Are these cornies worth getting?

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
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After scouring craigslist for weeks, I finally came across some cornies.


They look pretty beat, but I don't see how that affects the functionality.

The guy is asking 40 for the both of them.

I haven't done any kegging at all yet so I'm a total n00b at this. Does anyone see anything glaringly wrong with these things? Also, are they ball or pin lock?

Thanks all :mug:
Pin locks go for a little cheaper, if they are clean inside it's not a bad deal... outside can always be cleaned up. Replace all the rings when you get them. Me, I'd offer $20.
Man, they're dirty! Looks like they have been through a flood or so. All that mud on them.

They do look like pinlocks. Pinlocks have protrusions (pins) on the sides of the posts. Street price is usually $25-40 each, in working condition. The one on the right, is that missing a pressure relief valve or is it a lid without one? You can do without, just push the gas side poppet down or use an open gas QD to vent.

Do they have pressure on them now? As long as they seal they should be fine.
And definitely check them inside. Make sure the dip tubes are there and the long ones aren't kinked or sawed off.
It may take a bit of effort to clean, and the inside is harder.

Definitely negotiate, say $25-30 for the pair if they need a lot of work or parts.

Also consider if you want the end up with mixed kegs, pin and ball locks at a later time. Ball locks are a bit more desirable, but pinlocks can be had cheaper.
Defenetly pin locks, bring your co2 tank and check them for leaks but once cleaned they are probably fine!
Defenetly pin locks, bring your co2 tank and check them for leaks but once cleaned they are probably fine!

This and if you do not have a CO2 tank and he doesn't then offer no more than $25 per. Chances are the leaks are easily fixed.

You will need a few sets of o-rings and I would replace the poppets. I would buy a dip tube brush and use that liberally on the dip tube as well. An overnight soak in hot PBW water (which obviously will cool off over night, replaced o-rings, soak everything else small in PBW or oxyclean, and you're golden. Clean the outside but I don't see my kegs so if they're scuffed, I do not care.

Check the handles. Loose handles can be fixed with gorilla glue, but these things drive prices down. For those though, I would not buy them for more than $30 but offer $25.
wow you guys drive hard bargains. If they seal, I think 20 a keg is a smoking deal dirty or not. But thats here in california.
$20 is a sweet deal as long as the inside looks clean and it holds pressure. To avoid having a mix of ball lock and pin lock kegs, you can always buy a conversion kit which replaces the pin lock posts with ball lock posts. Just be sure you get the correct conversion kit for the specific type of pin lock keg you buy. You can also buy replacement lids with pressure relief valves since pin lock kegs do not come with valves you can open.
That's too bad about being pin lock, I've been holding out for ball locks, but beggars can't be choosers I guess :p

I don't have a c02 tank so I'd have to ask him about holding pressure.

One thing the ad said was that the kegs are "good for rat rods,etc"
I'm just guessing they weren't used for beer or soda in the past :p

What pieces of a keg are pricey to replace? I'm not sure what to look for with these things, but it seems that the dip tubes and pressure relief valves are the biggies.
If he said rat rod they might have been used as fuel cells. Be careful about that. Sure you can clean them out but you'll have to pay a bit more attention to get out all the oils and petroleum based aroma.
They look like converted pin locks, they are shorter and fatter than ball lock kegs and the posts are closer where ball locks are opposite of each other. I think $40 is a fair price, personally.
If they were ever used to hold anything that you shouldn't ingest, then you should not buy them, in my opinion. People have used corny kegs to hold and spray all kinds of nasty stuff. Pesticides, bug spray, solvents, etc. Be wary.
Bah, looks like they got taken up. Probably just as well, especially if they held fuel.

Thanks for taking the time :mug: