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  1. day_trippr

    Deciphering Hop Dates on packages

    I've only bought a few pounds from Artisan and don't really think I can decipher their package codes. The pound of Cluster pellets I bought this winter has a "Batch Code" of 58348 which means bupkiss to me. Artisan is owned by Morebeer and can be found under You could shoot...
  2. day_trippr

    Gardening 2024 - Whatcha got going on this year?

    A little freaky, but bottom line answer is: yes
  3. day_trippr

    Even more equally Obnoxious Basketball Trash Talk Thread!!!!

    Celtics had their way with Dallas in the Garden tonight, winning Game 1 of the NBA Finals 107-89 in "never in doubt" fashion.
  4. day_trippr

    What are you drinking now?

  5. day_trippr

    Roasting Quaker Old Fashion Oats?

    I would think toasting would actually attenuate fermentability as in general the darker the grain the less fermentable... Cheers!
  6. day_trippr

    Spot the Space Station

    I appreciate iterative design - and "fly it and see what happens" seat of the pants stuff (often just for public consumption) - and found this launch to be highly interesting from many aspects. Obviously there were improvements over prior launches, but just as clearly there's a long row to hoe...
  7. day_trippr

    What I did for beer today

    Those look like Day Zero hoses from here! 😁
  8. day_trippr

    Must see YouTube Clips

    More words to live by. Trucker or four-wheeler, pass - or gtfo of the way! :rock:
  9. day_trippr

    Spot the Space Station

    Gotta love the Onion 😂
  10. day_trippr

    Random Picture Thread

    Only to another frog :oops:
  11. day_trippr

    Temp Controller With Schedule

    Good find! Williams is at least as respectable as Morebeer and that price would be about right when including transport, etc... Cheers!
  12. day_trippr

    Spot the Space Station

    I would say, however, that there is a lot of work to do before this system is truly viable. Can't have primary flight controls burning like that, for instance :oops: I expect many more test flights before anything remotely practical is done with it (probably a crapton of Starlink deployment...
  13. day_trippr

    Temp Controller With Schedule

    Morebeer is selling the MK II controller - for 75USD. Considering it sells in Australia for only 49AUD - which today is under 33USD - Morebeer is really flogging the customer. Too bad. At that price one might consider the Rapt Digital Temperature Controller which is on sale for 75USD (it's...
  14. day_trippr

    Random Drunken Thoughts Thread

    A belly button is really just a scar from getting into a knife fight with a masked person who just evicted you from your first home.