The Walking dead

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That whole thing with Jadis and Negan was stupid. When you have Negan, you kill Negan. You don't make some elaborate and overly emotional plan to kill Negan. You just straight up kill him. You damn sure don't fall for his domestic abuse apology BS and let him go. He should have Glened her right there where she sat. Blood splatter and brains all over the photographs. I don't care about well it turns out Negan is going to... Whatever.
Never really cared for any zombie movies in theaters or on TV, but AMC's "Walking Dead" was different. It was the actors, pure and simple.

Early on there was great character development and evolution as people worked together, but now the rivalry and conflict is what's driving the show - and driving me away.
Sort of lame.
As far as Negan is concerned, the episode echoed the comic series. Some good stuff, some bad stuff.
They are setting up confrontation between Rick and Maggie later on over Negan's fate. She wants him dead in revenge for what he did to Glenn, which is understandable, but there are rumors her character will be written out over contract disagreements.
This will probably be the last regular episode I bother watching. Bob Kirkman and his writers have deviated from the comic series far too much for my liking and the inter-clan politicking and rivalry wore on my patience. For those of you who like "Fear The Walking Dead", enjoy it for me. I won't be watching that, either. Never have and don't intend to start now.
At this point I think Fear is the better show.

These days it seems most post-apocalyptic shows skip the actual apocalypse (TWD skipped it, as did Falling Skies), but Fear showed the SHTF
I like how it all turned out. After the long dragging first half of the season, they successfully regained my interest recently in the second half and season finale. I'll keep on watching. I think it's come around again. I appreciated the "David & Goliath" moment where Rick shockingly slits Negan with a friggin piece of broken glass! No huge cliffhangers, though, which could be problematic if they want to retain their remaining audience. Just the one little thing...

I don't understand why Maggie confides in Jesus (the character, not God). Jesus has been questioning her decisions and going his own way regularly. Daryl, maybe I can kind of understand. Speaking of which...

And boy... Daryl's character sure has been neglected this past season. The show needs more Daryl, dammit! Or else we riot!! ;)
Some of my noticed unexpected sequences in the finale ...

* Eugene slipping the double base magnum powder into the booby-trapped non-SAAMI reloads he was supervising and everyone toppling like Hollyweird dominos. Maybe the first rounds in the magazines were squibs followed by Morton Thiokol dry solid booster fuel, who knows? Evidently competent QA is a half-blind Gabriel and reloaders are scarce when SHTF in the Pokky-clipse.
* Daryl sparing Dwight.
* Negan surviving a slashed throat and being able to talk.
* Eugene NOT getting kicked in the nards, but getting sucker punched instead.
FTWD had quite the interested episode tonight, and in the interest of NOT starting a new thread I suppose we can discuss here.



When you don't have the crutch of comics (?) you can write whatever the deuce you want as you saw in tonight's episode.
Last episode FTWD was one of the best either show has put out in some time. A little confusing to follow when you're balls deep in a few beers, but otherwise very good!
I've enjoyed this season of FTWD.

I hope they move the plot along now, rather than fill time with back stories.
I can’t freaking believe they killed off Nick! I haven’t watched last weeks episode so idk what happened next but really? To me that’s like killing off Daryl in TWD. I am pretty much ready for TWD to end and I think if Daryl died the show would lose a large fan base. I used to like FTWD but it’s starting to get more like TWD and I’m losing interest, especially now that Nick just randomly got killed off.
I can’t freaking believe they killed off Nick! I haven’t watched last weeks episode so idk what happened next but really? To me that’s like killing off Daryl in TWD. I am pretty much ready for TWD to end and I think if Daryl died the show would lose a large fan base. I used to like FTWD but it’s starting to get more like TWD and I’m losing interest, especially now that Nick just randomly got killed off.

It's nice that they don't need to follow some "rules" like TWD more-or-less does...or rather, chooses to.
He wanted off the show. They said that they wouldn't have killed him off otherwise.

Spoilers aren't as bad as the guys that read the comic books speculating on what was going to happen on TWD.

BTW, that is what makes this show watchable. No fvcking comic book to follow.
Well it’s not like I said that a little girl shot him out of revenge for killing her surrogate father figure with deer antlers....oh yeah I just said that.
I like the show but it is becoming more of the same old “my clan is gonna kill your clan but not until after you kill one of our people and run us out of our town” next thing you know they will catch the opposing clan leader and just before they kill him he will escape and then the show takes a break for a few months.
I like the show but it is becoming more of the same old “my clan is gonna kill your clan but not until after you kill one of our people and run us out of our town” next thing you know they will catch the opposing clan leader and just before they kill him he will escape and then the show takes a break for a few months.

Yep. A likely scenario. If that happens I will quit watching. Again.
I think Nicks mom got killed by the rival clan at the baseball stadium but I also think that maybe that’s what they want you to think and she might actually be alive....
I met (read: saw) Nick's Mom in the Delta lounge at LAX about two months ago :)

We exchanged a few words.

Y'all ever watch Z Nation? Z Weed. Yeah.

Z Nation was a silly, fun show, but in the last couple of seasons it has started to take itself more seriously. I liked the earlier seasons better, but I do DVR it and watch it. I still enjoy it for a pure goofy Zombie fix more than The Walking Dead and most of Fear the Walking Dead, though
Wife and I can’t make it through an episode anymore. The show has turned awful. I think they should all make a suicide pact.

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