking for stuff and it falls in my lap! WOOOOT!


Score!! I think that means you were meant to be a brewer! :mug:
