
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. LTBradley

    Strawberry Ginger Saison

    Greetings! I've been researching recipes and guides for a strawberry saison I'm looking to brew for a competition in 2020. I'm very much still in the planning stage right now, but I'd like some ideas about using ginger and honey with this recipe. Currently, I'm working off a recipe that I found...
  2. Sonesen

    Bottle conditioning

    Hey folks, got a 14.5% wine that i'm ready to bottle. Has a boozy taste, not yeasty or fizzy. to my understand bottling and time will help that. how long do you think? 6 month in 750ml bottles? was a 6 gallon batch - Blood orange.
  3. mspoljoric

    Blueberry Wine Backfill

    Hey Everybody! I started a blueberry wine about a month ago. When I went to rack it I lost about a 1/2 gallon of wine after removing sentiment and pulp, Should I add a 3:1 grape concentrate to refill the demijohn or should I just leave it? The taste is pretty good and I didn't know if I...
  4. V

    Help? Maybe?

    I started a one gallon batch of mead last night. It is my first time, woke up this morning to look at it pictures to show, is something wrong with it? Do I need to fix it? How do I fix it? What went wrong if anything?
  5. Gregory T

    BIAB and Water PH

    I have a PH question on BIAB. I brew mostly blonde beers and PH seems to be a challenge with BIAB. I use brewers friend. A recipe with 9 lb German - Extra Pale Premium Pilsner Malt 1 lb German - Vienna 0.5 lb Belgian - Biscuit 0.25 lb German - Melanoidin 1 lb Belgian Candi...
  6. smirdok

    Help w/ Off Flavor in multiple beers, across multiple batches

    Hello to all! I thought after many trial and error, frustration, and many "sentence enhancer" words, I would finally post my problem to see if anyone could help Dx my off flavor. First, I've been brewing for a number of years now from extract, partial, to all grain. I use a 16 gal pot with a...
  7. T

    Help with first time build

    I finally finished my kegerator build last night, only to wake up this morning to find that the compressor went out on the old mini fridge I was using overnight. Today, I went to bestbuy and bought a Frigidaire model FFPE4533UM, to try and get things going again since I have a full, pressurized...
  8. C

    Pulled a total rookie mistake...need advice

    I got a used conical and used it for the first time recently. Beer had fermented out and had a blowoff tube in a bucket of StarSan, about half a gallon of sanitizer. I opened the bottom value to dump the trub and forgot to removed the blowoff tube from the StarSan. Yup, I created a vacuum and...
  9. michio

    Mead taste good, smells awful. suggestions?

    Hey Y'all My watermelon mead wasn't (link) a complete disaster. The taste came out tasting, like watermelons of course but the smell is awful. It smells like bad watermelon or a dirty shoe and smell is sort of apart of taste. No bacteria growth as far as i can tell. Good clarity and Fermented...
  10. G

    Help! What apples do I have?

    What apples do I have on this tree? And any tips for making cider with them? Cheers!
  11. Ritsuko Akagi

    Fermentation only taking four days?

    I am trying to make my first batch of cider and every thing I read said fermentation should take about two weeks. I have my first batch of five gallons of cider The bubbling stopped after only about four day so I opened it up checked it today it was flat no bubbling. The initial gravity rating...
  12. Denny G

    Have a Question

    Hello all I'm new to Homebrew and need some help and not sure where to ask my question. I was searching on the web to find out how to make the adjustment to the thermostat on my Nostaigia KRS2100. As it has been running for 4 days with a 1/4 keg and the temperature only gets in the low 40's...
  13. B

    How to judge a SMaSH comp?

    Hey guys, So I'm running a Homebrew Club, and for the last year and a bit we've been having competitions bi-monthly on a given style. We've been judging these based on BJCP standards, with the idea that it could help us learn and edit our beers to get better and possibly enter in regional...
  14. K

    Assistance/Input about backsweetining

    Hello all, just signed up to the site as I was hoping to get some input. I have been homebrewing cider for a few months and have been using the same recipe, very simple setup, so far my friends and I have really enjoyed the cider I produce but this batch I wanted to change up the...
  15. Beersiden

    I NEED 12 oz boston round glass bottles

    I have been searching everywhere for them and only need 2 or so cases but i can not find them and the few places who i have found to have them want to sell me hundreds if not thousands of bottles. If anyone has information on this it would be much appreciated. I live in the lower 48 of the USA.
  16. C

    I used 2oz of 10+% AA hops in the boil and my beer is NOT bitter - Help?

    I have been having the same issue with my home brews from day one - almost Zero perceived hop bitterness. I have tried boiling longer, harder, cooler, shorter, dry hop, whirlpool, you name in and still I sit here with a beer that is good but not great. I am finally of the opinion that my water...
  17. M

    Infected or yeast pockets?

    Hello! Super new home brewer (only 3rd brew). I brewed an oatmeal stout back in around November. I moved it to the second fermentation in December. I’ve heard of most people keep stouts in longer, so I was just getting ready to bottle it and saw these bubbles on the surface. I tried looking up...
  18. T

    Looking for SCOBY love in NYC

    Hello! I'm new to brewing Kombucha and am really excited to start and learn as I go! I was really wanting to see if there was anyone from NYC that could donate/or I can buy a Scoby to help get me started. Just was really hoping to get a scoby from a actual person rather than ordering online...
  19. MaxTheSpy

    Faulty Readings?

    I've been using Tilt to log my SG and temperature for the last 6 days of my brew and Its been working amazingly well except for a few spots with notes over them Blue is Sg and Red is Temp. There are two blue peaks that I have no idea what happened with. Do any of you have any ideas of what is...
  20. MaxTheSpy

    Starting A Website, Need helpful eyes.

    Im starting a website so that I can document everything and hopefully get my friends and family into making mead as well, I have a page with a how to make mead section and I was wondering if you all could look it over and give me some suggestions on how to make it better or more accurate? Here...